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There is a good reason why dogs are known as “man’s best friend” and true pet owners would go to great lengths to protect their pets. However, being a pet owner also means that you have a lot of responsibilities and one of them is making sure that your dog doesn’t chew, knock over, or pretty much destroy your belongings. Training a dog to behave is really important, but there is also the matter of allowing them to feel safe and comfortable in their home. So, what do you do when the狗想在沙发上睡觉?你会把他们赶走吗?如果您有宠物的沙发盖!让我们更深入地挖掘有关它们的更多信息。

 Couches for Dogs

Dogs, Couches, Fabrics



If you opt for upholstery with a tight weave, you have better chances of protecting your choice from stains because first usually rolls right off the weave instead of penetrating it. That being said, opt for materials like microfiber or denim.


Keep in mind that leather is probably the沙发内饰的最佳选择如果你有一只狗为多个原因。第一次的ll, it is easier to clean, as leather requires mostly wiping with a clean cloth. However, you need to steer clear of smooth leather because it’s more prone to scratches and you can’t reply on the fact that your dog never scratches stuff. They could always do that by mistake. Real leather is a great option because of its durability and it’s not prone to flaking, like synthetic leather is. Also, you will have to consider that the ease of cleaning that you benefit with a leather couch is invaluable. Consider all the pet hair and the drooling that you’ll have to clean. Doesn’t it just sound wonderful when you can wipe everything off with a clean sweep?


If you’ve ever shopped forpatio furniture, then you’re probably familiar with fabrics like Sunbrella, which are designed to be more resistant in the face of wear and tear. Don’t be afraid to bring that fabric inside your home because it’s more durable and easier to clean compared to other types of upholstery fabrics.


投资于你的宠物是一个非常的沙发套good idea. This looks chic, gives the couch a fresh new look and, when it’s time to clean it, you just remove it from the couch, put it in the washing machine, and let this great invention do its trick and clean it. Sofa covers for pets are not difficult to find (we’ll show you some really neat ones later on) and they are really convenient.



Other Materials

Now that you know what your best options are, let’s consider the materials that you absolutely have to avoid when it comes to couch upholstery and stocks. As tempting as it might sound, never choose silk. Sure, a silk sofa is beautiful but it is so easy for the dog to sink its claws into it and then you can say goodbye to having a stylish couch. Furthermore, silk is pretty expensive and it would be a real shame if you didn’t get to enjoy it in the long run.


How to Choose Sofa Covers for Pets

As we mentioned earlier, one way to keep yourcouch protected is by choosing a suitable sofa cover. We wanted to help you with this buying process by teaching you a little bit about the most important features that you need to look after when you’re on the market buying a sofa cover for your dog

  • 的第一件事,你需要支付attention to is fitting. This means that the sofa cover you’re thinking of buying needs to perfectly match the size of your couch. Should your dog find a gap or an opening of any sort, they might have a tendency to scratch the sofa. It is also likely for your dog to move a lot while sitting on the couch but when the sofa cover has a snug fit, it will stay in place and do its job.
  • If possible, try to find a sofa cover with straps because this will help with keeping the cover in place. If you choose to make this purchase, make sure the straps are adjustable because it’s easier to fit the cover to your sofa.
  • The durability of the cover is also an important factor because dogs and especially untrained ones are bound to sink their claws into the fabric at some point. In terms of durability, your best materials choices include leather, spandex, polyester blends, and microfiber.
  • You also want to look into how easy it is to clean the sofa cover you’re thinking of purchasing. Even if your dog isn’t a couch-stainer, they will still shed fur and that fur can be a real nuisance to try to get out of fabrics. That means that you want a cover that can be cleaned inside the washing machine. This is even more important if your dog spends time outside and is likely to bring dirt into the house. While “ease of cleaning” is typically translated into “machine washable”, we’d like to add another feature to the should-have list: waterproofing. A waterproof sofa cover will go a long way in keeping your couch protected against drool, pee, or other stains that might eventually end up on the surface of the couch.

Pros and cons of couches for dogs


  • 与您的宠物拥抱时间
  • Can alleviate feelings of sadness
  • 让您的狗感觉包括


  • Can cause behavioural issues
  • Can create a lot more cleaning


Before allowing your dog on the couch with the rest of the family in the household, you should know a couple basic facts when it comes to dogs and couches.

Having your dog on your couch will cause a considerable increase in cleaning as you will have to be on-top of the fur and scents. Dogs are territorial animals and they want to leave their scent in their “territory” which includes the couch. Some dogs leave this mark by literally leaving a mark of urine.

Other behavioural issues can come from dogs feeling that they are the same as their master and the other humans in the household as they are alleviated to “on the couch status” and can become irritable when someone sits in their spot. They will also bring these behaviours to other households as they consider themselves allowed on the couch.

Tips for using and cleaning a dog couch


Best Sofa Covers for Pets

In our next section, we wanted to show some really neat products. First, we are going to focus on some of the best sofa covers for pets so those of you that already own a couch can find a means to prolong its lifespan while still allowing dogs to sleep on the sofa.

Diamond Anti-Slip Pet Furniture Protector Box T-Cushion Sofa Slipcover

Bansal Square Arms Sofa Bed View in gallery

Here is a beautiful cover madefrom a polyester blendthat looks amazing on just about any couch you place it on. The cover measures 0.1” H x 84” W x 70” D and it is available in a wide range of colors so you can match it with the color of your couch. You can choose between colors such as smoke, burgundy, beige, and more. The cover is designed with plastic drop backing and is slid-resistant. It is a child and pet-friendly product which is machine washable, therefore easy to clean.

L-Shaped Right 2 Piece Box Cushion Sofa Slipcover Set

Bansal Square Arms Sofa Bed View in gallery

If you think that finding a suitable dog-friendly cover for anL-shaped sofais difficult, you haven’t been searching the internet properly. This Ebern Designs sofa cover is a polyester blend product available in more than 15 colors, including green, wine, orange, coffee, and olive. This polyester blend cover comes with elastic edges for a better fitting. Let’s talk measurements, as these are super important. The piece for the main sofa measures 62 – 76 inches in length and between 27 – 37 inches in width. The smaller section (also known as the “chaise”) measures 27 – 37 inches in width and 55 – 70 inches in length.

Sofa Skirted Box Cushion Sofa Slipcover

Bansal Square Arms Sofa Bed View in gallery

让我们看这些美丽cotton sofa covers触摸非常柔软,也非常透气。该封面旨在容纳带有可移动垫的沙发,尺寸在94到96英寸之间。它可以使用集成领带将其固定到沙发上,除了封面外,您还将获得垫子的保护盖。有许多美丽的颜色可供选择,包括绿色和腮红。

Bolster Pet Sofa Slipcover

Bansal Square Arms Sofa Bed View in gallery

What you are going to love about this product is that it’s designed to be alittle dog bed in itself. It can be placed on top of the couch and it is the most practical and adorable thing you’ve seen. It is designed with raised edges that act as a protective barrier to make your dog or cat feel safer when they sleep. Made from polyester, it is a breathable option that provides furry dogs with more comfort. The cover of this mini sofa for pets can be removed and cleaned in the washing machine. This pet bolster is available in a smaller (30” H x 31” W x 6” D) and a larger version (30” H x 46” W x 6” D).

Best Couches for Dogs

We’d also like to show you some of the best couches to own if you have a dog. We’ve chosen these products based on what experts recommends as being the most suitable furniture materials for dogs, so that you can have peace of mind knowing your couch is safe from the fierce predator that is your 4-legged friend.

Manatuto Leather Sofa

Bansal Square Arms Sofa Bed View in gallery

First up, we wanted toshow that leather sofas实际上并不一定要昂贵,正如我们在本文第一部分中提到的那样,如果您有宠物,它们非常方便。与其他类型的材料相比,它们真的很容易清洁,并且具有更具耐药性。这款沙发尺寸为36英寸H x 78“ W x 36” D,重量容量为650磅。它具有坚固而制造的木框,可移动的垫子,里面充满了泡沫和弹簧,并且可以舒适地安装一个人和一只大的昏昏欲睡的狗。

85″ Square Arm Sofa

Bansal Square Arms Sofa Bed View in gallery

让我们花点时间谈论这个令人惊叹的沙发以及它为人类和类似动物提供的服务。它带有不同的types of upholstery materials, ranging from polyester to cotton blend. We would recommend going with the Sunbrella version because it is the easier one to care for when you have a dog around the house. It comes with toss pillows and has a standard design. The wooden frame that supports the couch gives it the power needed to support up to 750 pounds in weight. It measures 35” H x 85” W x 41” D, with 21” H x 71” W x 24” D being the seating area.

Bansal Square Arms Sofa Bed

Bansal Square Arms Sofa Bed View in gallery

Since we spoke so highly about thewonder weave of denim sofas, it made sense to show you one of the best denim couches you can get if you have a pet. You can opt for the Full or the Queen-sized version of this couch, as this is a convertible sofa that turns into a bed. What’s even cooler is that you choose between an innerspring and a foam mattress, which is surely something you don’t see in couches every day. The material can be easily cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, which makes your life as a pet owner way easier.




To avoid having issues removing the fur of your dog from your household furniture, especially your couch – you need to make sure that either the couch itself or the couch covering is a material that is easy to clean.

So what are some of the best materials out there for your couch(s) if you own a dog? Let’s take a look:

  • 任何紧密的编织织物 - 想想牛仔或超细纤维。这些材料很容易刷掉,皮草不会被困在编织中。
  • Wicker with a couch cover. These couches can be stripped of the cover and easily laundered while dusting or vacuuming cleans the wicker.
  • Leather – leather is easily cleaned. A simple buffing removes fur, dirt, and stains. Just beware of your dog’s claws as they can rip or tear the material.


One of the most common questions when it comes to owning a dog and required maintenance is how do you remove the dog hair from your couch and other fabric-covered furniture in your home? Well, sometimes it depends on the type of couch you have in terms of the material. Some materials have special cleaning instructions while others require a little bit more elbow grease than others. How about we take a look at some of the most common ways to remove dog hair off your couch?

  1. Lightly spray a mix of water and liquid fabric softener on upholstered furniture and wipe off with a damp cloth.
  2. Use furniture polish and a microfiber cleaning cloth on the wooden parts of your couch. Try to get a furniture polish that has anti-dust properties to prevent buildup.
  3. 在您当地的美元商店中拿一双橡胶清洁手套,用水湿擦一下,然后将手伸到皮草上以将其取出。
  4. Purchase a sticky roller brush that is meant for the removal of fur from clothing and material.

Should I let my dog on the couch?

Ultimately, it is your decision to let your dog on the couch as it depends on your preference for animals sharing the furniture that your family also uses on a daily basis. Some people would prefer that the animals are in their own beds and laying on their own mats in the same room but not actually on the couch.

If you are going to allow your dog on the couch, check into a pet pad or blanket that can be laundered with your towels. These will save your couch from stains, scents, and a buildup of dog hair.

Some dogs, when allowed on the furniture, can develop behavioural issues because they equate this being equal to the humans (or master) of the household. Be prepared to undergo training with your dog to show them that they are only allowed on specific pieces of furniture in the house.

Bottom Line

Being a responsible pet owner is mostly about making sure that your pet has everything they need to be healthy and happy. Of course, it also means that you have to protect your belongings in the process. Having a pet that just destroys everything won’t make you a very happy owner, so you need to make sure your home is “pet proof” (pets really are like our children, aren’t they?).
