



Today, we’re going to look at some与集成书架的惊人桌子,但是在我们了解有关这种特定类型产品的更多信息之前,让我们开始吧!

What to Look For



有许多不同类型的桌子available on the market, and one way to categorize them is to consider their primary use. If you want a desk for writing, you need to choose models with simple and clean legs but note that they offer limited storage options. Executive desks are heavy and usually adorned with a bunch of decorations. They likely have solid front panels to conceal the legs of the person standing behind them. Shell desks consist of flat panels and hollow alcoves that provide additional leg and chair storage room. Drafting tables have adjustable angles and are often the go-to choice of visual artists. Floating desks are usually wall-mounted units and can be folded to save up space. Secretary desks have traditional designs and usually come with additional storage units.





骗子sider the other features that a desk is equipped with but always keep in mind what it is that you need from a desk, as some features might be of no use to you. For instance, if you don’t plan on placing a laptop or a computer or your desk, then a cable management system isn’t very appealing, just like a keyboard tray won’t serve you much. Desks with hutches are great for people who want more storage space, just like desks that come equipped with drawers and shelves. A desk with a bookshelf isn’t chosen just by people with a passion for reading, as they can be a great choice for students who want to organize their study books and always have them nearby, or for people that want to take advantage of those shelves to place some decorative items.


It’s really important for you to have a workspace that you like and that you’re comfortable with because that will make work or any potential creative process a lot more pleasant. If you want to take a look at some tips on how to style your desk, we’ve put together this list that might give you a few neat ideas:

  • 对于专为日常使用而设计的桌子,规则是将5个或更少的物品放在其表面上。
  • 每个好工作的办公桌都应该有一个台灯或壁灯,具体取决于您使用的桌子的用途以及必须使用多少可用空间。Regardless of whether you’re using a desk for work or you’re using it for arts, crafts, or other creative purposes, you want to have an additional source of light, especially if you have a desk that’s facing the wall and ceiling-mounted lights won’t light up your working area. Desk lamps are functional and fashionable. You can opt for tall lamps to create a sense of styling height and to make the light cast overhead.
  • 不要害怕添加艺术品,因为这确实可以加强桌面造型游戏。您可以在桌子上方添加一些框架,因为这使您的工作区域具有个人风格。请注意,“艺术”并不总是意味着精美的绘画:这可以是您制作的东西(例如用织物制成的墙壁),甚至是全家福。
  • 植物在桌面样式方面也可以走很长一段路。添加到合奏中不是最实用的事情,如果您的办公桌空间非常有限,可能不是一个好主意,但是请记住,植物并不总是一定要大。您总是可以选择沿着小肉质的线条选择一些东西。但是,植物倾向于给您额外的喜悦感,并使您在工作时感到更加放松。它们为您的桌子增添了生活和品格,因此请不要将其排除在外。
  • Finding a way to organize the small items on your desk is really important if you want to avoid making a mess and creating a workspace that you eventually start dreading. Whether we’re talking paper clips or writing tools, choosing a desk organizer is really important and nothing to sneeze at.
  • 不要害怕在桌子上方安装一些额外的储物架,以便额外的空间存储一些物品,或者只是添加一些装饰物品,使工作空间看起来更愉快。


Pros & Cons of Desks with Bookshelves





骗子: They can limit your knee room. That, of course, depends on where the bookshelves are placed. Some models have shelves located underneath the working surface, while others are extended upwards and have bookshelves placed above.

Best Desks with Bookshelves

Athey Reversible L-Shape Desk

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Athey L形桌子由制造的木材制成,无论您是将其放置在拐角处还是宁愿将其用作办公室的面向房间的桌子,都是真正的杰作。它的尺寸为29.1英寸H x 59.4“ W x 59.4488” d,并提供29英寸h x 59.4“ w x 23.6” d的膝盖空间。它带有可拆卸的存储支架架子,因此您可以根据需要自定义桌子的空间和布局。它是由木头制成的,但具有坚固的金属框架,可以支撑高达100磅的重量。


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Sturm Reversible L-Shape Desk

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Designed with a metal frame and shelves made from manufactured wood, this L-shaped desk is the perfect addition for a home office, offering plenty of storage space and a beautiful and modern appeal. It comes with seven exterior shelves that can be used for books, a computer unit, or several other items that you might want to showcase or have next to you. The L-shaped design of the desk is ideal for corner placement, while the reversible design gives you the possibility to place the shelves on the right or left side of the desk.


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Combining an iron frame and a manufactured wood surface, this office desk comes with a spacious tabletop and plenty of additional storage shelves for those interested in having books or other items at hand the entire time whilst working. The entire structure can support up to 200 pounds in weight, measuring 57.1” H x 63” W x 35.4” D overall and offering 29” H x 32” W x 23.6” D knee space.

Reversible L-Shape Desk with Hutch

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测量58.7 W x 19.7“H x 55.1 D和提供29.7” H x 55.1” W x 19.7” D of knee space, this is yet another sturdy and beautiful Inbox Zero desk with an integrated hutch that offers additional storage shelves for whatever you might want to place here. The desk is designed with a steel metal frame and shelves made from a combination of solid and manufactured wood. It can support a total weight of 200 pounds (except for the vintage walnut finish option, which can support up to 220 pounds) and comes with an L-shaped design that’s perfect for tucking in corners.


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这是我们的下一个建议59.44”H x 66.92”W x39.37” D desk that’s equipped with a hutch for additional storage space. The overall design of this ensemble is gorgeous and very practical, offering you the possibility to store up 550 pounds in weight. Combining metal for the base and MDF for the shelves and the desk surface itself, this is a sturdy option that’s suitable for home use. It comes with all tools and instructions needed for assembly.

Eutiquio Ayotunde L-Shape Computer desk with Hutch

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我们的下一个建议是另一家L形桌子,尺寸为67“ H x 60.2” w x 59” D,为您提供您家中所需的所有存储空间和工作空间。beplay平台没信用它是由不锈钢和制造木材的组合制成的,能够支撑高达600磅的重量。它具有三层书架,一个两层柜子和两个抽屉,足以存储文档,书籍,纪念品,文书工作,桌子配件以及工作时需要附近的其他任何东西。它可以容纳您的计算机,笔记本电脑,板条供应用品以及其他许多物品。

European Renaissance II Computer Desk

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这张桌子是我们说我们正在提高档位的方式,并向您介绍市场上最优雅的桌子选择之一。尺寸为30.5英寸h x 32“ w x 22” d,这是一种很容易成为较大家具合奏的一部分的桌子类型,但并不是只能适合任何装饰的桌子。它是由固体和制造的木材制成的,虽然没有指定总重量,但您可以从拆开的第一刻说,您正在处理坚固耐用的家具。


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对于更现代和工业风格的方法,我们介绍Currin Desk。它的尺寸为59.4“ H x 63” w x 19.9英寸D,并带有各种架子,分布在桌子的左侧和右侧,但在工作区域的顶部和底部也有一个额外的架子。这张桌子由制成的木材制成,可支撑高达220磅的重量,并提供10个储物架,因此您可以方便地将各种不同的物品放在工作空间旁边。


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我们今天为您提供的最后一个建议来自Inbox Zero,这是一家制造商,它再次证明他们提供了广泛的质量桌子。此特殊选项的尺寸为43.7“ H x 53.5” w x 23.6” d,并用钢架和制造木架构建。有一个大架子可以跨在主工作区域的整个长度上,并放在其下方。三个侧面架子可以确保您的书找到一个住宿地点。





Some of the best desks with bookshelves are made either entirely out of wood or made with metal frames/legs and shelves made from wood. The best types of wood that are used to make proper desks include oak wood, ash, cherry, maple, and black walnut.




