
It’s amazing how much a chandelier or a pendant lamp can impact the decor of a room and the ambiance in it. Hanging lights are one of those things that can make or break a design and that complete a room, just like a rug or a set of curtains do. Pretty much any现代吊灯has the potential to make a room look great and feel inviting. Here are some of the designs that we find most interesting. Check them out and maybe you’ll find something that you like too.

大两层矩形吊灯 在画廊中查看

这是一个大的two-tier chandelier那是一个就餐区的正确的。Dining room lighting是有点棘手,难以得到正确但des吗igns like this one make the decision-making process quite simple. The size and shape of the pendant is ideal for rooms with large, rectangular tables.

天花板努沃尔di pietra照明 在画廊中查看

Nuvole di Pietra是具有古董细节的现代吊灯,这种组合并不像您想象的那样异常或对比。设计非常简单。六个卫星从中心爆裂,每个卫星的形状和大小与其他卫星相比略有不同。

Annelo Ceiling Light Fixtures 在画廊中查看

A pendant lamp or a chandelier doesn’t need an overly sophisticated design to look glamorous. Take theAnnello例如。它具有三个用水晶砖装饰的圆形框架。它既简单又豪华,形式和材料彼此互补。

Portaromana天花板照明灯具 在画廊中查看

Any one of these four pendants could look exquisite in a modern living room, bedroom or even kitchen. TheMiropendant is striking and bold, being subtle at the same time. To its right is theBlossomchandelier that puts an emphasis on its sculptural charm and its delicate design created out of burnt and forged steel. Then comes thependant which has a design inspired by the intricate and delicate structures built by spiders and other insects. The old or silver leaf accents are quite glamorous. Pendant lighting can take many different forms and one of them is displayed here by theOrbpendant, a beautiful piece that resemblance the delicate drops of dew in the morning.

弗林笼子楼梯间灯笼和卢卡枝形吊灯 在画廊中查看

这两个灯具都归功于它们的几何形状和雕塑美感。右边的一个是Lucachandelier. It’s spectacular and eye-catching mostly because of all the hand-textured and patinated brass platelets. It gives out a golden glow. The other one is ideal for stairwells. Used individually or in groups of three, theFlynn Stairwell Lanternhas the ability to transform an area and to make it look sophisticated while preserving its casual simplicity.

凤凰天花板照明灯具 在画廊中查看

In spite of all the details that define the design of thePhoenix天花板,这实际上是一个非常多功能的灯具。整个设计的基础是六角形。几何形状被扭曲并转动以创建板的分支和簇。铜绿和调色板受自然的启发。阴影或橙色和红色使固定装置具有生锈的外观。

Glass Pendand Geometric Pendant from originalbtc 在画廊中查看

Aren’t these hanging pendant lights just charming? They look a bit like vintage lanterns, with their weathered brass frames and glass sides. TheQuad吊坠有四种不同的尺寸,因此您一定可以找到最适合您房间的版本。

骨中国吊灯 在画廊中查看

有没有想过要获得像茶壶一样形状的吊灯?直到我们看到这些设计,我们才真正认为这样的设计是一种选择。它们是像茶杯和茶壶一样异想天开的吊坠集合的一部分。它们非常适合厨房和餐厅。查看Tea 5,,,,Tea 2andTea 1models in particular. They’re the ones displayed here.

Massimo Castagna Epsilon Hanging Lamp 在画廊中查看


Iolite枝形吊灯让·路易斯·丹诺特(Jean Louis Deniot) 在画廊中查看

设计iolitechandelier is also somewhere between antique and modern. This is a chandelier that has a solid brass body with alabaster diffusers that are looking rather futuristic. And yet the contrast is not too strong. The chandelier has an antique brass finish with polished brass accents.

在Vincenzo de Cotiis发光之后 在画廊中查看

设计After Glowpendant lamps is a bit unusual in the sense that they look intentionally uneven which makes one wonder whether they’re broken or this is their intended appearance. The burnished brass finish is mixed with tempered glass and the result is a chic industrial look worthy of a contemporary space. Quite the interesting take onthe drum pendant

黄铜ekxess吊灯悬挂 在画廊中查看

我们无法决定我们喜欢什么,朝阳设计变化由Exxesschandelier or its warm and delicate glow. This is definitely the type of pendant lamp that you want to put on display and to highlight in a dramatic way so perhaps you could strategically place a mirror somewhere in the room to achieve the desired look.

博尔Globe Glass Hanging Lamp 在画廊中查看

的美丽博尔chandelier comes from its simplicity. This is a lovely take on the古典地球吊坠,这种设计在材料和形式方面都与形成鲜明对比。六transparent blown glass spheres固定在手工磨砂的金属框架上,这使它具有很多特征。

Prismatic Hnaging Pendant Lamps 在画廊中查看

这inspiration for the designs of thePrismatic吊灯来自传统的灯具,这些灯具使用了这种纹理玻璃。但是,该系列允许设计从传统到现代,并在各种不同的环境和装饰中看起来美丽。

彭布里奇white hanging pendant lamp 在画廊中查看


Principe悬挂照明设计 在画廊中查看


熔化Pendant Tom Dixon Lamp 在画廊中查看

现在,这是一个令人难忘的吊灯。一开始并没有令人惊讶,但是您看的越多,您就越被它的美丽迷住了。这是熔化pendant, a globe that features this melting hot blown glass effect. It’s translucent when it’s on and it has a mirror finish when it’s off.
