DIY Wall Art:简单且廉价的再生涂料项目


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DIY墙艺术教程 在画廊中查看

Materials Needed:

  • 白色海报板
  • 剩余的颜色涂料you like (these retro rainbow colors were left over from这个DIY梳妆台项目并且是每个住在这里的人的最爱)
  • Foam paint brushes
  • 相框(这些是廉价的,最小的沃尔玛现代框架)

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Begin by marking the poster board to the size that will fit into your frame(s).

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使用剪刀或切纸机切直, precise lines. Particularly with slim-profile frames, you don’t have much wiggle room for error.

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DIY墙艺术教程 在画廊中查看

您可能会有远见,如果是这样,您可能会喜欢跳过此步骤。但是我总是发现,模糊地勾勒出我为DIY Wall Art绘制的内容很有帮助。一旦将想法钉住了,就可以开始了。

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Lay out the poster board(s) in the formation you will use for displaying them. This will make a difference in what colors you choose to place in what positions on the poster boards. It will help with balance.

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每隔几分钟退后一步以确保you’re painting level across your poster board (if, in fact, your DIY wall art involves straight lines and shapes).

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Take care to wipe excess paint off your foam brush every time you reapply paint on the brush, or you might get drips in less-than-desirable places. That happened here. If this happens, just leave the paint alone. Do not try to wipe it off, or it will smear into a much bigger smudge than just the line.

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Another great trait of DIY wall art is that it is fully customizable. These art pieces are going in a bedroom of two sisters, whose initials were able to be subtly worked into the design. Don’t hesitate to really personalize your artwork.

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DIY墙艺术教程 在画廊中查看

希望您喜欢创建自己的modern wall art以这种非常简单,直截了当的方式,每当您看着它,飞溅和所有人时,它都会让您快乐。奖励:您正在回收未使用的油漆,这是我们所有人都很高兴的绿色动作。

