How to Achieve an Eclectic Style

A style that is genuinely eclectic is difficult to desegregate and categorize and classify. Eclectic style, by definition, is one that mixes and matches, breaks the rules, embraces contemporary and vintage, is subtle and showoff.

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Someone who’s drawn to the eclectic is someone who appreciates the beauty of a treasured item, who gravitates toward the unique and extraordinary. Eclectic style, for all its outward confidence, is deeply personal.

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Although the style itself embraces concepts such as, “rules are made to be broken,” and “if you love it, show it.” But this doesn’t mean that successful eclectic spaces are chaotic and completely random. Most use an ironic balance of genre, form, color, and pattern to create a delightfully eclectic cohesive space. Although all cases are different (which is the beauty of eclectic style!), here are some thought processes to consider in creating your own personal eclectic living space.

Modern Eclectic.

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Eclectic spaces that are built around a foundation of contemporary pieces are called modern eclectic. They are a far cry from classic modern style, because there is always a unique twist added to the space to bring out an eclectic appeal. Say your space has modern lighting, chairs, and accessories at its core. The eclectic twist could be a traditional touch or two, such as a comfortable sofa with softened edges and some stained glass.

Sophisticated Eclectic.

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An elegant and sophisticated space at heart can be formal or intimidating. But a sophisticated eclectic space is welcoming and charming. If you have a taste for finer furnishings – the curves of a French slipper chair, for example – but eschew the inherent formality of a space made up entirely of such pieces, consider creating a sophisticated eclectic space. Mix furnishings

Everyday Eclectic.

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What if you just like stuff that’s neither super contemporary nor greatly worn? Somewhere in the middle? I call this middle ground “everyday eclectic.” Still inherently stylish and edited, the everyday eclectic space is a combination of interesting pieces that don’t sway too far one way or the other, in color contrast or genre differences. Everyday eclectic style is more subtle than other eclectic versions – framed pieces may have dissimilarities in content and style and mediums, for example, but they are displayed in such a cohesive way that they seem meant for each other.


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Pink additions to the Marrickville House 视图中胆ery

Finally, we come to vintage eclectic. This style is looser than the other versions of eclectic décor. Vintage eclectic thrives on the absolutely unexpected. Here you can mix patterns with reckless abandon, juxtapose pieces that have very little in common, and introduce the very high-end with the very humble. Don’t let the space become a catch-all for junk, though. Keep the things that you love well-edited and balanced. Leggy furnishings can balance out sturdier, chunkier pieces; warm wood tones can ground the very colorful; and an array of mixed colors and patterns can share common tones.

Picture sources:1,2,3,4,5,6and7.
