Futuristic Living Room Interior Design Concept by Karim Rashid

Usually, living rooms are spacious places which are the most exposed to your visitors. It is the place where you should put the most beautiful objects and things that you are proud of. It is the place where you receive your guests and you should feel comfortable.

可丽耐的生活空间,卡里姆拉希德14 554 x411

Karim Rashid insists on a living room interior design based on futuristic industrial elements.This type of living room has nothing in common with a traditional one. Its interior design looks more to that of a space ship.

可丽耐的生活空间,卡里姆拉希德14 554 x411
可丽耐的生活空间,卡里姆拉希德14 554 x411
可丽耐的生活空间,卡里姆拉希德14 554 x411

All is spacious, the walls have different shapes, and there are used spot lights and eye catching colors such as pink. Beautiful light nuances are used too and furniture has futuristic shapes and the number of its pieces is reduced.

可丽耐的生活空间,卡里姆拉希德14 554 x411
可丽耐的生活空间,卡里姆拉希德14 554 x411
可丽耐的生活空间,卡里姆拉希德14 554 x411
可丽耐的生活空间,卡里姆拉希德14 554 x411
可丽耐的生活空间,卡里姆拉希德14 554 x411
可丽耐的生活空间,卡里姆拉希德14 554 x411

It is an interesting and beautiful living room interior design which will send you to another world for sure!
