How To Turn A Cable Knit Sweater Into Planter Cover

Love the look of knit but don’t have the skills? Old sweaters are super cozy and easy to cut and sew! Warm-up a pot or planter with a slip cover quickly and easily crafted with an old or thrifted cable knit texture. Great for the cooling weather ahead and those plants you will soon bring indoors (like this rich and full ornamental kale).

Cable Knit Sweater Into Planter Cover 在画廊

Supplies you’ll need to make the Cable Knit Sweater Into Planter Cover:

  • cylindrical pot (works much better than a bowl style pot)
  • old sweater
  • scissors
  • sewing machine
  • pins
  • plant

sweater planter cover supplies 在画廊

How to craft the Cable Knit Sweater Planter Cover:

Step 1: Cutting process

Start by cutting the sweater for your pot. You will want to cut a large piece big enough to fold in half and wrap around the pot (cut larger and measure down, it is always easier to cut off more than to try and add material later!). If your sweater is on the small side and you are using a larger pot, you may be able to just simply cut off the bottom portion of the sweater and hem the top. If not, continue on to steps 2-4.

planter sweater cover DIY 在画廊

Step 2: Folding

Fold the piece of sweater inside out, pin, and sew along the length of the long edge.

Step 3: Pull the right side

Using the open ends of the piece, pull the right side of the sweater out. Match up the two short ends of the cover and sew together.

Step 4: Turn the cover

Turn the cover over again so that the seam of the two short ends faces inwards towards the pot. Pullover the pot to ensure that it fits. Make modifications to size if necessary.

Step 5: Cover off

Take the cover off the planter and plant the plant inside. Once the planter is clean with the plant inside, pull the cover back up and over the pot to finish the project!

cozy cable knit planter cover 在画廊

Make afew planter coversin different colors, sizes and textures for your various pots and planters. Get creative and add buttons (you could do this to replace step 4 if desired). These are perfect to “keep your pots warm” until the warm weather comes again and it is time to bring your plants back outside!

sweater planter cover DIY 在画廊

how to make a sweater planter cover 在画廊

You may have some leftover sweater after this project, save for other great projects like a pillow, sweater stocking or coffee sleeve!
