Clever Repurposing Ideas That Teach Us How To Think Outside The Box

A lot of interesting crafting projects rely on items that a lot of us already have. They propose new ways of using certain items and they inspire us to think outside the box. You can typically find a few重新利用的不同方法如果您放心的话。这些想法可能并不总是匆忙涌入,因此检查一些项目,看看其他人提出了什么,这很有帮助。看看下面的项目,看看之后您可以提出多少个新想法。

木箱咖啡桌 在画廊中查看

让我们从我们大多数人甚至不考虑储蓄的东西开始。我们将这些东西抛出而没有再考虑,但是如果您打算做一些手工制作,您可能需要考虑保存一些。一个想法是使用厕纸卷制作一个可爱的小铅笔架。一个不错的设计想法在Diyswhere the pencil holder is decorated with sparkly foam paper, yellow paper and pink ribbon.

木箱咖啡桌 在画廊中查看

We all have old cups and dishes that we think look outdated, don’t fit the current aesthetic anymore or that are actually damaged but still usable somehow. One thing you can try is to turn an old teacup into a stylish little planter for a succulent, a cactus or some herbs. You could just go ahead and fill the cup with soil and then add the plant but if you also want to change its look a little bit, take some spray paint and have fun with it. Your茶杯种植者will quickly become one of your favorite decorations.

木箱咖啡桌 在画廊中查看

金属丝夹式衣架不是通常非常实用或坚固但y can be repurposed. You could for example use them to hang, organize and display kid’s books up on a wall. All it takes is some colorful washi tape to wrap around the hangers and make them look nice and pretty. Technically this is not even necessary but it does help to make this look more intentional and like an actual storage system rather than just something you came up with on the spot. Check outHandmadecharlottefor inspiration with the design.

木箱咖啡桌 在画廊中查看

How about a basket full ofbeautiful flowers在门廊上展示?您不会在商店中找到类似的东西,但您可以自己做。这是重新利用篮子的好方法。如果您想复制设计的设计sadieseasongoods。然后用一堆人造花填充它,以创建丰富多彩而美丽的布置。您可以随着季节来来去去改变这些花。

木箱咖啡桌 在画廊中查看

您可能熟悉刺绣箍and a few of the ways in which you can use them. However, the idea featured onourcraftymomis quite unusual. Here the hoops were used to make a hanging planter. Not only that, but they were painted to have this galvanized metal look and that suits the design really well. The technique is quite simple: you paint the hoops black and then add a layer of silver but make sure to leave some of the black visible.

木箱咖啡桌 在画廊中查看

Ever thought of repurposing a picture frame and use it for something other than to display photos? There’s actually a lot you can do with arepurposed frame,例如一个简单但实​​用的珠宝组织者。这对耳环非常有用,因为它有几层电线,您可以将其悬挂在上面。如果您喜欢复古的美学,则可以以任何喜欢的颜色绘制框架,甚至可以给它带来痛苦的外观。查看Kevinandamanda更多细节。

木箱咖啡桌 在画廊中查看

衣服, especially those classic ones made out of wood, can be repurposed in tons of cool ways. You can use them to transform and decorate all sorts of items or to make something new from scratch. This right here is arustic clothespin storage bucket由塑料锅制成,带有别致的蕾丝饰边和内饰。它真的很容易制作,您可以根据需要个性化。

木箱咖啡桌 在画廊中查看

这个可爱的kitty rope pencil holderstarted out as a glass. If you want to make one just like it you only need a tapered glass, some decorative rope and a热胶枪。首先使绳子螺旋盖覆盖玻璃的底部,然后在侧面朝上,然后将绳索粘在玻璃上。如果您想重新利用花瓶或种植者或装饰类似的技术,也可以使用类似的技术。

木箱咖啡桌 在画廊中查看


木箱咖啡桌 在画廊中查看

Plastic bottles可以以更多的方式重新利用,而不仅仅是作为液体容器的容器。这个塑料瓶拉链盒is one of the most interesting examples. You can easily make something like this out of two small plastic bottles. You’ll need the bottom sections off each one, a zipper that goes all the way around the bottle and a hot glue gun. You can use it to organize pencils, hair ties and various small items.

木箱咖啡桌 在画廊中查看

玻璃瓶are really cool too and they come in so many different shapes and sizes. Pick three that you like and repurpose them into a beautiful瓶中心。You’ll need a little bit of wood for this, some twine or rope and a hot glue gun. Wrap rope around the bottom sections of the bottles to give them a chic look. Once the centerpiece is done, you can fill the bottles with seasonal flowers or faux greenery.

木箱咖啡桌 在画廊中查看

从技术上讲,这些衣架仍用于储存和组织衣服,但不像人们期望的那样。他们以非常聪明的方式重新使用,结果是木制衣架制成的大衣架。It’s a great accessory for the entryway and a cool way to personalize this space without adding unnecessary elements to it. You can make it bigger or small by adjusting the size of the wooden board and the number of hangers used in the project.

木箱咖啡桌 在画廊中查看


木箱咖啡桌 在画廊中查看

这个边桌不华丽吗?几乎很难相信这是几只简单的咖啡板条箱。A little bit of love and attention to details and they were transformed into a beautiful piece of furniture and a lovely accessory for cozy reading nooks, bedrooms, living areas or even porches. It has casters on the bottom for added mobility and a rustic-industrial design that really works for it. If you want to find out how you could make something like this for yourself, check outFunkyjunkinteriors
