Interesting Handrail Options for Staircases That Stand Out

We can all agree that a staircase will always be an eye-catching feature for a home, regardless of its type, the materials used, the colors and everything else. Its simple presence is enough. But what if you want something more, something that can make the staircase stand out in an unusual and personalized way? One option is this case can be a handrail which impresses in its own way.

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地下室的楼梯,一个很棒的想法a handrail that lights up. In fact, this is a wonderful option for any dark staircase area. You’ll be pleased to find out that you can build such a handrail yourself. You can use the tutorial provided byikeahackers. The materials needed include plexiglass tubes, a long LED strip, a drill, a saw and Kvartal ceiling fitting.

bring a piece of nature into your home View in gallery

Want to bring a piece of nature into your home. How about a staircase handrail made of tree branches? It’s something you can make yourself. The hardest part of the project would be finding the right branches. They’d need to be long enough and to have the right shape. Curvy ones would look really great. You can just attach then with some wall-mounted hooks. {found onstyle-files}

birch tree stair railing View in gallery

If you want, you can paint the branches, although their natural color and finish can often be very charming and beautiful. If the staircase is short and goes straight up, you can choose to use a single, thick and straight branch or a small tree trunk. This particular handrail is made from an oak log but you can try birch and other types.

cable rail staircase View in gallery

If you want to add an industrial touch to your staircase then rope or tree branches are not exactly great options for a handrail. A cable-rail staircase would be a much better option. An alternative can be Rebar. You can have it powder-coated for a better-looking finish. You can find out about this idea onhometalk.

industrial hand rail from pipes View in gallery

There’s also the option of crafting a handrail made of galvanized pipes if you want to add an industrial detail to the staircase. You can find a simple tutorial for such a DIY project onfixingitfancy. You’re going to need pipes, wall mounts, center joint pieces and angle end pieces. Depending on how big the staircase is and how long you want the handrail to be, measure and decide how much of each of these things you’ll require for the project.

staircase by giving the handrail a makeover View in gallery

You can also change the look of your staircase by giving the handrail a makeover. If it’s made of wood you could re-stain it or even paint it. You can also decorate it in a lot of ways. Of course, you can just leave the handrail as it is and paint the wall to which it’s attached. {found onthatsmyletter}.
