DIYFramed Map Corkboard Bulletin

成为一个总是很高兴的井井有条,做到这一点的方法是在鼓励和培养组织周围围绕着零件。公告委员会是增加组织的一种方法。They can be quite unsightly, though, so I’ve found a gorgeous way to create a framed map bulletin board, from scratch, that you can use as a regular bulletin board or one that will help you keep track of your traveling adventures and goals.

DIYFramed Map Corkboard 在画廊中查看

DIY框架地图软木塞项目 在画廊中查看

ThisDIY项目并不难, particularly, but it does require precision and patience. Mostly, I love the idea of creating a framed piece from scratch. Let’s do it.

框架地图软木塞项目 在画廊中查看

DIYLevel: Intermediate

DIY框架地图软木塞材料 在画廊中查看

Materials Needed:

  • Map of choice (example uses 24”x36”)
  • 拟合地图尺寸的软木塞
  • 1/2“胶合板切成地图的尺寸
  • 1英寸右角饰板,与地图周长和倾斜切割有些额外的额外
  • 选择的颜色喷漆 +底漆(示例使用naivete)
  • 木胶
  • MITER SAW,指甲枪,3/8“ Brad Nails(未显示)
  • Craft glue, foam brush, plastic spreader (not shown)

DIY框架地图软木塞 - 切割软木塞 在画廊中查看

确保您的地图,软木塞板和胶合板都减少the appropriate dimensions. You can trim your corkboard with scissors (depending on its thickness).

DIY框架地图软木塞 - 剪裁和地图被切割 在画廊中查看


DIY框架地图软木塞 - 木材壁架 在画廊中查看


DIYFramed Map Corkboard - Use the miter saw 在画廊中查看


DIYFramed Map Corkboard - Position the angled end 在画廊中查看


DIY框架地图软木塞 - 关键点 在画廊中查看


DIY框架地图软木塞 - 锋利的铅笔 在画廊中查看

Ensuring the first critical point is still maintained, use a sharp pencil to mark the critical point on the inside of the other corner. Also make a quick angled sketch line in the direction that your angle should be cut. This is so helpful when you move the trim piece away from the plywood and to the saw, so you don’t have to remember and/or guess.

DIYFramed Map Corkboard - miter saw 在画廊中查看

Position your trim piece on your miter saw so that the inside edge of your saw blade will cut ever so slightly outside your critical point mark. (And isn’t that angle sketch line helpful so you know exactly how to position the trim piece on your saw to begin with? Answer: Yes. Yes it is. So helpful.) You always want to err on the side of slightly too big, even up to 1/8”. Chances are, you’ll think you’re leaving too much space but it will end up perfect. And, even if it’s not perfect, you can always shave a little off the end. That’s not possible if your cut is 1/8” too short. So, if you’re going to err, err wisely.

Test-fit your trim piece 在画廊中查看

Test-fit your trim piece. Line up the critical point on one side.

适合您框架的完美作品 在画廊中查看

Then check the critical point on the other end of your trim. If they both align perfectly – at the same time – then you’ve got yourself a perfect piece of your frame.

Take your trim piece to your miter saw 在画廊中查看

Take your trim piece to your miter saw and trim off one end to the appropriate 45-degree angle. (You’ll find that the existing angle, although 45 degrees, is pointing the wrong way.) Then repeat the stepsto cut all the other sides of your frame.

测量方法 在画廊中查看


DIY框架地图软木塞 - 沙子和纸剪 在画廊中查看


DIY框架地图软木塞 - 抓住您的喷漆 +底漆 在画廊中查看

Grab your喷漆+底漆of choice. For this project, I’m trying out Valspar’s Naivete, a very slightly off-white color that seems softer than regular White.

喷涂装饰件 在画廊中查看

Working in light strokes, spray paint the trim pieces in multiple light coats. Don’t forget to hit the edges of your pieces with paint. These are hard to see from this angle. This might have to be done when the first few coats have dried and you can flip the trim pieces to see the under-edges.

DIY框架地图软木塞 - 虽然您的装饰件是干燥的 在画廊中查看

While your trim pieces are drying, it’s time to attach your corkboard and map to the plywood. Spread out plenty of wood glue onto your plywood.

DIY框架地图软木塞 - 使用平坦的塑料边缘 在画廊中查看


DIY框架地图软木塞 - 胶水传播 在画廊中查看

When your glue is spread evenly, it’s ready for the corkboard.

DIYFramed Map Corkboard - Carefully spread your corkboard over 在画廊中查看

Carefully spread your corkboard over the plywood, and center it. Smooth it flat, starting in the center of your board, and place flat objects on the edges if they want to curl up. (This is probable if your corkboard came as a roll.)

DIYFramed Map Corkboard - your wood glue is drying 在画廊中查看


泡沫刷以铺开胶水 在画廊中查看

用泡沫刷轻轻地将水状胶水撒在地图的背面或在您的软木塞上。当整个表面覆盖时,翻转并将地图放在软木塞上。轻轻地用手轻轻地!- 平滑所有可能形成的皱纹,从地图的中心向外朝边缘工作。将胶水混合在上面放上盖子;您需要一点。

DIY框架地图软木塞 - 干净的板 在画廊中查看

If possible, place some clean, flat boards on top of your map and weight them down. This will help the map’s edges dry in place enough in a smoothed-down position, not curling.

DIY框架地图软木塞 - 准备地图 在画廊中查看


DIYFramed Map Corkboard - glue water mixture 在画廊中查看


DIY框架地图软木塞 - 油漆工作 在画廊中查看


DIYFramed Map Corkboard - add the frame 在画廊中查看


DIY框架地图软木塞 - 指甲 在画廊中查看

您不必为Brad指甲发疯。我分开了大约6“ -8”。

DIY框架地图软木塞 - 钉钉的顶部装饰件 在画廊中查看


DIYFramed Map Corkboard - corners match 在画廊中查看


DIY框架地图软木塞 - 指甲along frame 在画廊中查看


DIY框架地图软木塞 - 轻巧的散发器填充 在画廊中查看


DIYFramed Map Corkboard - Fill the holes 在画廊中查看


DIY框架地图软木塞 - 安装框架的软木塞地图 在画廊中查看

To mount your framed corkboard map, find two studs at the height you want to hang it. Use a level to determine where to place your mounting nails.

DIY框架地图软木塞 - 墙指甲 在画廊中查看


DIY框架地图软木塞 - 墙钩 在画廊中查看

Choose your hanging mounts.

DIY框架地图软木塞 - 框架方法 在画廊中查看


DIYFramed Map Corkboard - Mark on the back of your map 在画廊中查看


DIYFramed Map Corkboard - Hang up your DIY framed 在画廊中查看


DIY框架地图软木塞 - 框架 在画廊中查看

It really looks great; the frame is a polishing feature but not distracting.

DIYFramed Map Corkboard - polished frame 在画廊中查看


DIY框架地图软木塞 - 旅行固定 在画廊中查看

Our family has had such a fun time pinning a few of our favorite places we’ve gone in the world.

DIY框架地图软木塞项目的家庭beplay平台没信用 在画廊中查看

The clean-lined frame gives a classic map a contemporary, custom feel, which I like.

DIY框架地图软木塞 - 墙 在画廊中查看

The corkboard on this map is very thin, so pins don’t go in very far; but they seem to work fine for our purposes. You can opt for a thicker corkboard if you’re concerned about this.

DIY框架地图手套板儿童乐趣 在画廊中查看

