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桌子are a very useful piece of furniture, and that’s something we can’t deny. Whether we’re talking about a small home office or a regular office building, desks are a wonderful means to organize your work space and help you focus on the tasks at hand.

desk with bookshelf



桌子are not created alike, and regardless of whether you want adesk with a bookshelf或其他类型的桌子,重要的是,在花钱购买新产品之前,您必须更多地了解此特定项目类别:


There are manydifferent types of desks在市场上可用,对它们进行分类的一种方法是考虑其主要用途。如果您想要书桌写作,则需要选择具有简单干净的腿部模型,但请注意,它们提供有限的存储选择。行政桌很重,通常装饰着一堆装饰品。他们可能有坚实的前面板,以掩盖站在他们身后的人的腿。外壳桌由平板和空心芦苇组成,可提供额外的腿和椅子储藏室。起草桌有可调节的角度,通常是视觉艺术家的首选。浮动桌通常是壁挂式单元,可以折叠以节省空间。秘书书桌有传统的设计,通常配备额外的存储单元。



有关的:Modern Desk Designs For Functional And Enjoyable Office Spaces


考虑桌子配备的其他功能,但请始终牢记您需要从桌子上需要什么,因为某些功能可能对您无用。例如,如果您不打算放置笔记本电脑,计算机或桌子,那么电缆管理系统不是很吸引人,就像键盘托盘不会为您服务。带有厨具的桌子非常适合想要更多存储空间的人,就像配备抽屉和架子的桌子一样。A desk with a bookshelf isn’t chosen just by people with a passion for reading, as they can be a great choice for students who want to organize their study books and always have them nearby, or for people that want to take advantage of those shelves to place some decorative items.

How to Style Your Desk


  • 对于专为日常使用而设计的桌子,规则是将5个或更少的物品放在其表面上。
  • 每一个优秀的桌子上应该有一个台灯或工作a sconce, depending on what you use the desk for and how much available space you have to work with. Regardless of whether you’re using a desk for work or you’re using it for arts, crafts, or other creative purposes, you want to have an additional source of light, especially if you have a desk that’s facing the wall and ceiling-mounted lights won’t light up your working area. Desk lamps are functional and fashionable. You can opt for tall lamps to create a sense of styling height and to make the light cast overhead.
  • 不要害怕添加艺术品,因为这确实可以加强桌面造型游戏。您可以在桌子上方添加一些框架,因为这使您的工作区域具有个人风格。请注意,“艺术”并不总是意味着精美的绘画:这可以是您制作的东西(例如用织物制成的墙壁)甚至全家福。
  • Plants can also go a long way in terms of desk styling. It isn’t the most practical thing to add to the ensemble and probably not a good idea if you have very limited desk space, but keep in mind that plants don’t always have to be huge. You can always opt for something along the lines of a small succulent. However, plants tend to give you that extra sense of joy and make you feel more relaxed while you’re working. They add life and character to your desk, so try not to rule them out.
  • 如果您想避免弄乱并创建一个最终开始恐惧的工作空间,找到办公桌上的小物品的方法真的很重要。无论我们是在谈论纸剪辑还是写作工具,选择桌面组织者都非常重要,没有什么可打喷嚏的。
  • 不要害怕在桌子上方安装一些额外的储物架,以便额外的空间存储一些物品,或者只是添加一些装饰物品,使工作空间看起来更愉快。



It’s true that most of the pros and cons of desks with bookshelves are circumstantial, but let’s review some of the main benefits and drawbacks that one might experience when investing in such a product:



Pro: They are available in all shapes and sizes. That means that you are not limited to choosing a single desk style and can select from a variety of different options at your disposal.





Made from manufactured wood, the Athey L-shaped desk is a true masterpiece regardless of whether you’ll be placing it in the corner or would rather use it as a room-facing desk in an office. It measures 29.1” H x 59.4” W x 59.4488” D overall and offers 29” H x 59.4” W x 23.6” D of knee space. It comes with detachable storage stand shelves so that you can customize the space and layout of the desk as you please. It’s made from wood but has a solid metal frame and can support up to 100 pounds in weight.



Gaming desks are amongst the most comfortable ones on the market. They are designed to offer proper support and durability for heavy gaming units, and are conceived for people who spend countless hours behind the desk. The Inbox Zero gaming desk and chair combo offers everything you need if you plan to sit down for hours on end. This rectangular desk comes with four exterior shelves for additional storage space, with a built-in bookcase configuration, computer storage, and an ergonomic office chair included with your purchase.






该办公桌结合了铁架和制成的木材表面,配有宽敞的桌面和许多额外的储物架,适合那些有兴趣在整个工作时间内都在手头上有其他物品的人。整个结构可以支撑高达200磅的重量,尺寸为57.1“ H x 63” w x 35.4“ d,总体和提供29英寸h x 32“ w x 23.6” d膝盖空间。



测量58.7 W x 19.7“H x 55.1 D和提供29.7” H x 55.1” W x 19.7” D of knee space, this is yet another sturdy and beautiful Inbox Zero desk with an integrated hutch that offers additional storage shelves for whatever you might want to place here. The desk is designed with a steel metal frame and shelves made from a combination of solid and manufactured wood. It can support a total weight of 200 pounds (except for the vintage walnut finish option, which can support up to 220 pounds) and comes with an L-shaped design that’s perfect for tucking in corners.



我们的下一个建议是此59.44英寸h x 66.92“ w x 39.37” D桌子,配备了厨具以提供额外的存储空间。这个合奏的整体设计非常华丽,非常实用,为您提供了增加550磅重量的可能性。将金属组合为底座和货架表面本身的MDF,这是一个适合家庭使用的坚固选择。beplay平台没信用它带有组装所需的所有工具和说明。

Eutiquio Ayotunde L形电脑桌带赫奇


我们的下一个建议是另一张L形桌子,尺寸为67“ H x 60.2” W x 59” D,为您提供您家中所需的所有存储空间和工作空间。beplay平台没信用它是由不锈钢和制造木材的组合制成的,能够支撑高达600磅的重量。它具有三层书架,一个两层橱柜和两个抽屉,足以存储文档,书籍,纪念品,文书工作,桌子配件以及工作时需要拥有的其他任何东西。它可以容纳您的计算机,笔记本电脑,板条供应用品以及其他许多物品。



This desk is our way of saying we’re taking things up a notch and presenting you with one of the most elegant desk choices available on the market. Measuring 30.5” H x 32” W x 22” D, this is the type of desk that could easily be a part of a larger furniture ensemble, but it’s not the kind of desk that fits into just any decor. It’s made from solid and manufactured wood, and while the total weight capacity is not specified, you can tell from the very first moment of unboxing that you’re dealing with a rugged and durable piece of furniture.

Currin Desk with Hutch


对于更现代和工业风格的方法,我们介绍Currin Desk。它的尺寸为59.4“ H x 63” w x 19.9英寸D,并带有各种架子,分布在桌子的左侧和右侧,但在工作区域的顶部和底部也有一个额外的架子。这张桌子由制成的木材制成,可支撑高达220磅的重量,并提供10个储物架,因此您可以方便地将各种不同的物品放在工作空间旁边。



The last suggestion we have in store for you today comes from Inbox Zero, a manufacturer that, once again, proves they have a wide range of quality desks to offer. This particular option measures 43.7” H x 53.5” W x 23.6”D, and is constructed with a steel frame and manufactured wood shelves. There is one large shelf that runs across the entire length of the main working area and is placed right underneath it. The three side shelves are there to make sure your books find a place to stay.




What is the best material for a desk with shelves?


What kind of weight can I put on a single bookshelf?



