Inventive design ideas for small home offices

A home office is often a must have for many people. It’s a space where they can retreat to work or to simply put their thoughts in order. However, most of the times, the limited space doesn’t allow for a large separate room to be converted into a home office. In this case, it’s best to improvise. Even a tiny space can be enough if you know how to organize it. Here a few ideas that you can use as inspiration.

Closet office View in gallery

This is a very small office, a sort of computer nook. But even though it’s very small, it doesn’t look cluttered. The key for that is the simplicity of the décor. This space only contains a small desk and a chair. Above the desk there’s a wall-mounted cabinet with a carved arched space for the computer. It’s a very clever use of the limited space.

Closet office View in gallery

This is another small home office. This one is quite narrow so the owner chose an L-shaped desk. The actual work surface is near the window while the rest is for storage. Again, we have a similar storage cabinet with an arched space. The décor is simple and bright and the lacquered wooden flooring adds warmth and color to the space.

Closet office View in gallery

This is a slightly large home office but it’s still small compared to other designs. It also has an L-shaped desk with a corner work area. There’s plenty of storage space both inside the drawers of the desk but mostly in the upper cabinets. The open shelves are perfect for displaying books.

Closet office View in gallery

This is an eclectic home office with a less simple and neat interior décor. The furniture has built-in storage compartments and the whole space seems to be functionally organized and decorated. It has an overall eclectic look and it seems welcoming and relaxing. The décor is slightly more casual than the ones presented so far.

Closet office View in gallery

Of course, if you can’t spare even a tiny room in order to create a home office, you can still improvise. For example, this office is actually a closet. It was neatly organized with open shelves for storage and a sleek and simple desk. It might not have windows but it’s still very nice. The best is that is remains hidden when not used.

Picture sources:1,2,3,4and5.
