Putting the “Home” in Home Design – The Home Definition

When you think of “home,” what comes to mind? Is it the place you were born, grew up, or live now? How long has that been home to you? Do you have more than one home? The concept of “home” is rather tricky to pin down. Unlike a house – which is pretty much any basic unit of dwelling – abeplay平台没信用是更广泛,更深的,更个人的。

beplay平台没信用家庭室内设计与粉红色的苍白沙发 在画廊中查看

A colection of chairs for dining table 在画廊中查看


beplay平台没信用家庭定义如何装饰一个小型客厅 在画廊中查看


根据本地的技术定义包括beplay平台没信用Merriam Webster.:一个人的居住地,形成的社会单位by a family living together, a familiar or usual setting, a congenial environment. It’s not surprising that the phrase “at home” is, similarly, another way of saying one is in harmony with the surroundings, relaxed and comfortable, and/or at ease.

Gold and Williams homely decor 在画廊中查看

While some people associate the word “homely” with less-than-positive aesthetic appeal, it other meanings and associations as well. Homely definition, when used in conjunction with a place or one’s surroundings, is “简单但舒适舒适“。当我们到达它时,这是非常描述的,这是许多家庭的目标。beplay平台没信用

Marble coffee table and two cream armchairs 在画廊中查看



周到的布局家庭定义长凳设计beplay平台没信用 在画廊中查看

周到的布局 -“对于一个家庭beplay平台没信用运作良好,它需要阈值,避难所,空间到空间到分享的基础知识(Shane Cotter和Kathryn Wilson,创始人Architectural Farm)。换句话说,房屋的各个组成部分以促进个人和集体享受的方式排列,无论如何。beplay平台没信用您可能会考虑大量的物体,舒适的纺织品和有用的照明。

Choosing the best comfortable chairs 在画廊中查看

舒适的组件 -家的含义是“不仅在物理术语中归beplay平台没信用属的想法,而且还有舒适的感觉,感知和享受激励你的小事并带给你和平的小事”(Leonidas Trampoukis)(Leonidas Trampoukis)的联合创始人LoT)。换句话说,家庭很舒适,舒缓和和平beplay平台没信用。虽然将这些类型的感受从一个人到接下来的个人改变了这些类型的作品,但这个想法是家庭的最终目标是在其球体内带来舒适。beplay平台没信用

Community Space grey living room sofa and modern frames above 在画廊中查看

Community Space-Every home should have a space that is large enough and laid out in a way that’s conducive to the whole family’s gathering. Even if they’re doing their separate things, the family can still be together at home.

Kid Friendly Details art and furniture 在画廊中查看

Kid-Friendly Details –我们的房beplay平台没信用屋代表了超过我们的金融资产;他们有一个深刻而独特的情感意义。我们最早的家园往往是beplay平台没信用与我们的童年相连。考虑到这一点,一个孩子聚集的家应该肯定会容beplay平台没信用纳它们。

Wyatt货架组织存储系统 在画廊中查看

Organization –beplay平台没信用家是一种方式组织和理解空间在我们自己之内,世界各地建造的方式。如果内部的组织组织beplay平台没信用以促进生活良好,那么房屋肯定会更令人难以置信,更居住。当然,这对每个人来说都看起来不同,但是组织的一些基本设计组件包括货架,盒子/篮子,托盘,小篮筐,等等。有组织的东西感觉更好,看起来更好,并且更容易访问,无论是视觉还是身体。

不完美的莫兰床套装 在画廊中查看

Imperfection- 一个beplay平台没信用家并不总是看起来很完美。如实,作为人类,我们从未完全完全放心,感受太完美的地方。它是令人恐惧和假的。所以不要害怕(拥抱!)你家的不完美。beplay平台没信用床上的皱纹,宠物在家具上,无匹配的家具,Chippy Vintage块,无论它可能。让您的家庆祝我们呼beplay平台没信用叫生活的完美不完美的体验。

Royal lighting game of thrones 在画廊中查看


Home is a place we love to be. In fact, “Home is home, and everything else is not-home” (smithsonianmag.com)。那么,诀窍是将你个人住宅的物理空间转变为你感觉,井的地方。beplay平台没信用现在我们更好地了解房屋是(或不是),让我们来看看应用程序。beplay平台没信用人们如何创建这样的空间?毕竟,房子本身并不像内心那么重要,当到创造一个家庭。beplay平台没信用

经典的硬木地板 在画廊中查看

经典的硬木地板-Timeless hardwood floors are one component that makes a house feel like a home. They may seem “old fashioned” when compared to the myriad of flooring options these days,但是硬木地板从来没有真正过于风格,他们可以优雅地容纳各种现实生活疯狂。此外,他们增加了自然吸引力和视觉温暖。

有自然光的蕨桌子 在画廊中查看

Natural Light –每当尽可能的地方,欢迎自然光线进入您的家。beplay平台没信用空间会感到如此明亮,更大,更快乐。Of course, your home’s natural light potential is largely dependent on its existing architecture – vaulted ceilings, walls of windows, positioning, etc. But you can keep window treatments to a minimum and use reflective surfaces in your space to maximize whatever light you do have.

照明选项楼层系统 在画廊中查看

Lighting Options –柔软,扩散照明在创造雄厚的氛围方面非常重要;beplay平台没信用让房间看起来很长的路要走。虽然镜头光线可能是你家的主要beplay平台没信用光源,用自己的照明灯具个性化(和软化)一切。改变审美深度和基于光的功能的高度和范围。

休息室椅子与奥斯曼蓝色设计 在画廊中查看

家具可放松性 -At its core, a home is comfort. Likewise, the ability to put one’s feet up at the end of a long day (or even throughout the day) is also comfort. Something as simple as including an ottoman at the foot of a chair will enhance the feeling of homeliness. Other ideas: chairs with rocking, swivel, or reclining features.

咖啡桌与独特的基地 在画廊中查看

Intuitive Conversational Areas –Intuitive design is an important, albeit subtle, aspect of great design, and providing intuitive spaces where you and others can interact will go far in creating that desirable homey atmosphere. This is not just limited to seating in the living room, although that’s important. Think of seating areas in bedrooms, which can be conducive to late-night chats with children or spouses, or home offices.

Marble With Custom Details For Kitchen Countertop Gold Sink 在画廊中查看

Custom Details –When your house comes with standard or builder-grade details (anything from cabinet hardware, lighting fixtures, or浴室配件),它看起来和感觉上像一个房子。定制those details will take it a step closer to becoming a home. Swap out a faucet, exchange the hardware, or do whatever else to really customize your space. “Customizing small details like hardware is a quick, easy, and cheap way to make your house feel more like a home” (designsponge.com)。

再生木棍柜 在画廊中查看

贮存- 当我们想到“家居设计”时,我们中的许beplay平台没信用多人可能会立即跳到纯粹的审美部件,但重要的是要记住,空间的功能必须是en Pointe,在它真正成为一个家之前。这包括things such as storage。“一切的地方,以及它的一切。”当然,您可以始终选择漂亮的存储解决方案,这是在美学和功能部门的双赢。

个人集合框架墙艺术与个性 在画廊中查看

Personal Collections –无论是你在旅行世界时收集的东西,还是4岁的艺术品,展示了一群心爱的人,个人系列的迹象都有很长的路要走带来家里的感觉。beplay平台没信用因为,真的,all the stuff that proudly adorns your home tells the story of who you are and where you’ve been” (goodhousekeeping.com)。

Living room furniture and lighting fixture 在画廊中查看

Lamps- 作为具有巨大漫长的照明选项的一部分,不要忘记灯具在家里播放的角色。beplay平台没信用各种灯,from floor lamps to tabletop lamps对于任务灯,将允许您直接控制光线以适应您想要的氛围或需要。这意味着人们将能够使用真正适应生活方式和需求的空间,Ergo,他们会在家里感受到。beplay平台没信用

复古手工对象 在画廊中查看

Vintage &Handmade Objects –Some people may not travel the world and bring home unique collectibles, but that doesn’t mean that the vintage or handmade touch must be abandoned. Finding and then surrounding oneself with beautiful and meaningful unique objects, be they pottery, artwork, or furniture, will create that sense of history and individuality so prominent in true homes.

Throw blankets on sofa 在画廊中查看

Throw Blankets- 没有什么能击败能力to grab a throw blanket每当你感到寒意的时候,他们会依偎在家里。beplay平台没信用事实上,有些人全年感到寒冷,所以这对他们来说尤为重要。在您家中的每个房间内至少可以轻松进入毯子,以增加额外的舒适和熟悉程度。beplay平台没信用

家庭的传料床 在画廊中查看

Family Heirlooms –Displaying or using objects that have a personal background, story, or connection with you and your family is a lovely way to create a feeling of home. How about putting those patchwork quilts your grandma made into the rotation? Your home becomes timeless, rooted in the past as well as branching into the future while thoroughly enjoying the present.

Live edge furniture and area rugs 在画廊中查看

Area Rugs-Area rugs are an absolutely lovely touch in creating a homey home. They are soft and warm underfoot, which instantly helps to make a place feel more live-in. Area rugs offer another often overlooked benefit in a home – they help with sound acoustics/insulation, making the place not feel all echo-y like a museum.

Chandeliers can add a touch of luxury 在画廊中查看

Chandeliers-Chandeliersare one of the best ways to transform the harshness of fluorescent overhead lights, the dimness of single exposed light bulbs, or the stale feeling of generic box-store lighting fixtures into something really special. There are great inexpensive chandelier options, so price needn’t be the issue when transforming your home into something that’s really quite magical.

Meaningful Artwork 在画廊中查看

Meaningful Artwork- 这是关于艺术的事情,你可能已经知道,但值得重新计算:Art is highly个人,也可以在任何和一切中找到。从大自然中发现对象(Pinecones,任何人?),家庭照片,绘画,拼贴画,雕塑,你得到了这个想法。艺术可以是任何你想要的一切。展示你家中所爱的东西。beplay平台没信用时期。

创建一个comfy nook 在画廊中查看

Comfy Nook –“无论你的风格如何清洁和现代,每个家庭都需要至少一个或两个舒适的空间,您可以休息一下,让宽松”。beplay平台没信用由您最喜欢的扶手椅设置一盏阅读灯和书架to create a cozy nook,甚至保持地板枕头,靠近您最喜欢的暖气通风口。无论建造一个让你真正放松的地方需要什么。

Serene bedroom design 在画廊中查看

Serene Bedroom- 一个宁静的舒适的卧室是让房子感觉像是家的关键。beplay平台没信用虽然不是每个人都会欣赏这个空间,但对于家庭的居民来说,卧室居住是至关重要的。beplay平台没信用旅行可能最欣赏的人 - 尽管有大型豪华的酒店床,但没有任何东西可以在家里徘徊在自己的宁静和个人空间中。beplay平台没信用

优质床枕头 在画廊中查看

优质床枕头 -当它被设计为生活良好与生活良好的生活时,享受享受的决定性差异。beplay平台没信用通常,这两个一致,但有时只有居民会注意到的差异。优质床枕 - 您可以买花的最好的床 - 每张床上都是一个例子。真正真正舒适的枕头将提升回家的愿望,感觉放心并在那里休息,即使你是唯一知道他们在那里的人。beplay平台没信用

创造与朋友一起玩的空间 在画廊中查看

播放空间-In any home, there really needs to be room for play. Whether the playing in yourbeplay平台没信用家涉及棋盘游戏,ping pong,棋,运动,甚至只是简单地阅读或烹饪(或其他任何东西!),确保为生活丰富的游戏有空间。

舒适的用餐室座位 在画廊中查看

舒适的用餐室座位 -如果家的心脏是厨房,那么今天的开放概念的beplay平台没信用餐厅是该全部重要房间的百分之一。这餐厅椅子的舒适性is essential in facilitating lingering togetherness – meals, conversations, games. Whatever it is you choose to do around the dining table, the chairs’ comfort will only add to that home-based memory.

完美的户外装备 在画廊中查看

户外住宿-Playing in the backyardwith cousins/friends/neighbors creates those memories that are forever connected to home. Or having the ability to relax, dine, chat, or just meditate outside on a small patio, where a couple of lawn chairs allow sitting outside and watching the stars come out, bring out the feeling of home like few things else.

回家标beplay平台没信用志 在画廊中查看

