
If there is one thing that every home could have more of, it’s storage. Whether you live in acloset-less apartmentor a large home with some real “problem” areas, most of us wouldn’t refuse another box or basket. So when we think about those areas that need some organizing, IKEA is a good place to start looking for materials. Their classic and modern pieces are easily customized to fit your own organizing needs. Take a look at these 20 storage hacks and say goodbye to your problem areas in your home.

碎梳妆台 在画廊中查看

一个阿f the easiest hacks for a dresser by far is a new coat of paint and some new knobs. You’ll be amazed at the difference. Whether you paint it all over in a solid color or paint on a pattern, IKEA dressers are just ripe for the painting. And if you don’t prefer their knobs, exchanging them for your favorite will only take a minute. (via卡米尔风格

pushpin console 在画廊中查看

信不信由你,这个电视台是宜家的厨房橱柜。这些设计只是Pushpins。现在,如果这没有让您旋转的想法,我不知道会怎样!只需想一想所有宜家的梳妆台,货架和游戏机以及您可以使用Pushpins装饰的所有东西即可。(通过Signed By Tina

油漆的支架 在画廊中查看

Looking to put open shelves in your kitchen? IKEA can help with that. They have some wonderful open shelving options that you can easily customize with your own wooden shelves like this. Add a big of glamor bypainting your bracketsa metallic color. Nobody will even guess that it’s an IKEA hack.

漂浮的信条 在画廊中查看

Affordable sideboards can be difficult to find, but not when IKEA comes into play. This gorgeous现代餐具柜由宜家橱柜组成,坐落在低位上,黑色木制上衣。只是一点点工作,您可以通过晚餐,包括购物之旅在餐厅里放这个。(通过由女孩制作

lampshade basket 在画廊中查看

您是否曾经看过自己喜欢的灯罩,但由于不适合您的装饰而无法买到它?这个宜家灯罩转动的存储篮是完美的解决方案。虽然您可以为该项目使用宜家的许多灯罩选项之一,但您也可以考虑购买您现在喜欢的灯罩。(通过A Bubbly Life

painted shelving 在画廊中查看

这个事实普遍承认,金喷漆改善了一切,this bookshelf证明了这一点。这个宜家的书架提供了一种时尚而简单的设计,只是恳求涂上粉刷以使您的客厅魅力。(通过风格我漂亮

大理石顶控制台 在画廊中查看


ombre植物屋 在画廊中查看

Adding little plant cubbies to your home can be the perfect thing to fill an empty corner or put some green into a bright room. This ombre house stand uses the legs from an IKEA stool to create one of the best plant cubbies I’ve ever seen. (via怪物马戏团

床抽屉 在画廊中查看

您需要额外的存储吗卧室的空间?使用宜家壁橱的存储系统来构建一个平台床,该床在下面包含大量存储空间。但是这些抽屉仍然给您带来时尚的舒适感。(通过Apartment Therapy

大衣轨道骇客 在画廊中查看

没有钩子和铁轨,我们会怎么做?虽然大多数人都使用宜家的Fintorp钩子和铁路系统进行厨房存储, you can also create a space for bags and coats in the entryway without taking up tons of space. (via一杯乔

软木塞板 在画廊中查看

Everyone has a pile of papers that contain receipts and phone numbers and reminders. With IKEA’s cork boards, you can unpile those papers and give them a fancy place to rest that’s easily accessible. Spruce up those plain boards with a bit of paint, using painters tape to make a pattern.

书架储藏室 在画廊中查看


酒吧购物车床头柜 在画廊中查看


wrapped baskets 在画廊中查看

You might already have these little baskets in your house, but even if that’s not the case, these IKEA baskets are super affordable and so is embroidery thread. Because that’s all you need to make these lovely wrapped baskets that would go perfectly in your bathroom. (via讲爱和巧克力

floating storage 在画廊中查看


painted magazine holders 在画廊中查看

我们大多数人都有一堆论文,我们一直想归档。宜家通过提供简单而简单的杂志持有者来轻松,这些杂志持有人很容易涂上或绘制到可以使您的办公室变亮的任何东西中。他们会让您想保持这些论文的井井有条。(通过The Lily Pad Cottage

under the bed storage 在画廊中查看

我们中的一些人有一个宜家的宜家梳妆台,真的不能拿另一件油漆。如果那是您的情况,请取出抽屉并将其滑动在床下。它将需要您两秒钟,并为房间带来更多空间,而无需牺牲任何存储空间。(通过Nur Noch

现代内阁 在画廊中查看

当您可以破解一件家具以匹配您的中世纪的装饰,而不是以十亿美元的价格购买同一件作品时,这就是我们喜欢的方式。这正是这些简单发生的事情宜家书架。添加门和腿,您永远不会知道这是宜家的骇客。(通过Petite Apartment

nail polish spice rack 在画廊中查看

Nail polish是难以存储的东西之一。如果您允许,它将很容易收购药柜或化妆抽屉。我认为宜家正在考虑这一点these spice racks。他们为存储所有这些小瓶子提供了如此简单的解决方案,并且它足够小,几乎可以适合任何地方。(通过BuzzFeed

酒吧车架 在画廊中查看

A bookshelf for abar cart?That’s right. Just screw on some casters to the bottom and handles to the top of a Kallax shelf to make the most amazing bar cart you’ve ever seen. Feel free to style with as many gold accessories as possible. (via糖和布
