
Curious what the trends this year are for Christmas trees? Doing some research online and searching for ideas is easier than ever.

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圣诞树装饰 - 像专业人士一样装饰

Have you ever wondered how some people make their Christmas trees look so amazing and just perfect, no matter what angle to see them from? As it turns out, decorating a Christmas tree is not for everyone and it means more than just randomly throwing things on the branches.

圣诞树装饰品- Decorate Like A Pro 在画廊中查看












Create clusters





The Christmas tree skirt is also an important design element which ultimately helps to bring all the details together and to give the tree a cohesive, balanced and polished look. There’s a lot of different options to choose from based on style, like fabric skirts, repurposed woven baskets or metal collars.


圣诞树装饰错误,您应该避免 在画廊中查看


Not having a suitable base or stand


Not checking the lights before hanging them up



It would be a real shame to have your precious heirloom ornaments ruined one day because you didn’t hang them properly or you placed them too low on the tree where the pets or the kids could reach them. This is a common mistake which we keep doing despite the consequences. Perhaps this year it can be different.


It’s easy to become so focused on the individual ornaments and decorations and forgetting to every once in a while take a step back and see the big picture. This is a mistake which in the end can mean having a Christmas that doesn’t look balanced, doesn’t have a theme or looks bad altogether. Always have a vision in mind when decorating and regularly checking to make sure you’re still on the right track to achieving it.


树大礼帽是最重要的ornam之一ents for the Christmas tree. It’s what brings everything together and helps the tree stand out. A tree topper that’s too big or too small for the tree will give a bad taste to the entire tree. The same goes for a topper that doesn’t fit the theme or the color scheme.

Holding on to old ornaments

Decorating the Christmas tree with the same old ornaments every year can pretty quickly take the joy out of the whole thing. While it’s nice to have a few family heirlooms and decorations that you preserve over the years, you should also switch it up every year and try something new and different. Perhaps choosing a new theme would be nice.

Not customizing your tree enough


Instagram Inspired Christmas Tree Decorations

Keeping all these tips and ideas in mind, let’s now have a look at some trending Christmas tree decorations from Instagram.


恢复简单性 在画廊中查看

This year we’re seeing an increased desire to keep things simple in terms of Christmas decor in general. There’s a preference for basic and natural materials and farmhouse-inspired Christmas trees. You can have a taste of what this looks like in this post from@aventuremaisondecolasuite

Family room focal point

Family room focal point 在画廊中查看


Surrounded by rustic accessories

Surrounded by rustic accessories 在画廊中查看

You don’t need a huge tree to make a statement. In fact, a smaller one could look better and leave some room for a few extra decorations. Let this post shared by@thebeagleandthenewbuild激发您的灵感,并在今年圣诞节为您的家中添加一些质朴的魅力。beplay平台没信用在这里,您可以看到坐在编织篮中的树,这是一件很容易的事情。

A glamorous Christmas

A glamorous Christmas 在画廊中查看

另一个想法是全力以赴,使这个圣诞节成为迄今为止最迷人的。毕竟,最近我们在生活中缺乏魅力。如果您想知道一棵迷人的圣诞树是什么样的,请查看此设计。@from_the_heart_decor。As you can see, metallic accents and gold are dominant.


卧室里的圣诞树 在画廊中查看



银和蓝色 在画廊中查看



匹配样式 在画廊中查看

A Christmas tree will stand out no matter what so instead of making super colorful you can just as well make it match your home’s decor. We find this post from@cellajaneblog从这个意义上说超级鼓舞。这棵树如何与墙壁和壁炉融合在一起很可爱,但同时脱颖而出并成为一个很好的焦点。

Go with red

流行的圣诞树设计 在画廊中查看

不确定这个圣诞节应该是什么口音颜色?经典红色怎么样?如果您想要一些怀旧或要进行传统或质朴的圣诞树设计,这是完美的选择。查看这种华丽的圣诞树设计由@gordieventsfor more inspiration.

A bohemian Christmas

A bohemian Christmas 在画廊中查看

Light colors and simple decorations are just what you need if you’re planning a boho-chic Christmas. How about a textured Christmas tree skirt made from an upside down basket and some brown paper ornaments hanging from the branches? You can find more ideas in this post from@kotinikolmiossa

A Christmas tree with flowers

A Christmas tree with flowers 在画廊中查看

Floral Christmas tree ornaments became popular a few years ago and they’re still quite trendy. Big flowers, especially in light and subdued colors, look great in combination with white string lights. They give the tree a full and fluffy look. If you want to know more about this particular design, check out@ChristMastime50


流行的圣诞树设计 在画廊中查看

You may have seen these super full Christmas trees around and thought they look pretty nice. They’re filled with all sorts of details and decorations and you can barely even see the branches. This takes more than just throwing everything you have at the tree. The design needs to be balanced. You can elarn a thing or two from this tree design shared by@eleannalima

A white Christmas

流行的圣诞树设计 在画廊中查看



创建上下文 在画廊中查看

Spread the cheer around and add more Christmas decorations apart from just the tree itself. This way you create context and you actually make the Christmas tree look more natural instead of just a temporary and out of place addition to the room. A lovely example is the design shared

Paper plate ornaments

Paper plate ornaments  在画廊中查看

If you love crafting your own Christmas tree decorations, a super simple idea is to use paper plates for this. You can paint them and hang them in the tree and they’ll look like giant baubles. It’s a cool little trick we learned from@luckyspillmilk


餐厅圣诞树 在画廊中查看



盒子里的圣诞树 在画廊中查看



流行的圣诞树设计 在画廊中查看

Not everyone lives in areas where it snows around Christmas plus it’s not like you can actually use real snow in your Christmas decor. What you can do is get a cool effect by incorporating textured details into your decor, like a white fur rug or snowflake ornaments. You can find more similar ideas by checking out the design shared by@lorenaactive_

A dark color palette

A dark color palette 在画廊中查看

相反的外观也可以很好,而不是超级明亮的圣诞节装饰。查看这个美丽的农舍圣诞树设计。@farmhouselifestyles。The dark green branches and all the deep red decorations go really well together.


将树放在中间 在画廊中查看

Finding a good spot for the Christmas tree is pretty important. It can also be tricky in some cases. An open floor plan gives you the opportunity to have the tree sitting somewhere in the middle instead of in a corner or against a wall. That way you can admire it from all directions and angles. This is an idea inspired from a post by@home_m_


颜色的彩虹 在画廊中查看

Can’t settle on a single accent color for this year’s Christmas decor? Why not embrace all the beautiful colors instead and create a rainbow-inspired decor? The Christmas tree would be the perfect opportunity to put all the colors together and to come up with a fun design. Check out@colorful_kimmes有关更多细节和想法。


完美的羊群圣诞树 在画廊中查看

A flocked Christmas tree, as you may already know, mimics that natural snow-covered look by having its branches or part of them covered in a powdery white mixture. These trees look magnificent even without a lot of decorations on them so stick with some simple, neutral-colored ornaments this year. Check out@outfit.aurelie灵感。

Start with the tree

Start with the tree 在画廊中查看


Hang some burlap ornaments

Hang some burlap ornaments 在画廊中查看

粗麻布装饰是农舍圣诞树和舒适,斯堪的纳维亚风格的装饰的最爱。考虑到这一点,图片今年将一些粗麻布的蝴蝶结在您的树上。查看此可爱的帖子@DOCEAP_401to get a better idea of what it would look like.
