15 Bold Colors to Paint Your Home’s Exterior

When you buy a new home, there are some big decisions to make that might prove more difficult than you would think. Like painting theexterior of your home. Most everybody will point you in the direction of a few dusty shades.

A Lavender Home 1024x634 View in gallery

Beiges and grays are always a safe color. If you want to get wild, they’ll suggest light blue or green or maybe even buttery yellow. Because who wants their home to stick out like a sore thumb? The answer is you do! Choosing a bold color for your home’s exterior might seem risky but once you’ve painted, your house is going to be the most enviable one on the block.

Take a look at these 15bold colors to paint your home’s exteriorand get your paint brushes ready.

Top Tips for Choosing an Exterior Paint Color for Your Home

When it comes to choosing an exterior paint color for your home, there are various things you’ll want to consider. Firstly, you’ll always want to remember to check the local guidelines for your neighborhood to see if you are allowed to paint your home any color you like.

Some homes aren’t allowed to be painted in bold and bright colors like those listed above, so you may have to stick to a more neutral color. If you are going to go with one of these fun colors listed above, we encourage you to plan the paintwork in advance, so you don’t have any issues or run out of paint when you start work. When you fail to plan, you are much less likely to have any issues further down the line or find that you don’t have the right supplies for the job.

Depending on the size of your home, painting its exterior can be a huge challenge. You’ll often find that it’s much easier and safer to employ a professional painter, especially if you live in a large home. If you have to work high off the ground, this is best done by a professional, so make sure that you ask around to find a good price before committing topainting the exterior of your home.

Before starting with the job, it’s always best to clean your walls, which will help to remove any dirt or debris that’s built up over the years since your last paint job. Allow your walls to dry, and you’ll be ready to get started with the paint job and completely transform your home.

Unique Paint Color Ideas to Update Your Home With This Year

1. Lipstick Red

Red House Exterior View in gallery

Red isn’t a rare color when it comes to homes. But while most people opt for a deep rose red, I dare you to go a shade lighter. Pick something as lipstick red as Taylor Swift’s lips and your home will stand out beautifully. (viaCoastal Living)


Dark navy house View in gallery

Let’s get on the darker side of things for a moment. Colors don’t have to be bright to be bold. Navy, for instance, is an up and coming color for home exteriors so you better get to it soyou’ll be in the trend入门俱乐部。(通过萨迪和戴西)

3. A Sunshine Yellow Home

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4. A Pastel Pink Shade

Blush pink house View in gallery

I want a pink house. Yes, pink. If your home has the right character, painting it a pink shade can really bring out the personality in her. Luckily Pantone has theperfect color今年为你!(通过Heir and Space)

5. Mint Green

Pastel mint house View in gallery

Mint is one of the more wonderful colors on the pastel scale. You might think that a color light this is reserved for a beach-side home, but I beg to differ. Even an old farmhouse in the middle of the Midwest would look adorable painted this shade. (viaOur Boat House)

6. Pale Orange

Brick ourange house exterior View in gallery

Orange might not seem like a color to even suggest for a home, but in the right shade, it can do wonders. Instead of going as orange as the fruit, err on the side of pale orange and suddenly your home looks like a southern beauty. (viaArchitec Design)

7. Forest Green

Forest green house View in gallery

Put away your dusty greens because you’re going to want a forest green cabin like this. Especially if you’ve trimmed your home in wood, that woodsy color is the perfect compliment. (viaEscuyer)

8. A Purple Home

Violet purple house View in gallery

Isn’t purple just the prettiest? There aren’t too many purple houses in the world so choosing a bold color like this is brave and will definitely make your home THE Purple House in your neighborhood. Basically, it will become a landmark. (viaA Good Thing Happened)

9. A Bold Black House

Glossy black house View in gallery

Black is a bold color that we’re seeing more and more of around town. It’s a great option for a modern home or even as a refresher for an old classic beauty. (viaHabitus Living)

10. A Turquoise Beach House

Bright turquoise house View in gallery

Who doesn’t love turquoise? While the color might not look right in a cold climate, you’ll definitely need to put the shade on your list if you live in a warm place. It will be like coming home to the beach every day. (viaHouse Of Turquoise)

11. Fluorescent Pink House

Fluorescent Pink House bold colors home exterior View in gallery

虽然我们今天已经在清单上展示了一间淡粉色的房子,但为什么不进一步迈出一步,去买一个明亮的粉红色房子呢?如果您真的想在街上脱颖而出,那么您可以用这种粉红色的阴影从一英里处看到自己的房屋。beplay平台没信用对于那些梦dream以求像芭比娃娃的任何人,这是理想的房子,尽管这对您一生中的男人来说可能有很多。在这所房子上查看Little Thingsfor more inspiration for how you can create a full-size dollhouse for you and your family to live in.

12. Bright Orange

Bright Orange bold colors home exterior View in gallery

将您的房子涂成鲜艳的橙色需要很多胆量,但我们认为这是每天为您的生活带来一点阳光的绝佳色彩。明亮的橙色在现代和独特的建筑物上看起来很棒,例如在此展示的这个角度的房屋beplay平台没信用Moby. The square look of the house makes thebright orange colorlook very natural on its design, whereas we aren’t sure this would work on a more traditional home. If you aren’t quite brave enough for this shade just yet, opt for small accents of bright orange on your current home.


红色和白色的条纹bold colors home exterior View in gallery

When you can’t decide between two colors for your home makeover, why not opt for stripes instead?The Guardianshowcases this unique red and white striped home, which you could use for inspiration for any home makeover. Of course, you don’t have to use red and white for your home, and black and white would be a fun zebra-themed color scheme to go for instead. You could also go for something a little more subtle and pair white with a pastel shade before committing to something a little bolder in the future. Stripes will make your home stand out on a plain street and showcases your sense of style and fun when guests arrive at your home.

14. A Bright White House

A Bright White House bold colors home exterior View in gallery

White may seem like a boring color to paint your home, but personally, we think that a really bright white shade helps to make your home look modern and well looked after all the time. We love the bold,pure white shadethat was used on this home onHouse of Nomad, but the main thing to remember is that white paint needs constant care and attention. The only issue with white is that it easily gets dirty, and after rain and storms, you may find that it starts to look more weathered than other colors on our list today. If you do have a white home, consider budgeting for regular touch-ups to avoid it looking too dull after a few years.

15. A Lavender Home

薰衣草大胆的颜色家外beplay平台没信用 View in gallery

尽管我们早些时候向您展示了一个紫色的房屋,但我们发现紫罗兰完全是beplay平台没信用完全不同的颜色。这个薰衣草家beplay平台没信用Napa Valley Registersuits the traditional style of this pretty home and enhances the features it already has. The thing we love about this home is how it combines violet, purple, and lavender shade so that you can have small accents and features in slightly different colors. You could use this technique with literally any color scheme, and it can help to add more interest to any home and showcase the various shades that are available in your favorite color.


Painting the exterior of your home can completely transform your house, but it’s something you’ll want to think long and hard about before committing to. When you are opting to use one of thesebold paint colors on your home’s exterior, make sure you plan ahead and buy enough paint, so you don’t run out at any point during the project.

We love how unique these homes all look from the bold paint that’s been used, and it helps to bring your home to life in a way you might never expect. You’ll never miss your house on your street when it’s painted in one of these colors, and your home will soon become well-known in your local neighborhood.
