
When a structure becomes a ruin, that’s usually the end of it. In a few cases, however, that’s just the end of a chapter. From those ruins rise new structures which instead of wiping out any trace of the old building are designed to instead embrace the history of the site. This is how these houses came to be. They’re the link between past and present and they celebrate the unique charm of the ruins that surround them, making them a part of their design.

NunoBrandãoCosta的Melgaço的房屋 在画廊中查看

Low House in Melgaço from Nuno Brandão Costa 在画廊中查看

Ruins House in Melgaço from Nuno Brandão Costa 在画廊中查看

来自NunoBrandãoCosta的Melgaço的房屋,带有大窗户 在画廊中查看

NunoBrandãoCosta内饰的Melgaço的房屋 在画廊中查看

NunoBrandãoCosta的Melgaço的房屋fence 在画廊中查看

这是一个房子位于Parada蒙特,难觅踪迹tugal. It covers an area that measures 349 square meters and it was built here in 2016 by Nuno Brandao Costa. The existing ruins inspired the architects to build an延伸到原始房屋and to blur the boundaries between past and present by using local materials. The extension contains the lounge area and three bedrooms and it’s a partially underground structure. On one side it features a stone wall made with materials from a demolished local building.

来自Sami Arquitectos的E-C House 在画廊中查看

来自Sami Arquitectos的E-C HouseFence 在画廊中查看

sami arquitectos窗口的E-C房屋 在画廊中查看

来自sami arquitectos的E-C House的客厅 在画廊中查看

来自Sami Arquitectos厨房的E-C House 在画廊中查看

事实证明,葡萄牙隐藏了一堆类似的宝石。其中之一是由E/C房屋建造的SAMI-arquitectos2013年在皮科岛(Pico Island)。该项目的起点是毁灭。建筑师和客户立即被这一历史性功能吸引,并同意找到一种保存并重视它的方法。这里建造的度假屋利用了废墟。实际上,房屋建在这些废墟中,开口与前建筑物的开口一致,使石墙成为新结构的框架。

orgânicaarquitectura的Cabrela House 在画廊中查看

Old struture Cabrela House by Orgânica Arquitectura 在画廊中查看

orgânicaarquitectura的Cabrela HouseOld and New 在画廊中查看

orgânicaarquitectura的Cabrela HouseBedroom 在画廊中查看

Organica Arquitecturaalso built an interesting residence in Portugal. This time the house is situated in Sintra and covers an area of only 142 square meters. There were still parts of an old structure on the site and they were recovered and integrated into the new design. The residence appears to emerge out of the ruins. The exterior walls of the old structure were preserved and the new house was built inside of them, extending to the back of the site.

废墟建筑 在画廊中查看

废墟建筑设计 在画廊中查看

废墟之家建筑后院 在画廊中查看

This house in Saka, Latvia uses the ruins of an old structure as a shield against the strong winds but also as a cover that lets it blend in more easily and become a part of the landscape. The building was designed byNRJA早在2002年,被废墟命名为House。废墟来自19世纪的传统谷仓,他们允许建筑师使用强烈的对比度。新的现代房屋搭配玻璃外墙和干净的线条设置在粗糙的石墙上,结果是一个非常有趣的组合。

Old Farmhouse into two-storey residence 在画廊中查看

旧农舍进入两层楼的居住地外墙 在画廊中查看

老农舍成两层楼的居民建筑 在画廊中查看

旧农舍居住在两层楼的室内 在画廊中查看

这个度假屋位于意大利北部,躲藏在一个旧农舍的废墟中。beplay平台没信用这些被整合到新的两层楼的住宅中,建筑师在Bergmeisterwolf通过使用传统的石匠技术来重建旧墙并重新创建其原始设计,从而成功地融合了两种样式。他们还在某些墙壁上使用了预 /木的木材,烧焦​​的木材在现场后部的车库中使用。

Buchner Brundler Architekten在自然之家中迷失了 在画廊中查看

Buchner Brundler Architekten混凝土内部 在画廊中查看

Buchner Brundler Architekten生活 在画廊中查看

Buchner Brundler Architekten自然装饰浴室 在画廊中查看

说到有古老而欺骗的贝壳的房屋,请查看由布赫纳(Buchner)翻新的200年历史的房屋beplay平台没信用Brundler Architekten。这是一个迷人的避暑别墅,外面看起来并不乐观。beplay平台没信用但是,这只是封面。内饰再好不过了。在房子里,设计干净,极简,充满了光,考虑到外部的质朴和谦逊,这令人惊讶。您可以轻松地假设这是一个废墟,每个人都忘记了,但是您错了。

Fernando Coelho- Rm房屋外墙 在画廊中查看

Fernando Coelhorm House 在画廊中查看

Fernando Coelho- RM房屋玻璃栏杆 在画廊中查看

Fernando Coelhorm HouseRoof 在画廊中查看

Fernando Coelho- RM房屋装饰 在画廊中查看

Fernando Coelho- Rm House厨房 在画廊中查看

在2013年建筑师Fernando Coelho在葡萄牙Felgueiras的一个非常特殊的住所中,RM House完成了。它占地540平方米,建在两个旧废墟的墙壁内。外墙被合并,部分屋顶被拆除。新结构从这些废墟中出现,并遵循地形的自然曲线。它在公共区域和私人区域之间有两层楼的组织。

Maclean-Bristol House, Scotland 在画廊中查看

The White House Extension 在画廊中查看

ruins The White House 在画廊中查看

白宫现代设计 在画廊中查看

白宫客厅 在画廊中查看

这是白宫,这是位于苏格兰Coll Island的私人住所。从远处看,它看起来像是废墟,实际上是在某种意义上。WT架构came up with a plan to consolidate the structure and to transform it into a modern home. The spectacular property has a beautiful glazed design concealed inside the massive stone walls. The project was completed in 2010.

WT架构the Mill 在画廊中查看

WT建筑磨机内部 在画廊中查看

WT建筑厂厨房 在画廊中查看

WT建筑磨坊生活 在画廊中查看

WT建筑磨机外观 在画廊中查看

The creative team fromWT架构is also responsible for the wonderful conversion of this old mill on the Scottish Borders. The project concerns the transformation of the mill into a modern residence. This was done by preserving and consolidating the original stone walls and building a new independent structure within these. Completed in 2014, the project was a finalist at the RIBA House of the Year awards in 2015.
