Cool Painting Ideas That Turn Walls And Ceilings Into A Statement



很酷的绘画想法can come from the most unexpected and simple places so keep your mind open. If you want your walls to look cool and outstanding, you need more than just a single accent color or a roll of painter’s tape.

The different types of paint

如果您要画墙壁或天花板,你需要适当装备的job. That includes knowing which type of paint to choose. There are quite a few different options based on a series of different criteria. We’ll go over them shortly.

Oil-based paint



这个type of paint presents a series of advantages compared to oil-based paints. For example, they dry quicker, they have less of an odor and they’re easier to clean. That makes them an excellent choice for interior walls. Water-based paint however is not as resilient as the oil-based kind and doesn’t last as long. However, they’re still great and if you plan on repainting the walls in a few years anyway there’s no inconvenience.
Because water-based paint dries quickly you can apply several coats in the same day and thus finish your project a lot quicker. It’s also very convenient because you can clean it with only soap and water. It doesn’t give off noxious fumes either. Of course, there’s also a bit of a downside to this and it’s the fact that water-based paints are more costly compared to the oil-based kind.

Latex-based paint

这是一个type of paint通常用于外墙和表面。它没有在阳光下褪色的事实提供了很大的优势。它也很容易应用,并且很快干燥与regular water-based paint。这也使其成为外部的合适选择是事实是可以扩展和收缩而不会诱捕内部水分,这反过来又使其具有弹性和持久。
It’s possible for some latex-based paints to also be water-based but that’s not always the case. Both types are user-friendly and easy to clean with soap and water.





Although they’re similar, flat and matte paint are not the same thing. Matte paint is just a bit glossier than flat paint and is also more durable. It’s more resilient and better-suited for high traffic areas which makes it more versatile as well.

Eggshell paint

The reason why it’s called like this is because this type of paint has a low sheen like that of an eggshell. It’s durable, easier to clean compared to flat paint and it can be washed without damage. It’s glossier than matte paint but not as glossy as other types which makes a good in-between option and also makes it more refined that flat paint but still practical for covering up imperfections.


The differences between satin and eggshell paint are minor as these two types are very similar to one another. Satin paint has a sheen and gives surfaces a smooth and velvety look. It’s a bit glossier than eggshell paint but not by much. You can use it in pretty much any room, including high-traffic areas like hallways. It can be easily washed and cleaned and it’s quite durable and can last for several years.





Spray paint



这个is the most rugged and tough type of paint on the list and although it can also be used indoors, it’s most generally used for exterior areas because it can withstand the elements. Inside the home it’s used on cabinets and sometimes on appliances in order to give them a layer of protection.




The primer is applied to a surface before the paint. It can be oil-based or water-based and can be used with various types of paint and multiple surfaces. Some paints already contain primer in which case this step is not necessarily and you can go straight to painting the walls. The role of the primer is to seal the surface and to add a protective layer that prevents discoloration from the old paint so it doesn’t bleed through and ruin your color. There are a few different types of primer out there and some are better at concealing than others which is useful if you want a drastic change in color such as from dark to light for example


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After you’ve chosen the right type of paint for your project, you can go ahead and actually paint the wall. That’s when creativity comes into play. For example, you can choose to only add a few details to a wall instead of repainting its entire surface. Check out this beautiful hand-painted design featured onrandrathome让它激发您的灵感。

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如果you want to add more texture to a wall you can choose a specific type of paint that’s designed to mimic a particular look. For example, this stylish accent wall uses limewash paint It has a very natural and earthy look but it has to be applied in a specific way. For more details check out this tutorial oncurateanddisplay

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When choosing the type of paint you also have a choice between a wide variety of colors. Of course, you don’t have to only chose one color. You can mix and match multiple ones and create all sorts of interesting designs, like this geometric accent wall design featured onhawthorneandmainfor example.

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It’s also not just the type of paint that matters but how you apply it as well. The tools you use are important. If you want the standard look of that sort of paint use the recommended tools but if you want something different and unique then you can be quite creative. For example, you could use a sponge to get a cool design on the wall. Check outhometalkfor more details about this.

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您可以使用的另一个很酷的资源是油漆笔。它类似于普通的Sharpie,除了它不是同一件事。您可以使用它在墙壁上创建各种凉爽的图案和设计,甚至在其上绘制各种设计。您可以从这个意义上找到一个不错的教程SnappyCasualBlogif you’re interested.

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You can find paint pens in all sorts of colors which gives you a lot of freedom with your accent wall design. For instance, if you want to go with a rather busy pattern but you don’t want it to be super eye-catching you can use a paint pen in a subtle color, one that doesn’t contrast very much with the wall color. We recommend checking out this stylish design from经典

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当您创建重音墙时framedbysarah。这样的一个项目从磁带开始美联社plied to the wall based on the pattern that you want to create. Then you apply all the colors and let the paint dry, after which you remove the tape and fix any possible issues.

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简单地使用一种颜色绘画墙也可以工作。借此机会还可以修复任何缺陷,掩盖任何孔,并确保整个表面既光滑又光滑,这将是很好的。您可能必须进行一些打磨,然后一遍又一遍地重复此过程,直到该点固定为固定为止。查看lifewithnealandsuzfor more detailed instructions.

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With paint you have a lot of freedom and you can be really creative. You can even use paint to create beautiful murals and amazing art. This would however require planning. This colorful mural featured onYounghouselove使用多种颜色,这些颜色已被精心选择,并且彼此相处得很好。您从粗糙的设计开始,然后慢慢使线条保持光滑,直到您的设计看起来完全是您所描绘的。

Wall painting design ideas

Colorful waves.

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Instead of the usual stripes, try something different like waves. They’re more eye-catching and let you use more than two contrasting colors. You can freehand them and make the wall look like an abstract painting. A great way to connect all the other color accents you’ve used throughout the room.


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And speaking of abstract paintings, here are some more ways in which you can turn your wall into one. They关键是忘记模式和象征性的设计,并释放任何过于具体的东西。当然,您可以引起心情或创建一种让人联想到您喜欢使用颜色和形状的东西的设计。

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这个design remindsme of the beach and the waves but it’s possible for it to have an entirely different meaning for someone else.


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您是否曾经使用过画家的胶带来创建更多的条纹或掩盖直齿?它的通用性要多得多,您可以帮助您在撕裂时创建各种独特的线条和设计。对通常的方法进行旋转,并涂上涂漆torn tape edge


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Define the spaces using numbers. This is helpful for large spaces with different zones or large offices. This way when you tell someone to look an item in zone 3 they know exactly where that is. You can also adapt the idea for your own home.

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And here we are discussing stripes, the timeless and simple painting technique that’s among the most accessible. But we invite you to take them to another level. For example, instead of using two colors, try using three. Make a thin white stripe in between the larger ones to emphasize the other two colors.

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Paint the bottom portion of the bedroom walls a different color that gradually becomes white and match that color to the bedding or the carpet so there’s cohesion throughout.

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Combine the techniques. Use chevron stripes on one of the walls and use the darkest shade for the bottom line. Gradually add white to make the other stripes lighter and lighter until the differences are no longer noticeable.

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如果是例子, you love the texture and the warmth that wood adds to a room but don’t want to use this material in your design, there’s an alternative: a faux bois painted wall. You’ll get to transmit those elements but in a symbolic way.

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条纹不一定是have to be parallel。In fact, they’re more fun and interesting if they’re not. If you want to make a strong statement, stay away from thin lines and try instead a large-scale approach.


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如果you’re feeling talented and creative, you can come up with a unique design for your wall. Freehand something on the wall with a pencil and see what you get. Once you’re happy with the design, use paint to define it.


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