Creative wine cork bath mat

There’s not much you can do with the wine corks after you remove them. They’re soft and nice but you usually just throw them away. However, when you think about it, their texture and density makes them perfect for a bath mat. In order to make one, you’ll first have to drink a lot of wine.

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For this project the only materials you’ll need are shelf liner, hot glue and 175 wine corks. Of course, depending on the size of your bathroom, the dimensions of the mat can also differ. This will determine how much wine you’ll have to drink. The corks are soft and they have a texture that makes them pleasant to the feet. Now let’s see the tools you’ll need for this project: a pocket knife, cutting board rotary cutter and mat, a long ruler, a hot glue gun and coarse sand paper.

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The first step might take some time. You’ll have to take each cork and cut in it half lengthwise using a pocket knife. After you’re done, arrange all the corks in a rectangle with the flat sides down. Then use a ruler to make sure the lines are straight. Then take the shelf liner, measure it and cut it with a rotary cutter and a cutting mat. Now it’s time to transfer the rows of corks onto the shelf liner. Glue them to the top side of the liner.

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For that apply a rectangle-shaped line of glue to the flat side of each cork. Line up the corks and press hard. Then wipe away any glue before it hardens. Continue transferring the rest of the corks and repeat the process. It will take time but at the end you’ll have an original bathroom mat made of corks. It’s unusual but also very creative and ingenious.{found oncraftynest}.
