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proper bike storageis key when it comes to protecting your bike. The last thing you’d want is to accidentally damage your bike from knocking your bike over or leaning it against the wall. If you’re living with younger children, it’ll alsokeep the bike out of your living space

Best Garage Bike Storage Ideas

When it来到车库自行车存储,那里有很多选择,选择最适合您的车库自行车存储可能会令人不知所措。

To start, we’ve curated a list of 10 of the best garage bike storage. Before we delve into each of these items, we’ve also put together a comprehensive guide that’ll talk about the benefits of getting the right garage bike storage, and what you should look for when it comes to purchasing one.


拥有适当的车库自行车存储带来了很多好处。Not only will it help with ensuring the safety of your ride, but it’ll also extend the longevity of your bike so you won’t need to worry about repairs or replacement – especially if you’ve only had it for a short period of time.

如果你把自行车留在外面,不要invest in proper storage, it can cause significant damage to your bike. Not only will the chain of your bike start to rust – especially if you live in a humid wet area, the parts of your bike will also start to degrade. With heat, for example, the plastic and rubber parts of your bike will start to break down, the colors will fade, and even the plastic will become brittle. With cold weather, you’ll have to deal with rust and seized parts if you’re not storing your bike properly.

While it’s okay to leave your bike out for a day or two, you wouldn’t want to leave it outside for an extended period.将其存放在车库中will protect your bike from damage. With proper storage, you’ll also avoid accidentally running into your bike and prevent it from being a safety hazard to any younger children.



  • Wide variety. Since there are different types of bike storage, you’re sure to be able to find one that suits your needs best.
  • 确保您的自行车安全。如果安全地存放在车库中,您将不必担心自行车被盗。
  • Extends the longevity of your bike. Since your bike is indoors, you’re protecting it against all sorts of weather conditions.


  • 压倒。市场上有这么多类型的自行车存储空间,您可能不知道从哪里开始或需要什么。
  • Price. Depending on the model, some bike storage types can be relatively expensive – they’re worth the investment if you want to keep your bike stored safely though!

Different Types of Bicycle Storage Ideas

A few things you’d need to consider when looking for garage bike storage include where you’re going to set it up, how many bikes you want to fit in the storage, and if it’s easy to assemble. It’s also good to take some measurements and figure out how much space you have when it comes to setting all of this up.


首先,您有floor bike stand。They’re usually easy to use as all you have to do is wheel your bike into the stand. They can also hold multiple bikes and are portable so you can easily move it around your garage. While they’re great, floor bike stands can take up a significant amount of garage floor space.

Then,有重力自行车stand that is a freestanding bike storage rack. It takes up far less space and can hold up to two bikes in a small area, they’re also usually easy to assemble. The issue with this bike stand, however, is that younger children may not be able to reach it as it’s lifted quite high.

接下来,你有有自行车杆。由于这些张力安装了,因此它们都很容易设置并取下。他们还使用最小的空间,易于在车库周围移动。但是,与重力自行车架相似,但是,顶部自行车通常放置得很高 - 使得年幼的孩子不适合到达。

Finally, you’ve gotwall bike hooks以及通常拧入墙螺柱的架子。这些通常是最便宜的选择,并有助于释放车库地板空间。它们通常很小,因此不会占用太多空间。但是,尽管它们具有大量的积极性,但它们需要牢固地固定在您的车库墙上,因此需要一些安装工作。由于自行车也会从墙壁上伸出,因此很烦人。



BT-H动物标本“高地”壁挂式自行车架 在画廊中查看

这款壁挂式自行车架在波特兰手工制作,是公路自行车,山地自行车和富型自行车兼容。设计长发的头部之后highland cattle, this gorgeous piece is essentially a leather bicycle seat that comes with bullhorn style road handlebars. Not only is this rack aesthetically-pleasing, but it’s also great at holding your bicycles.


Q-Rak Floor to Ceiling Freestanding Bike Rack

Q-Rak Floor to Ceiling Freestanding Bike Rack 在画廊中查看


You can also adjust the bike rack to be at a height that suits you best, and the bike can either be ceiling mounted or freestanding. A one-year warranty comes with your purchase, and the rack can even be mounted on a slanted slope. Those that have purchased this rack love its solid construction, and how easy it is to put together.

Sapulpa Freestanding Bike Rack

Sapulpa Freestanding Bike Rack 在画廊中查看

This inexpensive freestanding bike rack isperfect for holding your bikes。It’s made with sturdy powder-coated steel and is weather-resistant. Feel free to use this as a dual bike stand or separate it into two individual stands. The stand is also compatible with all sorts of bikes and can be adjusted to suit various wheel sizes.

Those that have purchased this rack like how easy it is to assemble and put together, but some have mentioned that there isn’t enough space to put two bikes together as the handlebars get in the way. Others have suggested that it’s great for children’s bikes instead of adult ones.


工业管道壁挂式自行车架 在画廊中查看


The rack is handcrafted in Portland, and those that have purchased it have given it rave reviews. One mentioned that they’re secure and easy to install, while another mentioned that it’s of fantastic quality. Purchase this bike rack, and you certainly won’t be disappointed.


握着独立自行车架的自行车 在画廊中查看

This特定的自行车架is constructed with slats that are made of resin wood and it’s both sturdy and sleek. This is a great rack for those that want to hold multiple bikes at once as it’s designed to hold at least six bikes. It’s also both children’s bike, mountain bike, and road bike compatible. The slats are also carefully placed so you’ve got enough space to safely store your bikes.

As a bonus, this rack also requires no maintenance, and it also won’t crack, splinter or break. The paint will also not bond to the surface, and it’s UV protected. Customers love its heavy construction and mentioned that it has lasted them through the seasons. It also comes in two colors of cedar and green so you’re able to pick the stand rack that suits your garage aesthetic best.

Vertical Single Sided Anchored Bike Rack

Vertical Single Sided Anchored Bike Rack 在画廊中查看

If you don’t have a lot of space in your garage, this bike storage is完美的解决方案。Since it uses vertical space, you’ll efficiently be able to store your bikes. It’s also made with powder-coated steel for sturdy construction and great durability.

The bike rack can hold a total of three bikes including mountain bikes, road bikes, and children’s bikes, and it comes with a one-year warranty in case anything happens. Best of all, there’s no assembly required with this bike, it comes already assembled and all you have to do is install the rack. The bike rack is also adjustable so you can find a bike height that suits you best.

ZGR-BK Wall Mounted Bike Rack

ZGR-BK Wall Mounted Bike Rack 在画廊中查看



StoreYourboard自行车架 +储物架

StoreYourboard自行车架 +储物架 在画廊中查看

This梦幻般的自行车架can hold up to 5 bicycles and comes with adjustable bike attachments to suit a wide variety of bicycles. It also comes with a handy overhead shelf that you can use to store helmets, shoes, tools, and more. The bike rack itself can support up to 200 pounds, and all the hardware is included for simple installation.

With its vertical bike storage, you can hang your bikes on the wall to help clear up floor space. Those that have purchased this rack love how structurally sound it is and are impressed with the additional storage space. Perhaps the only downfall is that it may not be able to hold 5 bicycles comfortably and it’s better to space your bikes out on this rack.


伟大的工作工具自行车提升套2 在画廊中查看

如果您曾经想将自行车吊起,您想购买this bicycle ceiling hoistthat can store two of yourbikes overhead- 将它们挡开,并在车库中节省空间。购买后,您将获得光滑的滑轮以及易于使用的钩子和闩锁,使您可以无缝操纵自行车。

Each of these hoists can hold up to 55 pounds and even accommodate heavier mountain bikes. Since the hooks are extra-large, they’re also safe and will help to securely hold your bike. Since they’re also coated in anti-scratch rubber, your bike will be well-protected and it’s a great way to store your bikes. Those who have purchased it love how it’s easy to install and mentioned that it’s of great value.

PRO BIKE TOOL Swivel Bike Wall Hanger

PRO BIKE TOOL Swivel Bike Wall Hanger 在画廊中查看

这个旋转自行车墙壁衣架非常擅长在车库中节省空间,并且the storage systemfirst most bike types from children’s bikes to hybrid bikes and more. With its vertical storage system, you can conveniently store your bike, and the angled hook design allows you to mount your bike with ease.




简单的壁挂自行车架 在画廊中查看

This design from指示对于车库墙绝对是完美的。它非常简单又便宜,它可以容纳多辆自行车,非常适合家庭住宅或任何自行车爱好者。beplay平台没信用



PVC自行车与钉子站立1 在画廊中查看

ThisPVC stand不仅非常容易建造和真正便宜,而且以意想不到的方式实用。由于其设计的工作方式,因此您需要PEG才能使用它。

That also allows you to spin the wheel while the bike is on the stand which is useful if you’re doing some repair or maintenance work on your bike. Check out the tutorial for this stand onbmxmuseum有关它的更多信息。

Repurposed rail bike rack

Repurposed rail bike rack 在画廊中查看

You can save time, effort and money by making a bike rack out of things you already have around the house. A creative mind can find uses for all sorts of things. For example, you can actually make a bike rack out of an old crib rail.

A staircase railing could also work in case that’s easier for you to get your hands on. Check outkellyleighcreatesto find out how this works.

A wooden pallet bike rack

A wooden pallet bike rack 在画廊中查看

At this point it’s easier to ask ourselves what can’t you make out of a wooden pallet. They’re so incredibly versatile and useful for all sorts of DIY projects, including bike racks.

这一辆非常容易制作,可以握住多辆自行车。当然,它最好在外部使用,因为它占用了很多空间。查看该教程指示for more details.


由再生木材制成的垂直自行车架 在画廊中查看


This one has a frame around it which is quite nice and all the different boards give it a cool patchwork effect. They also keep the wall nice and clean.


两辆自行车的垂直杆架 在画廊中查看

如果您想要一个不会占用很多空间的自行车架,并且在空无一人时不会脱颖而出,那么这个设计理念指示might just be perfect.


Multiple bike storage idea

Multiple bike storage idea 在画廊中查看

What’s nice about a simple vertical rack like this one is that it can be adapted and customized to hold one, two or several bikes. You can also adapt it to fit a smaller space if necessary.

The design and the tutorial for it which are available on指示类似于我们之前提到的另一个自行车架。它使用木板和钩子,您可以将其拧入并分开。


极简金属管架 在画廊中查看


Here’s another version of it which can be found on救生员。要制作此特殊的自行车架,您需要一个金属柱,两个支架和四个钩子以及一些金属方形管,螺钉和可选的一些泡沫橡胶,如果您担心金属会损坏自行车的金属。

The Bottom Line

这是一些最好的车库自行车圣orage that we’ve found. There are plenty of options to choose from, and you’re sure to find some garage bike storage that meets your needs. The great thing about these options is that they come in different types and aesthetics so you’re sure to find something suitable from the list above.
