牛奶油漆与粉笔油漆: What Is The Difference?

Painting is such an important part of remodeling andrepurposingthat everyone should know the basics of painting. But when it comes to choosing paints, most people don’t know that not all paint formulas are the same.

What Is Milk Paint View in gallery


What Is Milk Paint?

True milk paint is made using milk protein, also known as casein, as well as lime, scientifically calcium carbonate. Then pigments are added as well as a natural preservative like borax to extend shelf life.

When you start applying milk paint, you may be turned away by the milky scent as this really is a milk-based paint, but don’t worry, it dries without a smell. The milky smell is worth the lack of chemicals and toxic elements.

However, unlike most paints that are sold in cans, milk paint is typically sold as a powder in packets. You usually need to add water. This just proves that the concoction is natural since selling it mixed will cause it to spoil.

Milk paint is a low luster and gives a distressed look, much like whitewash only richer. When finished painting, milk-painted furniture will last a long time and the distressed look won’t get any more distressed.

C是什么halk Paint?

C是什么halk Paint View in gallery

粉笔油漆看起来类似于牛奶油漆。但这是一个非常具体的,甚至是名字品牌涂料,由一个名叫安妮·斯隆(Annie Sloan)的女人在1990年创作。Annie Sloan Brand Chalk Paint是带有注册商标的官方粉笔涂料。

When you hear the term chalk paint otherwise, it usually refers tochalkboard paint,它会产生一个可以用粉笔写在粉笔上的表面,看起来像黑板。这也是一种非常有趣的油漆。



牛奶油漆与粉笔油漆 View in gallery


Both milk and chalk paints work best on wood but can be used on a variety of surfaces. They provide a rather vintage finish and look amazing on furniture that you want to fit into a farmhouse or shabby vibe.

Differences Between Milk Paint Vs. Chalk Paint

牛奶油漆比粉笔涂料要大得多。实际上,牛奶油漆几乎和牛奶一样古老。因为仅有的两种必需成分是古老的,所以牛奶涂料也是如此,至少可以追溯到colonial times.

Because it isn’t trademarked nor in large cans, milk paint is usually slightly cheaper than chalk paint. This is probably because milk paint can be copied while chalk paint is unique to Annie Sloan and her team.

As for textured, chalk paint is a bit thicker though both milk paint and chalk paint are thin compared to other paints. This is sometimes preferred so that the undertones of the furniture shines through, giving a unique texture.


当谈到粉笔画,你可以反对trol the distressing. If you want an extra-distressed look to the furniture with chalk paint, you’ll have to sand it, which will give you full control over how vintage the item looks.


What Is Milk Paint View in gallery

Milk paint works much better on wood than other materials, especiallyraw woodthat is a bit porous. Milk paint doesn’t need priming before painting and priming will actually destroy the process of distressing.

What you may need to add is a bonding agent which will help milk paint stick to non-porous surfaces such as glass, metal, and plastic. Non-bonded milk paint won’t stick well to anything other than porous wood.

Once you mix the milk paint, you should use it within a day. It isn’t recommended to use on walls and works best for furniture. This isn’t a bad thing because a specialty item can do wonders for its specialty.



Step 2: Mix The Paint

Combine equal amounts of powder and water, then add a bonding agent if painting on something other than unfinished wood. It is best to use a mixer attached to a drill to mix the paint since you don’t want lumps.

Step 3: Let Sit


Step 4: Apply First Coat


Step 5: Smooth And Seal

If you want a smoother more even look, remove flakes with a putty knife. These will occur naturally and will flake off naturally, so it is best to remove loose pieces now before they make a mess on your floor.



如何使用粉笔涂料 View in gallery

Unlike milk paint, chalk paint can be used on walls too. It can work just like any type ofpaint for interiors但具有哑光和略微老式的外观。它是几乎所有材料的安全选择。


Step 1: Prepare The Area



Step 2: Sanding (Optional)

You can usually skip priming and sanding, but if you want a more distressed look, then you will need to sand the surface. If you are painting over glossy paint or laminate then it is recommended to sand it.




Step 4: Start Painting


When using a brush, which is most common, dip the brush in the paint then tap it on the rim of the can. You can do the same even if you move paint to another container to carry with you. Dip and tap.



Most people just do one coat of chalk paint but you can get by with two or more if you prefer the thicker look. It will always be matte however unless you add a layer of wax or sealer, which brings us to this next point.

Step 6: Customize


Other than that, it’s up to you. If you want an even more distressed look, you can sand the furniture lightly. Want a different color underneath the distression? Paint with one color of chalk paint and then another. Sand the top layer and voila!
