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A Guide For A Queen Wooden Bed Frame To Elevate Your Bedroom Style


Queen Wooden Bed Frame

Quality beddingis important in creating a space for your body to rest and heal, and有正确的床架只是难题的一部分,但仍然是一个重要的难题。如果您想知道什么使一个好wood bed frame Queen大小以及一些值得花钱的模型,您来对地方了。


客户的选择:Aliyah Platform Bed


Budget Pick:Elliot Platform Bed




How to Choose



The木材类型在框架的构造中使用将有所作为。If you leave manufactured wood boards aside, there are five different types of wood that are normally used in constructing bed frames: mahogany (which is a fine-grained wood that’s mostly resistant to warping, shrinkage, and swelling, and often used to make high-quality furniture), oak (moisture-resistant and with excellent durability, oak has beautiful grain and is easy to work with), ash (which is often used as a substitute for oak), pine (known for its uniform texture, pine is a cost-effective solution that’s resistant to shrinkage but can easily be scratched), and walnut (one of the most durable choices for making furniture, with a tight grain and that offers the possibility for quick polishing to obtain a smooth finish).


There are某些平台床可以在市场上提供准备placing a mattress在他们的顶部,不需要投资盒子弹簧。但是,还有一些平台床仍然需要额外的弹簧支撑,这也意味着代表您的费用。许多人喜欢没有盒子弹簧的平台床,因为它们为床垫提供了更牢固的表面。


There are不同的木制床架样式在市场上可用,因此您需要选择一种补充现有卧室装饰的产品。在即将到来的部分(标题为“要考虑的样式”)中,我们讨论了为寻找木床架的购物者提供的主要样式,因此请务必检查一下。


Then, consider how the bed base is made and what type would best suit your needs. Some beds come with a slatted base, which is basically a support system that consists of several wooden boards placed a few inches one away from the other. Bed frames that have a slatted base will flex more compared to a solid base, meaning they can absorb impact. Other beds have more solid platforms and can even have integrated storage underneath the bed, such as sliding drawers that provide you with some extra room to store clothes, toys, shoes, accessories, clean bedding, and other items that you want to get out of the way.


While there are bed frames that don’t come with a headboard, having one is actually a really good idea. Headboards can help with a lot of things, from providing insulation from cold bedroom walls to making sure your pillow doesn’t fall between potential gaps between the head of the bed and the wall. Even models that don’t带有集成的床头板可能有预钻孔的孔,使您可以单独购买床头板并自己安装。

样式to Consider


Panel bed frames




Upholstered bed frames

一些wooden bed frames伴随upholstered headboardsand footboards, which basically means they have added padding and a cover of fabric for added comfort and style. Depending on the bed frame, a box spring may be required. This type of bed frame is a good choice for modern rooms, but that also depends on the motif of the upholstery.


正如名称所暗示的那样,这些木制框架配备了with all kinds of storage, with themost common form being drawers位于一侧的床上或从底部footboard. However, there are different kinds of storage options, including shelves attached to the headboard for storing decorative items.



Canopy bed frames

These frames are易于识别因为他们的四个帖子都非常高,并通过一系列用于悬挂装饰窗帘和窗帘的光束连接到顶部。

Type of Mattress


你可能wondering what types of mattresses与木制床架兼容,因此让我们简要介绍一下这个特定的主题。有不同种类的木制平台床可以匹配需要牢固和平坦的表面的床垫。

The最好的床垫to use with platform beds are memory foam, latex, innerspring, and hybrid beds. For better support for each of these models, it’s best if the wooden slats are placed with a maximum of three inches between them to make sure the mattress doesn’t sag. This will help provide the mattress with more support under the combined weight of the bed and sleepers.

Pros & Cons

If you’re still at that point where you’re assessing whether or not a wooden bed frame is the right choice for you, consider analyzing the following list of pros and cons that might give you a better idea on what to expect:


Con: They can be quite heavy. This shouldn’t really be a problem if you don’t plan to move the frame around the house too much but, if you want to move it aside to vacuum or mop underneath it, it could be a problem if you don’t have anyone to help you.

Pro: There are many different styles available. That means that you are likely to find a wooden bed frame just as you like it, even with ornate headboards or in a sleigh-like shape.

Con: It can be expensive. Other types of bed frames don’t usually cost that much money, but wooden frames tend to be the most expensive category of all.

Pro: It can come with storage options. There are plenty of wooden bed frames that include under-the-bed drawers, headboards with shelves, or even nightstands that are attached to the frame of the bed.

Queen VS Full VS King

Queen VS Full VS King 在画廊中查看

一般而言,床尺寸在全球范围内都是非常标准的,其中最常见的类型包括双胞胎,双XL,Full,Queen,King和Cal King。这些类型的床之间的主要区别在于大小,也在床的配置中(例如,木床架国王size needs to offer more support than a wood bed frame Twin size, considering the fact that it has to bear more weight).

大陆之间的尺寸变化很小。例如,对于北美来说,一张全尺寸的床尺寸为54 x 75英寸,大号的床为60 x 80英寸,一张特大号床为76 x 80英寸。


Elliot Platform Bed

威尔玛标准床 在画廊中查看

Our first suggestion for today is a wood bed frame Queen size that尺寸为50“ H x 63” w x 85.1” l并带有自己的床头板。它由松木制成,重量为800磅,但请确保在数学上包括床垫的重量。它与可调床兼容,不需要弹簧弹簧。它还具有钢包装的帽子,并带有中央腿以提供更好的体重支撑。


威尔玛标准床 在画廊中查看



威尔玛标准床 在画廊中查看


Norelle Panel Bed

威尔玛标准床 在画廊中查看

Made fromsolid mahogany and veneer,这款木床框架旨在支撑高达500磅的重量,尽管当您第一次凝视该产品时,腿似乎并不是最坚固的腿。由于其明亮的白色饰面,这是斯堪的纳维亚或沿海卧室装饰的绝佳选择。与其他平台床不同,该床需要在将床垫放在上面之前购买盒子弹簧。

Aliyah Platform Bed

威尔玛标准床 在画廊中查看

When you’re on a budget and want to购买木床框架,像Aliyah这样的产品在这里为您提供帮助。这个简单但具有成本效益的床架具有12台式结构,可消除对盒子弹簧的需求。它是由松树制成的,其重量容量为女王大小的版本为500磅。天然棕色的外观使该框架与不同种类的卧室设置兼容,正如许多客户所说,到目前为止,这是他们在类别中最喜欢的产品。

Coby Platform Bed

威尔玛标准床 在画廊中查看

Another great wood bed frame is the科迪:一款低调的平台床,值得我们注意,因为其坚固的胡桃木结构和集成的侧桌。侧桌可以根据您的需求轻松固定和删除,如果您想在床旁安装常规的床头柜,这是一个非常酷的功能。该框架的总重量为600磅,附带12个板条,消除了弹簧弹簧的需求。


威尔玛标准床 在画廊中查看

TheKeziah platform bed是一个简单的木床框架的另一个例子。它完全由相思木制成,并带有惊人的人字形图案,这必将成为任何步入卧室内的人的焦点。倾斜的锥形金属腿形成了美丽的对比度,并使这款木制床架更具吸引力。该框架可以支撑450磅的总重量,并且不需要弹簧。


威尔玛标准床 在画廊中查看

TheWilliams low profile bed由坚实的桃花心木和贴面制成,并承诺将成为其类别中最好和最具成本效益的产品之一。它可以支撑500磅的总重量,并带有四个板条,这表明如果您想给床垫一个可靠的支撑系统,则需要弹簧。该型号的锥形腿提供具有复古元素的世纪中期氛围。


威尔玛标准床 在画廊中查看



威尔玛标准床 在画廊中查看

结合了现代卧室的乡村和工业外观的木床架是威尔玛。The edges of the bed are designed with metal frames that give it that steampunk vibe, while the wood of choice in the construction of this gem is mahogany and veneer. The Queen-sized version of this bed can support a total weight of 500 pounds and is compatible with adjustable beds. The slat system requires the use of a box spring before placing a mattress on top.


