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Top 19 Accent Chairs That Blend Looks With Comfort

Chairs….we know a lot about them since they’re basically in every home but there’s always so much t be surprised by when it comes to their designs or even the椅子的类型that one can choose from.

Accent Chairs

Today we want to talk about that one chair that’s special, that stands out from all the others, that has its own special place in your home. We’ll look at a few designs and options and we’ll try to offer you some suggestions in terms of how you can make the most of each accent chair.

Accent Chairs With Cool Design


Archibald Gran Comfort Poltronafrau 在画廊中查看

有很多的舒适的椅子out there and while some only offer the illusion of comfort by looking cozy, the ones that we’re interested in take things further and are created with this specific detail in mind. One of these options is theArchibald Gran ComfortJean-Marie Massaud设计的休息室椅子。如果您想设置一个,这是最好的选择之一cozy reading corner


Velvet Cloud Armchair Design 在画廊中查看

Cloud Armchairdesigned by Massimo Castagna is very comfortable as well. This is a chair made with non-deformable polyurethane foam in different densities combined with polyester fiber and a wooden structure that’s completely hidden. The chair has small wooden feet with a black lacquer finish which are basically impossible to spot. The chair thus appears to be floating which greatly complements its robustness.


Sitia Fixus扶手椅带电线框架 在画廊中查看

When it comes toaccent chairs,这个想法是,它们是奇异的,并通过其设计与房屋中的其他椅子脱颖而出,这些设计无缝地将外观与舒适结合在一起。一个这样的例子是Ficus椅子。它具有干净,时尚的设计,带有薄金属底座和一个以人体为生的起伏的座椅。这就像坐在花朵上。


Quinaquina swivel chair 在画廊中查看

这role of an accent role in some cases is to become a visual focal point for the space and to direct the attention towards a particular spot. Sometimes that is ensured by a design that’s sculptural and just a little bit theatrical, like that of theQuinaquina椅子。It’s a swivel chair with a circular wooden base and an octagonal body.

A fun pattern on a classic shape

五颜六色的菲奥娜椅子设计 在画廊中查看

设计Doloreschair is inspired by Italian furniture from the 1960s. This gives the chair a classy and elegant look which in this case also has a casual and funky vibe. The chair features a solid beech wood frame and a cushioned seat with curving back and arm rests combined into a single upholstered panel. The multicolored velvet upholstery is eye-catching in its own quirky way.

Fringes are back in style

Munna Fringes Armchair with Ottoman 在画廊中查看

很难说是什么cool chairslook cool in the first place, mostly because there are so many different possibilities and so many little details capable of giving that impression. For theFringes扶手椅显然必须是边缘。但是,没有任何椅子可以脱颖而出,这意味着在整个设计的背景下查看此设计细节很重要。


Munna的Paraire低位椅子 在画廊中查看

Polairechair has its own way of being special. Its uniqueness comes from the fact that the backrest has this slit down the center which basically splits it into two separate halves. It’s definitely an unusual way of suggesting the idea of comfort but it actually works. Moreover, this unexpected design detail makes this piece a great candidate for the title of cool accent chair. The fact that the tapered legs match the color of the upholstery is pretty nice and quirky too.

Simple but not without character

charles burnand Cinova 在画廊中查看


Comfort and looks combined

Gleda High Chair from Benchmark 在画廊中查看

Gleda High Chair以另一种方式脱颖而出。这是一把重音椅,看起来轻巧,苗条,超级舒适。它实际上有三个版本:低,中或高的靠背。我们绝对喜欢它的永恒而优雅的设计,光滑的边缘,曲线和由实心橡木制成的雕塑框架。正确的黄铜导轨也是一个非常酷的细节。垫子有织物或皮革,您可以从总体上选择各种组合。

An armless chair that makes a statement

GLEDA培养基Chair 在画廊中查看

This is theGLEDA培养基chair, a version of the one showed just before this. As its big brother, this version of the Gleda chair has a frame made of solid oak. It lacks the armrests and the brass rail and this gives it a light and cozy look. The leather cushions match the frame in terms of color and give the chair an elegant and refined appearance. Other options are available too.

Velvet makes color stand out

Velvet makes color stand out 在画廊中查看

天鹅绒distinctivel是一个非常富有的物质y soft and unique texture. It’s easy to be mesmerized by its beauty, especially when it’s paired with a vibrant and beautiful color like those available for this elegant armchair byMercury Row。You can get it in orange, dark blue, teal, yellow and also dark gray. It has a wide seat, a tufted back cushion and small tapered legs that complement its rather robust shape.


多功能且非常时尚的口音椅 在画廊中查看

Versatility is often a very important factor when picking an accent chair, mostly because this is meant to be a piece of furniture that stands out and contrasts with everything else but that can also be moved around and used in a variety of different situations.这利亚姆椅子无论您想享受读书的宁静时刻,还是只想让沙发上的大胆和别致的东西放在书中,都可以成为一个很棒的伴侣。

Mid-century modern vibes

Mid century modern vibes 在画廊中查看

尤其是中世纪的现代家具和椅子,有一些非常吸引人的东西。他们具有这种优雅和优雅,使他们能够脱颖而出,但与此同时,它们被设计为舒适和实用。您今天可以找到的一个可爱的例子是布拉德肖休息室椅子。It has a curved back and a very elegant frame made of walnut wood.

Contemporary with retro vibes

Contemporary with retro vibes 在画廊中查看

很容易想象Albertson armchair在各种不同的环境和装饰中。它可以在现代客厅里看着家,但在农舍启发的卧室,beplay平台没信用甚至在更复古的背景下同样美丽。它具有黑色粉末涂层的框架,可轻巧,但也为其设计增添了一些工业风格。

A casual and artistic approach

A casual and artistic approach 在画廊中查看

邓莫尔椅子is quite unusual. It has a distinctively more casual appearance compared to a classic armchair for example but at the same time it has a sophisticated look. At first, the design may seem simple more than anything else but at a closer look, it become apparent that every little detail is intentional and carefully thought through. It also has a very boho aesthetic.

A contrasting design

A contrasting design 在画廊中查看

看着Richview chair立即引人注目的是框架,座椅和靠背的设计根本不同。这是一个无臂椅,为设计增添了另一个有趣的点。与金属框架和腿非常光滑和苗条相比,簇绒的外壳确实很健壮。


简单但非常诱人的外观 在画廊中查看

它可能不突出起初鉴于其早熟的r simple and classic design but the雅西扶手椅绝对给人留下了深刻的印象。它的秘密是它的超舒适和宽阔的座椅,并由细长的金属腿和低矮的扶手补充。天鹅绒式内饰非常适合如此诱人而优雅的作品。

A great statement piece

A great statement piece 在画廊中查看

If you want an armchair that stands out as soon as you lay eyes on it, one with a less than common shape and design would be just right. TheLilly armchair当然会发表声明。它具有如此独特的几何形状,让人想起一朵精致的花或壮丽的牡蛎。此外,天鹅绒的内饰和宏伟的颜色会带来更多的帮助。


标志性的设计 在画廊中查看

Modeled after an iconic piece of mid-century furniture, theAlmodovar休息室椅子具有独特而精致的美学,由轻巧和优雅定义。它有一个弯曲的,宽阔的座椅,只有三个腿,而且看起来也很宏伟。它的雕塑设计非常优雅,但也保留了一个非常不错的简单性。
