DIY Wooden Cheese Board To Beautifully Display Appetizers

这个节日是在拐角处和圣诞节ertaining is in full swing! Create this simple and super easy DIYwooden cheese boardto quickly and beautifully display appetizers for all your guests.

wooden cheese board View in gallery

Make thewooden boardas large or as small as desired for your next party or quickly whip one of these boards up and throw it in a large covered tin (like a brownie tin with cover) to transport to the next event you attend!

DIY Fall Cheeseboard - materials View in gallery

Supplies you’ll need forwooden cheese board:

  • hardwood board (we used walnut here)
  • sanding block
  • paint brush
  • butcher block or any other food safe finish

Instructions step by step to build the rustic-inspired cheese board:

DIY Fall Cheeseboard - steps View in gallery

Step 1: Sand board the wooden piece

To create this simple cheese board, you can take an off cast piece of small hardwood and simply sand down the edges. If you need to cut a large piece to size, you cancut the board downto size using a table saw (or enlist help if you don’t have the equipment or ability to do this). Sand smoothly around the edges of the entire board to get rid of any splinters and wipe off the excess sawdust with a dry cloth.

Step 3: Apply finish

Set up a messy work surface (like newspaper or a piece of large cardboard) and apply butcher block finish to all the edges and both sides of the board. Apply generously and spread evenly using your paint brush. Allow the wood so soak up the finish and wipe off any excess globs of finish. Allow to dry for the length of time as indicated on the back of the can of finish.

DIY Fall Cheeseboard - prepare the plate View in gallery

DIY Fall Cheeseboard - prepare the plate with chees and fruits View in gallery

Step 3: Let it dry

Once your board is dry and finished, get started serving! To create the perfect board, arrange cheeses, crackers, fruits and nuts. Arrange a few pieces of cheese to start, then add in crackers close by. Sprinkle in a few nuts and then finally add in a couple pieces of fruit (berries, grapes, pears, or even dried fruit which will stay fresher longer are all great options).

Related:DIY Modern Wooden Cake Stand

To clean, wash with warm soap and water. Dry thoroughly. Moisturize with a food safe oil (like vegetable oil) frequently to keep the board looking fresh!

DIY Fall Cheeseboard - Serve View in gallery

Modern DIY Fall Cheeseboard View in gallery
