

Everyone loves relaxing in the yard, whether front or back, and doing so means having a beautiful, tranquil space in which to spend time outdoors. One way to elevate the outdoor space to a sanctuary getaway is to include an outdoor fountain. These can be quite calming and make a great centerpiece to the rest of the landscaping work you decide to do in your yard. They’re also great for conversation, whether placed out front for the neighbors and passersby to see or in the backyard to be shared with friends and family. But how do you choose the best outdoor fountain for your yard?


当你浏览成千上万的喷泉, one important thing to keep in mind is the style you’re looking for. If you’re heavily into contemporary style, you don’t necessarily want a classic or antique style fountain as your backyard focal point. Another important factor is the type of fountain you want and the available space you have for it. You’d be surprised how many types of fountains are available, from wall and tiered fountains to bubble and pond fountains, just to name a few, and some require more room to install than others.



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Wildon resin fountain是一个分层结构,看起来像石头基座上的粘土陶器,为您提供美化设计的自然和质朴的感觉。但是,由于它是由多头骨和玻璃纤维形成的,因此尽管外观沉重,但令人难以置信的坚固结构实际上很轻巧,使其易于安装和安装。舒缓,有吸引力的喷泉可以位于露台上或景观美化厚度上。该喷泉带有潜水泵,带有直径½英寸的软管以及69英寸的电源线。

一个稳定的年代tream of water flows down from the pottery container on top with 4 spouts and over the rocks to recycle through, and it’s recommended to keep approximately 3 gallons of water in the fountain. It stands 39 inches tall and weighs less than 26 pounds. You should empty, clean, and store it during cold weather for best performance, but it is otherwise weather resistant. Assembly requires no tools, and the fountain comes with a 1-year warranty.

树脂喷泉with Light

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Hi-Line resin fountainis intricately detailed with a unique shape that creates a charming and peaceful waterfall effect for your enjoyment. Made from extremely durable and lightweight polyresin, this fountain offers you a quick and easy setup so you can start basking in the calming sound of the waterfall almost immediately. The fountain is lighted, so you can even watch the water at night with a pleasant glow in the darkness from the included LED bulb that creates a lovely ambiance, especially when entertaining guests.

This smaller fountain stands just over 14 inches tall and is 8 inches in diameter, weighing only 5.5 pounds, but it makes a big impact, especially if installed on a pedestal of some kind either on the patio or amidst greenery in the yard. You may need an extension cord, as the cord length is only 30 inches. It includes a recirculating pump, as well as flow control to change the flow of the water, and a filter. It is rated for outdoor use and is weather and water resistant.

Olen Resin Solar 2 Tier Fountain

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Resin Rock Fountain

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Hi Line resin rock fountain提供非常自然的外观,而没有真正的岩石的重量和麻烦。虽然看起来喷泉实际上已经被雕刻成一个崎bug的巨石,但事实是,喷泉是由polyresin形成的,然后用有目的苦恼的灰色油漆制成,在模仿石头方面看起来非常现实。4级设计使用电动电动的循环泵产生了可爱的trick流。

It includes recycled content so is environmentally friendly, and you’ll find it has an adjustable flow rate so you can determine just how you want your fountain to sound. It includes a white LED light that allows you to enjoy the view of your fountain day or night, and it’s best installed on a pedestal or other stable formation, with the overall height being only 13.25 inches. It makes a great conversation piece for your patio and is weather, water, and rust resistant. It’s rated for outdoor residential use and comes with a limited warranty.


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塞维利亚树脂喷泉has a unique appearance, dating back to the Mudejar architectural style that incorporates both elements of the Renaissance as well as Moorish influence from a millennium ago. A combination of sharp angles and steep curves, the piece is reminiscent of the city in Spain after which it’s named. While the tiered design mimics heavy stone structures, it’s lightweight and easy to clean and handle, made from resin.


Sonora Concrete Fountain

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Sonora concrete fountainelevates a very basic bowl design to new levels, incorporating the look and feel of not just concrete but also heavy metals, without all the weight involved. The grooved design in the concrete creates a very timeless appeal that can blend into its surroundings and look very naturally at home in your yard. Whether you like a more modern design, something transitional, or a traditional feel, this bowl fountain is ideal for your purposes. Made from concrete, the fountain is 12.5 inches tall and 16 inches in diameter, and while there appears to be heavy metal in the design, it actually only weighs 44 pounds.

It has a single spout, holds 3 gallons of water, and has a recirculating pump powered with an electrical cord. While it is weather resistant, you’ll likely want to store or at least cover the fountain during the winter to keep its integrity. To best care for the fountain, you’ll want to empty it from time to time and clean it with dish soap and a gentle rag.

Amidon Resin 3 Stream Outdoor Water Fountain with LED Light

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Amidon resin 3 stream fountain是一件非常简单的作品,具有现代优雅,将墙壁和盆地结合在一起,以产生整体宏伟的效果。有3个流从墙壁轻轻流入下面的urn风格盆地,它是宁静的,并为任何草坪或花园增添了美丽的补充。不需要管道,因为喷泉带有潜水的循环泵和软管,并且用6英尺的绳索供电,可以插入室外电气插座。水容量仅为0.5加仑,因此也不会使用很多水。您可以根据需要调整流量,而LED灯意味着流量是白天或晚上可见的。

这wall stands 3 feet tall, and the basin is 13 inches in diameter, so it makes a big impact without taking up too much space. While the white and gray stone appearance is deceiving, the fountain is fashioned from resin and weighs only 26 pounds. It is weather resistant and can be wiped clean with a damp cloth for easy care and maintenance. No assembly is required, and the fountain comes with a 1-year warranty to back its quality construction.


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Concrete Falling Water fountain绝对是对话作品,也是您景观设计的核心焦点。由铸造石制成的,分层瀑布喷泉被形成一个大型矩形盆地,将平方柱放在其中,水从那里流入下方的水池。流速是可调的,并设置为创建完整的瀑布效果。喷泉包括一个循环泵,以保持20加仑的水可以保持移动,并且电动电力,因此不需要管道。


混凝土X 3喷泉

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混凝土X 3喷泉是一种创新的墙设计,它结合了一个矩形盆地,配有3个喷嘴,可用于设计室外空间的干净,简约的方法。混凝土铸造的石材材料非常自然且手工制作,并且能够自然而然地迎接时间和年龄。循环泵包括在不需要任何额外的管道安装的情况下保持连续的水流电源。只需插入16英尺的电线,然后将水填满即可。



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Genesis III concrete fountain在经典设计中添加了现代元素,其底座的干净线和上层的雕刻水喷泉。矩形底座的水容量为6加仑,是一个具有锐角的游泳池,与上层的圆形倾斜碗形成鲜明对比,实际上是用方形水池切入的,以使外观更加独特。瀑布从上方滴入下方的水池,并带有循环泵和管子通过供水,因此不需要管道。铸石喷泉用电插头供电,以易于使用。


Malpelo Resin Solar Fountain

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Malpelo树脂太阳能喷泉conserves energy and offers a nice, quaint birdbath appeal to feathered friends who may frequent your backyard. The fountain is truly traditional in appearance, with finely carved details in the 3-tiered piece, with elements of design that date back centuries to the Renaissance. However, it’s heavily updated in terms of construction and functionality. Powered by a solar panel, you don’t have to worry about consuming electricity, and you won’t need to worry about having an outlet in which to plug in a cord for power.


Resin/Fiberglass Multi Pots Fountain

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Multi-Pots resin and fiberglassfountain offers a unique Zen appeal with its style and charm creating the ultimate serenity in your outdoor space. Crafted from high quality resin and fiberglass, the fountain is highly durable to withstand the test of time, as well as to weather the elements, though it is recommended you cover or store the fountain during freezing temperatures.

At the same time, it’s incredibly lightweight, so while the look of the pots resembles natural clay and stone, the 4-tiered cascade fountain only weighs 15.4 pounds, making it easy to install and move as desired. The entire piece is just under 2 feet tall, measuring 13.4 inches wide and 12.6 inches deep, and it has a 1.1-gallon water capacity. It comes with a 74-inch electrical cord to power the recirculating pump that keeps the water flowing gently through the tiers, and you can adjust the flow of the water to your liking. It is water, rust, and fade resistant so you can expect it to last many years. Assembly requires no tools, and it comes with a 1-year warranty for your protection.


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苏塞克斯混凝土墙喷泉is a very classic design, featuring carved stonework and a lovely detailed round basin. The entire piece is made of concrete with Greek and Roman elements to the floral and tree design carved into the wall piece. The basin resembles the base of a Doric column from Roman times as well, and the entire fountain is quite an imposing conversation piece. The single spout is fueled by a gallon of water and a recirculating pump powered by a 6-foot electrical cord that can plug into any outdoor outlet.

这fountain is 28 inches high, 18 inches wide, and 9 inches deep, so while it’s a rather large piece, it doesn’t take up a great deal of room. The fountain is available in a number of hand applied finishes and patinas, including Pietra Nuovo, travertine, and more. It weighs 77 pounds, so you may need assistance to properly mount this fountain, and there is some assembly required.

Mablethorpe Polystone Fountain

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Mablethorpe polystone fountain是一个可爱的分层墙壁喷泉,带有复杂的设计,使人想到铁器时代。在3个传统喷嘴上方的雕刻fleur de lis带有雕刻,当您享受喷泉的宁静时,您会牢记西班牙的征服,而看上去像锻铁的精致卷曲的常春藤设计为作品增添了令人愉悦的细节。整个喷泉都是由Polystone制成的,Polystone是一种持久且耐用的合成石,能够在不衰老中衰老的天气,因此您可以在未来几年内享受喷泉。

