
One of the first and most important steps in defining and creating a home’s interior design is choosing the paint color. This is not the type of decision that should be based solely on personal preferences but rather that should be an informed choice influences by a series of factors such as:


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Where a color is situated in the color wheel is important. Everyone knows which are the primary colors but there’s more to this idea than that. For example, colors which are near each other in the color wheel are analogous and, when combined, one of them stands out more.

The colors that are opposite to each other in the color wheel are complementary and they play off each when combined. It’s why the red and green combination is so balanced.


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No home is decorated using a single color for all the walls in all the rooms and, if there are such cases, they’re rare and have much more complex interior designs than the color of the walls suggests. So think about the whole palette of colors you plan on using and how these colors interact with each others.

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If you stay within the same shade and use different nuances of the same color, then the décor will be subtle and soothing. This is an interesting option to explore when decorating the bedroom.


Some colors are considered cool, such as blue for example. These colors are good choices if you wish to make a room feel larger and more airy. Other colors are warm such as orange or red. These make the room feel welcoming and comfortable.

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So depending on the function of the space you plan on decorating and the type of ambiance you wish to create, decide which colors you want to use and whether you want to combine cool and warm shades or not.

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It’s easy to make mistakes when you decorate the home yourself and especially when establishing the color palette. There are a number of mistakes people usually make when selecting the paint color.

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例如,选择fi油漆颜色rst is not a great move. You should make a plan, envision how the space will be decorated, with all the details in place, including the furniture. This way you can decide what color would best suit all the other elements and it will also become easier to match the rest of the features to the wall paint.

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Another mistake is not taking into consideration the whole home and having a holistic approach. It’s important to think not only how the room will look like but also how it will interact with the rest of the spaces and how the transition between rooms will feel like.

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Not taking into consideration the ambiance which will be created in the room is another mistake. So red may be your favorite color but this doesn’t make it a good candidate for the bedroom walls.

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Also, don’t ignore the trends. Whether you like to keep up with all the changes or to remain faithful to the classics, it’s important to pay attention to what the trends dictate. This helps you avoid creating an outdated décor and also offers you a better chance of being original.
