
Plants safe for catscan feel as if they are few and far between. After all, your cat means the world to you and you don’t want anything harmful where they can access it. So finding the right concoction of plants for you is important.

室内植物对猫安全吗 View in gallery

可能影响您选择哪种植物的一件事是pets that you have.如果您有猫,那么不选择可能导致猫咪生病或更糟的有害植物非常重要。




So you need to find plants that are specifically safe for cats, not just safe for humans or dogs. Look only for cat-friendly plants and you should be okay. You can even ask the nursery owner for help when buying plants!



Wild plants can be removed if you notice them. But it’s crucial that you don’t intentionally plant anything that is harmful to cats. Your scent alone may draw the cat in. Instead, plant beneficial plants.


What Plants Are Safe For Cats? View in gallery

Finding the plants that are safe for cats is easier said than done. Because some plants that are toxic to dogs or humans aren’t toxic to cats and vice versa. So it’s important to make sure that you get the right safe plants.





Yes! Bromeliads are pretty and tough plants that are safe to keep around cats. They are easy to grow, needing little nutrients. Just a good window and some humidity. In general, they are great plants.

Another thing that makes bromeliads good for cat-owners is that they don’t need soil to grow. This may be unheard of but they can grow in wood, like a fallen log perhaps, and can thrive with this life.

Are Orchids Safe For Cats?

Orchidsare one of the few flowers like it that are safe for cats. They come in many colors and are as pretty as can be. You don’t need to get fake orchids if you want to get an orchid because they are perfectly safe.

Your cat may want to eat a piece that can ruin the plant itself but the cat won’t suffer from it. So get as many as you want because they are also fairly easy to keep alive indoors making them great indoor plants for cats.



Cats love parlor palms and they are one plant that isn’t easy to kill. So you don’t have to worry too much about cats killing the parlor palms while playing with it. Good luck trying to get him to stop anyway.





Which Plants Are Harmful To Cats View in gallery

Finding plants that are safe for cats isn’t as important as finding plants that are toxic to cats. Because you can have as many safe plants in your house as you want but one toxic plant can ruin everything.


The桉树plant is a wonderful plant to keep around. It has many healing properties and smells amazing. It is great for colds and other problems but it is also simply relaxing when used in your home.

But when it comes to cats, keep your eucalyptus far away from them. The common symptoms of cats with eucalyptus poisoning are salivation, seizures, vomiting, diarrhea, and confusion. This is not a good plant for houses with cats.










这可能会让许多植物爱好者感到失望,但是pothos plant,最受欢迎的室内植物之一可能对猫非常危险。该植物是一个很棒的空气净化器,但对猫来说并不好。





So keep it away. If you want to find another plant to stand in for lavender then use one of the plants mentioned that are safe! Or, if you love lavender and lavender alone then try the essential oil trick because the oils can have benefits too!

Are Tulips Safe For Cats?




芦荟有很多好处但是你可能想要放弃growing your own if you have cats. Aloe is highly toxic to cats and it can even attract them due to its strong smell. So keep it at a neighbor’s house or buy storebought.


如何选择合适的植物 View in gallery


Then, from that list, choose the ones that you like the look of. Then, after you make the second list, start choosing the ones you believe you can care for and that you have the right indoor climate to keep happy.

After that, the choice is fairly easy as the list will probably be fairly short. So you can pick your favorite from your new short list or go for all of them. You can never have too many plants in your home, just like you can never have too many cats, right?

Is It Better Not To Use Plants?

No. Some plants can be beneficial to the entire family, including your cat. So don’t avoid plants. Just take your time and choose your plant carefully. Don’t worry about taking too long, you have plenty of time.
