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Of course,制作披萨并不总是那么容易,拥有合适的烤箱是可能制造或破坏它的一部分。因此,没有太多延迟,让我们谈谈后院披萨烤箱s:如何选择它们,为什么需要它们以及哪些产品值得购买。

How to Choose


  • 披萨烤箱的大小应该在您的购物决定中起重要作用,因为小家庭不需要大型烤箱,有些人甚至可能没有空间。小披萨烤箱宽26英寸,一次可以安装一个小比萨饼,中型烤箱约27至33英寸,最多可烹饪4个12英寸的比萨饼,大披萨烤箱在34和34和34之间宽度为42英寸,甚至可以立即容纳6个12英寸的比萨饼,而XL烤箱的宽度大于43英寸,可以同时烹饪一堆披萨。
  • Pizza ovens are also divided according to their class and knowing these classes can help you determine which one suits you best. You have economy pizza ovens (usually portable models, with a small cooking area), practical ovens (budget-oriented products), premium pizza ovens (more versatile and made from commercial-grade stainless steel), and luxury ovens (for those of you looking to make perfect pizzas every time, constructed with high-quality materials).
  • 披萨烤箱的建造也是需要更多信息和研究的一章。您在市场上会发现的大多数披萨烤箱通常都具有耐火水泥的内饰和弯曲的外部。价格较低的钢制成的钢制成的钢通常是用不锈钢制成的,因为它更耐用。至于烤箱的内部,您可以在带有单个浇注水泥圆顶的烤箱,钢制结构或具有难治瓷砖地板的钢体之间进行选择。
  • 如果您在下面查看我们的部分,您会看到有多种类型的披萨烤箱,因此您必须阅读有关它们的信息,并查看哪种类型满足您的需求。
  • 最后,考虑您的披萨烤箱选择随附的配件。其中包括比萨饼,切割机,切割板,铸铁炊具等。哦,别忘了披萨烤箱盖!




Pro:这se ovens are good for more than just cooking pizza. You can make anything from steak or roasted vegetables and there are plenty of recipes out there that can teach you how to make delicious food using an outdoor pizza oven.

Con:Since you’re cooking outdoors, chances are you’ll be conditioned by weather. This, of course, depends on the actual positioning of the oven, but since it’s most likely not hidden under a roof, then you will find it difficult to cook when it’s raining or snowing outside.

Pro:您可以在外面花更多的时间。基本上,任何迫使您迫使您stay outdoors for longer强烈建议您使用室外披萨烤箱,您有一个额外的借口不要在室内。





  • 木披萨烤箱旨在加热燃烧的木头。这fire is started either in the main compartment, right next to the pizza, or in a separate one which is usually below the cooking area.
  • 燃气披萨烤箱之所以令人惊讶,是因为它们提供稳定的燃料供应,而无需您弄脏和燃烧的木材。它们由许多不同类型的燃烧器构造。
  • 内置的披萨烤箱通常是用石头或陶瓷外部建造的,并有一个围栏,可以在其中找到木材或空间存储丙烷罐的储藏室。
  • Countertop pizza ovensoccupy less space, but do require a sturdy support to be placed on.
  • Freestanding pizza ovensare another viable option for a backyard, as they are basically designed as ovens on a cart. They are highly mobile and less expensive than building an oven into an enclosure.
  • Portable pizza ovensspeak for themselves. They have smaller cooking chambers but they are perfect for long-time campers that still want to be able to make delicious pizza on the go.


As mentioned before, there are so many things that you can cook inside an oven besides actual pizza, so we’ve put together a list of recipe ideas to help you get started on your next Google search and make the best out of your pizza oven:

  • 拉猪肉是一个食谱的想法,因为您的披萨烤箱可以轻松作为吸烟者加倍。味道会很棒,尤其是如果您有木烤箱。
  • 玉米棒上的玉米是经典的烧烤食谱,但在披萨烤箱中制成时味道更好。只需确保先浸泡果壳即可防止它们燃烧。
  • 葡萄土豆可以用作许多牛排(也可以在披萨烤箱中煮熟的牛排)的配菜,当您将它们放在披萨烤箱中时,奶酪馅料将很高兴。
  • 枫木板鲑鱼是我们的最爱之一,因为它健康,同时味道令人赞叹。如果将其煮在一块木板上,则味道会增强,鱼会保持湿润。



白色的后院披萨烤箱 在画廊中查看


砖炉披萨的后院 在画廊中查看


Backyard wood logs pizza oven 在画廊中查看

在这张由Futral Construction的照片中,您可以看到如何将质朴的元素组合在一起,以提供精美的户外烹饪空间,并以披萨烤箱作为焦点。

户外壁炉座椅配披萨烤箱 在画廊中查看

有什么比坐在里面更美丽的front of an outdoor fire在您享用在披萨烤箱中准备的美味饭之后?Paradise Restored Landscaping & Exterior Design为所有人建议您在这个新鲜的户外空气中提出这种布局。

现代甲板烧烤座椅带披萨烤箱不锈钢 在画廊中查看




Freestanding Wood Fired Pizza Oven 在画廊中查看

This60英寸h x 48英寸w x 48英寸d比萨烤箱的烹饪表面积为870平方英寸,是用不锈钢制成的木烤箱。它可以在华氏1000度的最高温度下烹饪,并提供红色和黑色版本。它下面有一个存储托盘和施法机轮,以供额外的便携性。


独立的木材开火披萨烤箱黑色 在画廊中查看

由制成相同的生产ras the one who made the oven above, we have yet another wood-fired product that’s available in a black and a red option. It measures 90” H x 48” W x 48” D and has a cooking area of 14” H x 29” W x 27” D. when assembling it, you will need an adjustable wrench, a screwdriver, and a socket wrench. It’s made from stainless steel and comes with a storage tray underneath it.


Scipio披萨烤箱 在画廊中查看

如果这是您所追求的时尚且看起来像老式的披萨烤箱,那么您会喜欢这个。它尺寸为47.5英寸h x 18.5“ w x 16” dand offers a cooking area of 10” W x 13.5” D. It is made from cast-iron which is durable and comes with an antique-bronze finish to compliment your rustic exterior design. It has a stainless steel grill top and a screen door opening of 10.5″ W x 13.5″ H.


披萨式质朴的传统披萨烤箱 在画廊中查看

在32英寸h x 43英寸w x 43英寸d上加油,烹饪区域为19英寸h x 31英寸w x 33英寸D,我们有这个非常实用的披萨烤箱designed with premium hardware and a solid construction overall. It is a built-in type of pizza oven that’s constructed using steel, bricks, and cement, and can withstand temperatures of up 1000 degrees Fahrenheit. It is a wood-burning oven and comes delivered together with a patch kit for superficial cracks that might appear over time.

塔拉维拉Tile Pizza Oven

塔拉维拉Tile Pizza Oven 在画廊中查看

塔拉维拉室外披萨烤箱is another product that we just couldn’t ignore. It measures 15.5” H x 26” W x 26” D and has a mouth opening of 5.75″ H x 15″ W and works at a maximum temperature of 650 degrees Fahreinheit. It’s made from clay and doesn’t require any adult assembly to start using it. It works by burning wood and has a natural brown color that could easily fit into a multitude of existing backyard decors.


意大利意大利燃木户外 在画廊中查看

带有圆顶设计和测量93英寸x 37英寸W x 41英寸D,这款披萨烤箱是普通的野兽。这是一种燃木烤箱,旨在承受高达1600华氏度的温度。它提供28英寸W x 28英寸D的烹饪区域,并由优质的不锈钢制成。它配备了施法车轮,以便于移动性,并且当您不想一直在院子里的同一角落烹饪时,便携性总是一个加号。

Outdoor Wood Fired Clay Pizza Oven

Outdoor Wood Fired Clay Pizza Oven 在画廊中查看

对于较小的家庭或对你们中的人来说室外空间有限but would still like a pizza oven, this little fellow right here is a true gem. It measures 52” H x 19” W x 22” D overall and offers a cooking area of 9.5” H x 17” W x 15.5” D, making it suitable for individual pizzas that have a maximum diameter of 11”. Made from clay, this pizza oven has a very cute design and offers a storage rack for your wood right underneath it.

Pronto 200柜台燃木烤箱

Pronto 200柜台燃木烤箱 在画廊中查看

This后院披萨烤箱是另一种有力的产品,它必定会帮助您准备户外美味佳肴。它measures 48.75” H x 33.25” W x 30” D and has a cooking area of 13.25” H x 24” W x 20” D. It’s made from stainless steel and works as a countertop oven with a maximum cooking temperature of 800 degrees Fahrenheit.


Karma Stainless Steel Freestanding Wood Fired Pizza Oven 在画廊中查看

Our last suggestion in优质后院披萨烤箱的条款这是这里的美丽。这是一个木制的烤箱,在最高900华氏度的温度下运行,并承诺为您提供6英寸H x 20“ w x 20” d的烹饪空间。它由不锈钢制成,尺寸为74英寸H x 49“ w x 26” d。



Truth be told, you are the only one who can answer this question. Overall, if you love pizza, have enough space outdoors for an oven, have a large family or plenty of guests over for cookouts, a pizza oven is an absolute gem of a product to have.






