This Home in the Hamptons Has Sophisticated Decor and a Great Location

这个典型的家中beplay平台没信用Hamptonsgot a design makeover that makes it more than just a fabulous vacation h0me: It has enough space and utility to serve as a full-time residence for extended periods like the one experienced during the pandemic.

汉普顿家居装饰作者beplay平台没信用beplay体育不合法:杰西卡·肖·特雷特(Jessica Shaw Turett) View in gallery

布里奇汉普顿(Bridgehampton)的房屋位于一个被池塘包围的令人惊叹的土地上,拥有您对长岛这个富裕地区一所房子的所有简单奢华beplay平台没信用。由室内设计总监杰西卡·肖(Jessica Shaw)与Turett合作,当代房屋开放且通风,带有别致的放松感beplay平台没信用。五居室住宅通常被用作曼哈顿家庭的度假胜地。

汉普顿家居装饰作者beplay平台没信用beplay体育不合法:杰西卡·肖·特雷特(Jessica Shaw Turett) View in gallery

The floor-to-ceiling entryway is both serene and dramatic, with its all-white walls andunique lighting fixturemade up of dozens of small round discs suspended from the two-story area. The foyer space is grounded by a circular rug done in gradations of blue, echoing the sky and water of the area. Open in multiple directions, the round foyer offers views not only into the rooms but out to the yard and pool beyond. All of the rooms on the main level are accented with spare elements of nature, such as branches and plants that are typically found around the seaside.

汉普顿家居装饰作者beplay平台没信用beplay体育不合法:杰西卡·肖·特雷特(Jessica Shaw Turett) View in gallery

The classy sophisticated blue and white living room has a touch of coastal ambiance without being at all clichéd. A unique silhouette makes the重新设计弯曲的沙发房间的核心是林赛·阿德曼(Lindsey Adelman)的定制吊灯时,被悬挂在空间的中央。白色的基础调色板,结合蓝色的和谐阴影,创造了一个凉爽而平静的空间,永远不会感到冷。精心设计的装饰一点也不挑剔,感觉很放松。

汉普顿家居装饰作者beplay平台没信用beplay体育不合法:杰西卡·肖·特雷特(Jessica Shaw Turett) View in gallery

汉普顿家居装饰作者beplay平台没信用beplay体育不合法:杰西卡·肖·特雷特(Jessica Shaw Turett) View in gallery

宽敞,light-filled formal dining room由于柔和的蓝色和窗户和法式门的景象,其他房间的感觉与其他房间相同的感觉与院子的美景相同。一张长长的木制桌子将房间锚定,并配上足够的蓝色皮革椅子。为了保持开放而通风的感觉,餐具柜漂浮在地板上方的墙壁上,上面覆盖着覆盖物,暗示着树木的风景。桌子上的两个起泡的枝形吊灯引起人们的注意,并提供戏剧性的夜间照明。

汉普顿家居装饰作者beplay平台没信用beplay体育不合法:杰西卡·肖·特雷特(Jessica Shaw Turett) View in gallery

汉普顿家居装饰作者beplay平台没信用beplay体育不合法:杰西卡·肖·特雷特(Jessica Shaw Turett) View in gallery

Super functional, the spacious kitchen has anything the gourmet cook would want, from a professional range to a large refrigerator and double dishwashers. The large central island features some seating and a prep sink. Above, avant-garde light fixtures add a bit of unexpected quirkiness to the space.

汉普顿家居装饰作者beplay平台没信用beplay体育不合法:杰西卡·肖·特雷特(Jessica Shaw Turett) View in gallery

A more casual family room is made for relaxing with a large sectional sofa, billowy roman shades and a modern ceiling fan to spread the fresh breezes throughout the space. The overall palette is neutral but still includes a hint of blue in the soft window shades.

汉普顿家居装饰作者beplay平台没信用beplay体育不合法:杰西卡·肖·特雷特(Jessica Shaw Turett) View in gallery


汉普顿家居装饰作者beplay平台没信用beplay体育不合法:杰西卡·肖·特雷特(Jessica Shaw Turett) View in gallery


汉普顿家居装饰作者beplay平台没信用beplay体育不合法:杰西卡·肖·特雷特(Jessica Shaw Turett) View in gallery

Even in the bedrooms, the blue and white palette has been carried throughout the spaces in a manner that never feels overdone. A bluechild’s bedroom和第三阁楼卧室具有必要的水灵性颜色,但性格却截然不同。蓝色的阴影非常柔和,除了从窗户长凳上散发出大胆色调的颜色。游乐区以地毯上的大胆颜色以及内置座椅/储物单元的某些部分的区别。这种设计非常适合游乐空间,因为它有足够的开放空间,坚固的低桌子和隐藏的存储空间,可以在清理时间藏在玩具。

汉普顿家居装饰作者beplay平台没信用beplay体育不合法:杰西卡·肖·特雷特(Jessica Shaw Turett) View in gallery

汉普顿家居装饰作者beplay平台没信用beplay体育不合法:杰西卡·肖·特雷特(Jessica Shaw Turett) View in gallery

An adult bedroom takes the blue theme to a deeper level with a rich textures accent wall in a variegated style.床头柜done in dark cobalt add drama while the rest of the space is light and white, with just hints of blue in the textiles throughout. We love how just a single, small orange vase provides a dramatic pop of color against the otherwise blue and white space.

汉普顿家居装饰作者beplay平台没信用beplay体育不合法:杰西卡·肖·特雷特(Jessica Shaw Turett) View in gallery


汉普顿家居装饰作者beplay平台没信用beplay体育不合法:杰西卡·肖·特雷特(Jessica Shaw Turett) View in gallery

A completely serene retreat, the宽敞的主卧室在扩展期间,还可以作为家庭办公室加倍。beplay平台没信用这间通风的房间还具有蓝色阴影,但具有棕褐色的特色,用于自然的窗户处理。这些罗马阴影是用一种织物制成的,该织物暗示着岸上的水面荡,但也提供了足够的盖子来阻挡大部分光线。家具具有轻微的视觉占地面积,可以防止浓重的感觉。

汉普顿家居装饰作者beplay平台没信用beplay体育不合法:杰西卡·肖·特雷特(Jessica Shaw Turett) View in gallery

汉普顿家居装饰作者beplay平台没信用beplay体育不合法:杰西卡·肖·特雷特(Jessica Shaw Turett) View in gallery

主浴室明亮而白色,让光整个。核心是这个宏伟的喷气浴缸that focuses on the landscape. Large windows also look out onto a private terrace for more enjoyment of the view. Multiple rectangular mirrors line the vanity area and the thin, architectural frames are the perfect accent without being distracting. Finally, the basketweave tile floor adds a bit of subtle visual interest.

汉普顿家居装饰作者beplay平台没信用beplay体育不合法:杰西卡·肖·特雷特(Jessica Shaw Turett) View in gallery

Of course, the outdoors are a major attraction in a Hamptons home and this one has plenty of space for family and friends. Anexpansive wood deck设有一个完整的室外厨房,配有水槽,烤架和冰箱。两张白色桌子和易于保养的木椅补充了房屋的外观。甲板还可以欣赏池塘景观的壮丽景色,并俯瞰着下面的正方形游泳池。

汉普顿家居装饰作者beplay平台没信用beplay体育不合法:杰西卡·肖·特雷特(Jessica Shaw Turett) View in gallery

汉普顿家居装饰作者beplay平台没信用beplay体育不合法:杰西卡·肖·特雷特(Jessica Shaw Turett) View in gallery

This is a spectacular Hamptons home that offers ups loads of relaxing spaces with amazing design flair. Not only is it a great home for relaxing and entertaining, but it has everything to make it a wonderful full-time home as well.
