30 Buy and DIY Candle holders to Cozy Up Your Entire Home

Winter’s cold gray days beg us to amp up our coziness game in our homes, no matter how much square footage we have or don’t have. We collectively add a few扔枕头and a basket of blankets. We put together a hot chocolate station for whenever the mood strikes. We plan a few more nights in with pizza and Netflix.


Black metal taper chandleholder with gold tip 在画廊中查看

Sometimes, simpler decor is better when your sofa is covered in pillows. These lovely black and gold tapers would be the perfect addition to your dining room table or even the coffee table. (via世界市场

买marble taper holder 在画廊中查看

像这样的大理石持有者散发出如此时尚而自然的感觉。如果您的房屋到处beplay平台没信用都是木材装饰和室内植物,那么这些绝对是您应该选择的持有人。(通过Urban Outfitters

水星淡淡 在画廊中查看

当鲜味将它们分组在地幔或餐具柜上时,它们是如此漂亮。将它们放在这些汞玻璃架中,以产生最闪亮的效果。(通过West Elm

拳铁射手 在画廊中查看


Recycled glass pillar candle holder 在画廊中查看

There are definitely those days of winter blues when you just miss the blue sky. Light a few candles on these tall holders tinged aqua to help make up for the lack of color. (via世界市场

买pineapple taper holder 在画廊中查看

You can’t go wrong with a pineapple, no matter what season it is. While these would be wildly appropriate for a Florida winter, you can totally use them on your Michigan table. (viaAnthropologie

Merritt Solid Wood Taper Candle Holder 在画廊中查看

如果您是木制装饰件的吸盘,那么您可能会在这些装饰品上摇摆。简单的线条和丰富的颜色将使它们成为即使是最常见的周末晚餐的理想核心。(通过Crate and Barrel

Bottelabra 在画廊中查看

需要一种便宜,简便的方法来将烛光带入您的房屋吗?beplay平台没信用购买一对蜡烛支架的塞子,然后停止扔掉瓶子。(通过Urban Outfitters

买fillable hurricane 在画廊中查看


Metallic paste glass candle holder 在画廊中查看

仅仅因为它不是春天,并不意味着您不能依靠柔和的装饰。尤其是当他们像这样的华丽决斗粉彩蜡烛架时。(通过West Elm

买faceted candle holder 在画廊中查看


Tealight Candle Holder 在画廊中查看

Candle holders that double as an art piece? It doesn’t get much better than that. These art deco looking holder will be the perfect accent for your mantle or on the bookshelf. (via世界市场

冬季树林茶灯架 在画廊中查看

Maybe you’re looking to give your home a cabin feel this winter. Invest in some birch candle holders because you’ll end up leaving them out all year round. I should know. (via地形

买wire house tealight 在画廊中查看


巴士底锥支架 在画廊中查看

When it’s white and gold, you know that it will match any style you could possibly decorate with. That’s why these candlesticks are the perfect splurge since they will always match your house. (viaAnthropologie


DIY几何烛台 在画廊中查看

Not all candle holders must be large and flashy to make an impact. You can easily make these candle holders by dipping wood objects from the craft store and drilling holes in them. (viabeplay平台没信用家里哦,我的

DIY黑色蕾丝烛台 在画廊中查看

Get out your glue gun because you can have this project done in a jiffy. Choose your favorite lace ribbon in any color and glue it onto vases to give your candle a ladylike glow. (via最甜蜜的场合

DIY中世纪烛台 在画廊中查看

Dipped wood might be a favorite crafting product because why wouldn’t you dip it? Cutting balsa wood into holders makes a very simple but colorful candle holder. (viaMy Everyday Life

DIYhardware candleholders 在画廊中查看

There are so many bits and pieces at the hardware store that, when put together, can create something totally new. Like putting together wooden furniture legs and brass fittings. Who would have thought! (via激情摇晃

DIY Granite Tealeight持有者 在画廊中查看


DIY铜箔薄荷 在画廊中查看


DIY现代烛台 在画廊中查看


DIY地理笼烛台 在画廊中查看


DIY有色桦木烛台 在画廊中查看

Ignore the Christmas trees and suddenly, you can use these candle holders all year round! Simply paint the top of the birch wood holder whatever color matches your dining room. (via凯洛别致的生活

DIYbrass dipped candlesticks 在画廊中查看

You’ve definitely seen them. The sad brass candlesticks at the thrift store. Next time, buy up a few, shine them up and give them a dip in paint to give them an entirely new and sassy look. (viaLife is a Party

DIY绳子包裹的蜡烛 在画廊中查看


DIY染料蘸烛台 在画廊中查看

Dye isn’t only for fabric. With a few simple wood pieces in different sizes, you can dip them in your favorite color dye and turn them into a pretty duel tone piece for the dining room table. (viaAlmost Makes Perfect

DIYSweater covered tealights 在画廊中查看

When it’s so cold outside, it’s no surprise that even your candle probably wants a sweater. Use an old or thrifted sweater, cut it into pieces and sew it into sleeves for all your glass candle holders. (via足够狡猾

DIYbirch stacked candle 在画廊中查看

Tired of your birch coasters? Stack them up and set a tea light on top. If that makes you nervous, you can always screw them together before you light the wick. (viaSustain My Craft Habit

DIY堆叠大理石龙头 在画廊中查看

尽管这些蜡烛持有者看起来像一百万美元,但您只需要一些大理石瓷砖,铜端盖和胶水。当然,龙头放在其中。(通过My Kailo Chic Life

Video Tutorials


DIY Clastespin蜡烛架

DIY Wood Candelabra
