D3 Interactive Office in São Paulo

D3 Interactive Environment is a project developed byEstudio Guto Requena+ i|o Design with a project team composed of Estudio Guto Requena: Guto Requena (concept), Lucas Siciliato, Paulo de Camargo; i|o Design: Gabriela Carneiro (concept), Diego Spinola and Olavo Spinola. It’s located in Sao Paulo, Brasil and the construction was completed in 2011.

D3 interactive environment 在画廊

It’s an innovative project that exploits and explores new possibilities offered by the digital technologies. Located in a 55m2commercial room at Avenida Paulista, one of the most important avenues of São Paulo, this space sits in the vicinity of MASP– São Paulo Museum of Art, a beautiful piece of architecture designed by Lina Bo Bardi back in 1968.

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The project is actually a new headquarter of D3, a young company opened to new experiences. Some of the building’s original elements are still visible like the floors for example. This creates a subtle connection between old and new and gives the space more character. The ceilings were repainted and hydraulic systems were incorporated as well as electric and air-conditioning systems. The interior is very dynamic, featuring interesting decorations and bright colors. The most expressive are the tones of green and purple, the colors that distinguish this space from the other parts of the building. The space could be described as flexible, dynamic and interactive.{pics byFan Parenteand found onarchdaily}
