如何最大化你的Wall Power

You might think that walls are not the most important part of a room’s décor, other than what color they’re painted, but this is not true. Walls can become a powerful part of your room’s image. Here are some tips to achieve more eye-catching walls.

Wallpaper Wonders.

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Use of wallpaper that has a trendy design can help to transform a space, whether it’s big or small. Wallpaper in the bathroom is especially striking and it adds a nice touch to this room that is usually left neutral. In fact, it works so well because of this tendency. If you are going to use a wallpaper that is very patterned, make sure you keep it the focal point of the entire room to prevent décor overkill.

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Wallpaper is a great way to create a theme in a room. It can literally bring the outdoors inside, for instance, as seen in this picture:

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You don’t have to use wallpaper all over the room if it feels like too much. In small amounts it can become an interesting accent.

Feel it.

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Forget walls that are smooth – textured walls make rooms gain dimension and unique character. A wall with a wood accent, for instance, can create an interesting touch to a room, plus it makes it appear more rustic. Tip: only make one wall in a room textured, so as to make it stand out from the others.

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Another striking idea is to use stone accent walls, for a bit of the outdoors inside.Textured wall panels can be more subdued too, but they are still effective.

Use of Other Materials.

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Walls are the perfect place to allow your creativity to be displayed in the home. A chalkboard wall is a fun idea – just think of all the family notes and scribbles that will add a lovely sentimental touch.

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Using new or different kinds of materials on the wall can give a room its own heartbeat. Steel or tin on the walls adds a studio or creative loft effect.

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Pearls on the walls might sound like something fantastical but it’s just another creative wall panel that adds a seaside yet glamorous feel to a bedroom.


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A mirrored wall is an excellent way of enlarging a space and making it look glamorous. It’s also easy to maintain and looks stylish without any effort.

If You Want to Lose the Accent.

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Sometimes doing the opposite of an accentuated wall can be just as effective. This could entail painting all the walls, and perhaps even the ceiling, in the same shade. The beauty of this is that it creates harmony in a room. The use of bold accessories or wall trims can give the room a bit of lift if one color all around feels too sparse for you.

Black is the New Black.

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Black never goes out of style – it’s always trendy and gorgeous. But did you ever think of placing black on the walls? The idea might sound a little too emo or gothic for your liking, yet it can really work if you keep your accessories and furniture light and/or colourful.

Picture sources:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12and13.
