

electrical outlet types

So it’s important to always keep allelectrical appliancesand electrical outlets types up to date. Today, we will go over a guide that will let you get started with learning all you can about electrical outlet types in your home.

为什么电Outlet Types Matter?

You may think that the type of electrical outlet you use doesn’t matter. After all, it’s powering your appliances, right? Sure. But the point is that一切都归结为安全。The outlet you choose should be as safe as it can be.



A wall outlet allows the appliances in your home to connect to the electrical grid via the sockets that you install in your wall. Most outlets have three prongs and two plug-ins per outlet, which is what you likely have in your home.

全部现代房屋beplay平台没信用have, and need, wall outlets to function in our society. Only those who move off the grid or are disconnected from society are without them. Otherwise, it is quite difficult to live a normal life.

That’s why learning about electrical outlet types and the safety concerns that may occur is important. The more you know, the safer and more energy-efficient your house will be. That’s always a good thing!

How Does An Electrical Outlet Work?

一个出口通常有三个孔。第一个洞被称为“neutral”.The second hole is called “hot”. The third hole is called the ground hole. The hot one is connected to the wire that supplies the electrical current.


The ground hole is put in for safety reasons to prevent electrical shocks and shorts. It takes the electrical currents into the ground to neutralize them instead of sending them into the object that is unintentionally inserted into the outlet.


电源插座类型:电压 View in gallery


In general, American plugs have the lowest voltage for the common plug and outlet, while other countries will have more power. There are pros and cons to both methods. Let’s take a look at voltage options.


This is the cheapest and most common type of outlet in homes. This is often referred to as 110 volt as well as 15 amperage outlets. It is generally all that is needed for small appliances and most rooms in the house.

This is also the voltage you’ll see in manybathroomsand RVs as the appliances will be quite small. Any smaller than this and you won’t get enough power for anything but charging a phone quite slowly.

125 Volt



250 Volt

You may notice a large jump here and that’s因为不同设备所需的电压有很大的跳跃。Things liketoasters need 125 voltswhile afridge or AC will need 250-volt outlets.



插座类型:替代品  View in gallery



Have you ever seen an outlet with a “reset” and “test” button? Well, these are often found in bathrooms are made to be used in areas with water. They have the ability to cut power to them in case of an emergency.




Did you know that one of the main reason lights are on switches is that they are turned on and off every day? Otherwise, they’d plug in like lamps. You can set any appliance up this way if you want them to be plugged in all the time.


This may be the future of outlets. There are outlets that work as USB outlets and even those that have an ethernet cord that runs through them. You can use USB outlets to charge or power anything that uses USB cords.




电插头类型不同于电气出口类型。虽然电源插座是千斤顶,但电插头是进入千斤顶的东西。电插头的类型根据国家 /地区而异World Standards.



  • 类型A。- 这是北美的标准两种插头。它也与北美的标准插座合作,通常为100-127伏特。
  • 类型b- 这是美国和墨西哥插头的另一种类型。它的顶部有两个扁平的插脚,但包括一个额外的插脚,分为三个插脚,较低的插脚被四舍五入。它也是100 - 127伏特。
  • 类型c- 这种插头在欧洲,南美和亚洲很常见。它是国际上使用的最常见的插头类型,通常为220 - 240 V,并用两个插脚绝缘。
  • d- 这是印度插头,在大多数情况下为220 - 240伏特。它有三个圆形的插脚,每个插脚的尺寸都不同,因此您知道将其插入哪里。
  • 类型e- 该插头用于法国,比利时,波兰,斯洛伐克和捷克西亚。它有两个圆形的插脚和一个位于出口上的非常短的地面插脚。
  • Type F– this plug is very similar to the Type E plug and it is used all over Europe. It doesn’t have the traditionally grounded prong but has two grounding tabs on top and bottom.
  • 类型G -this plug is used in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Malta, Malaysia, Singapore, and the Arabian Peninsula. It can be grounded or not grounded depending on whether the top prong is plastic or metal.


  • Type H– this Israliean plug is used only in certain areas in Israel. They are 220 – 240 volt and have three close-together round prongs.
  • Type I- 在澳大利亚,新西兰,中国和阿根廷使用的另一个插头,该插头有两个倾斜的插脚和一个圆形插脚。
  • Type J- 该插头主要仅在瑞士和列支敦士登使用。它看起来类似于H型插头,但顶部的插脚距离更远。
  • Type K– this electrical outlet type looks like the Type H plug as well but the bottom grounding prong has a flat top rather than round. It is found in Denmark and Greenland.
  • Type L——使用这个插头在意大利和智利。这是around 230 volt like most international plugs but it looks very different. This plug has three round prongs all in a row vertically.
  • Type M –this South African electrical outlet type has three rounded prongs with the top prong being larger than the other two. The plugs are usually shaped around the prongs.
  • Type N– used in Brazil and South Africa, this type of plug comes in a lot of different power levels. You can find them anywhere from 100 volts to over 200 volts.
  • Type O– this type of plug has three rounded prongs quite close together. It is hard to find this exact plug anywhere else except for in Thailand.


Getting the right type of plug and outlet for your country is necessary. Check with local stores to find out which types of plugs the accessories and appliances have. You can generally follow the letter coding system.


If you’re not completely sure what you need, ask an electrician to come out and take a look. You may be able to do the work yourself but it’s important to contact them regarding any safety issues that may come up.
