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如何卸下螺丝 在画廊中查看

When that happens it doesn’t have to ruin the day or your project because there are a number of拆下螺丝螺丝的方法




Of course, there is such a tool as a screw extractor bit that you can use in your drill, which works like a charm, but you definitely don’t need one. You just have to know different ways to remove a stripped screw. In fact, all the methods explained here use common items from the home or garage to get that stuck screw out. The beauty of having so many ways for how to remove a stripped screw is that if one isn’t working for you, try another.

What Tools Do I Need?

How to Fix a Stripped Screw

There isn’t much you can do with a stripped screw once you remove it. But you have options to use the hole of the stripped screw still.

  • 将锚粘在孔中。
  • Use a larger screw.
  • Fill the hole and add another screw.
  • Get a screw repair kit.

How to Get a S跳闸s全体人员出去

Rubber Bands to the Rescue

如何卸下螺丝 在画廊中查看

One of the most effective methods for how to remove a stripped screw is to use a rubber band. All you have to do is place a rubber band over the top of the screw that’s stripped and won’t come out.

stick the screwdriver into the rubber band on top of the stripped spot. Slowly turn the screwdriver until the screw comes out. If you can’t find a rubber band, you can always use a little piece of a green kitchen scrubber or some steel wool instead.


How to Remove a Stripped Screw 在画廊中查看


Just Pull it Out!

Depending on how the screw sits in the hole, it may be possible to pull it out with a pair of pliers. Look at how closely how the screw head sits in the hole. Is there any space between the screw and the surface?



You might wonder how drilling a hole in a stripped screw will help you remove it, but sometimes the little hole is just enough to give the screwdriver a better grip. You’ll need a drill bit made for metal and some caution: You don’t want to drill down too far into the stripped screw or you might break off the top.

Try a Different Screwdriver

Try a Different Screwdriver 在画廊中查看

这个选项是阿尔ways worth a try when you’re looking at how to remove a stripped screw. If the screw head is meant for a Phillips headscrewdriver,尝试使用平面版。虽然可以奏效,但仍有几件事要记住:您需要选择一个足够瘦的螺丝刀,足以完全适合飞利浦的头部插槽。

Also, doing this is going to take some strength and sweat. Another hint for making this method work is to use the rubber band along with the flathead screwdriver. Lastly, if you were using a drill bit, try switching to a manual screwdriver. It’ll give you a little more control and just might do the trick.


No, we’re not suggesting that you try to bash it out with a hammer, but it could be that the screw became stripped because it’s made of a softer metal. In this case, it’s worth trying to tap the screwdriver into the metal with a hammer. Position the screwdriver over any remaining indent and then hammer it into the metal as best you can. Doing this can push the screwdriver in firmly enough that you can twist it to get the screw out.

Put Your Dremel to Use


Get a Screw Extractor Kit



如您所想的那样(或没有),这些天几乎所有的东西都有一种专业产品。如何卸下螺丝螺钉也不例外的液体产品,例如螺丝抓手,DriveGrip如果您是DIY委员会的爱好者,那么其他人可能会保持一致。大多数是您在机组人员身上放置的液体,以在屏幕截图和螺丝刀之间产生更多的握力和摩擦完全stripped. Essentially, it’s the same concept as using a rubber band or steel wool.


Weld-on a Nut

假设你有焊接和经验screw is in a place where it’s safe to do so, you can attach nut and use a socket wrench. Choose an appropriately sized nut and weld it to the screw head. After it has cooled and set, all you have to do is use a socket wrench to twist out the screw. A little extreme, but it can be a handy option if all else fails.


Is it possible to get a stripped screw out?


How do you remove a stripped screw by hand?

In most instances, you won’t be able to remove a screw with your bare hands. You’ll need either a rubber band and screwdriver or an extractor.

How do you remove a stripped screw without tools?


How do you unscrew a stripped screw?



A stripped screw is a stripped screw. It can be easier to remove a smaller screw, but the processes are the same. You can use all of the methods and tips here to remove the small screw. In most instances, a rubber band is your best bet.

How to Get a Stripped Screw Out of Wood

Locking pliers is one of the best ways to remove a screw from wood. Lock the pliers around the head of the screw and twist it until the screw comes out. If that doesn’t work, you can also use a screw extraction kit made specifically for removing stripped screws.

How to Remove a Stripped Allen Screw


As long as the head of the Allen screw is exposed, you can use locking pliers to twist the screw out. If the head of the tool is stripped but still accessible, you can use a rotary tool to indent the screw to fit a screwdriver and then remove it. You can also use a substance like Screw Grab to make the screw easier to grip and remove.

How to Get a Stripped Screw Out of Metal

When your screw gets stripped in metal, it likely needs just a bit more grip to pull it out. Using a rubber band will give you the extra support you need to remove the screw.

Get On With Your Project

This list of tips should help you solve how to remove a stripped screw and get on with your project. After you’ve dealt with this problem a few times, you’ll get a feel for which method will likely work best in a particular instance. You might even develop a go-to solution that works consistently for you. The main thing to remember is not to panic because this is a common problem and can usually be solved rather simply.
