





It’s ok if you never had to choose a dining table before and you’re not sure what to look at other than its design. We’re going to go over some general rules and need-to-know information which can help you determine what dining table is best for your need, but also helps you discover what makes a good table.


The materials used to make the dining table are really important and can tell you a lot about the lifespan of the product. For example, some of the best woods for a table are hardwoods, including oak, teak, walnut, mahogany, or maple. While there are some decent composite woods out there, you generally want to avoid them because they are not as sturdy as hardwood wood. Granted, tables made from MDF are cheaper, so if you are on a budget, you can still find reliable tables made from combinations of solid manufactured wood. However, if you can afford it, hardwood should always be a priority.


接下来,您必须考虑要购买的桌子的尺寸。你想要一个dining room table它的高度约为28至30英寸,因为这是您最舒适的座位。有一张高度30英寸的桌子,您可以在座位上有正确的座位姿势,同时还可以在桌子下方有足够的腿部空间,这样您就不会在桌面的底部敲打膝盖。最好的座椅姿势是何时您的膝盖和肘部处于同一水平。桌子的长度会因您想坐多少人而有所不同。


桌子的形状也必须考虑在内。最后,我们知道此选择也基于您的个人品味,但这并不意味着我们不能遵守一些更一般的规则结合某些餐桌与您的实际饭厅形状。圆桌are the best option for accommodating a larger number of people but they won’t look very well in small spaces because of how much they can limit traffic around them. Oval tables are great for smaller room because they won’t make the room feel too crowded. Rectangular tables are great if you have a large and narrow room space that you want to fill. Square tables are great for narrow dining corners of the room.


The dimensions of the place where you plan on putting the table are just as important as the measurements of the table itself. If you have a small dining room, you can’t afford to go table shopping without having a clear image of where you want to put the table and what the size of the table should be. It happens way too often that people buy tables that are too large for the dining room, which isn’t just ineffective, but also causes an imbalance in the overall design of the room. It isn’t enough to just find a table that fits, you also need to consider how much space the chairs around the table are going to occupy when you have people seated in them, as well as take into account the fact that you need some space to walk around the table. As a general rule, you want to have about 50 inches of free space between the table’s edges and the walls/surrounding furniture.



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我们列表中的第一项非常stylish dining room table由实木制成。您可以在多个桌面和基本颜色之间进行选择,从而导致多种组合可以为您的餐厅增添大量技巧。这款大圆桌尺寸为29.5英寸h x 47.5英寸W x 47.5英寸D,配有18毫米桌面,可容纳最多6人的座位空间。虽然我们喜欢核桃饰面,但您也可以选择天然的核桃饰面,以便于当前房间装饰。

2. Declan木制圆形柜台高度餐桌

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TheDecan木制餐桌is both a practical and stylish choice if you have a larger family or simply love hosting dinners. It measures 65” L x 65” W x 36” H overall and it’s made from a combination of solid and manufactured wood. It is by no means a cheap piece of furniture, but the style and construction are absolutely perfect. The rustic appeal of this table is only surpassed by the two shelves located underneath the table, which are perfect for additional storage space.

3. Rhett可扩展的餐桌

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Nothing beats having the entire family gathered around the table for dinner, and when you have a spacious dinner table like theRhett,经验似乎更好。这张桌子由亚洲硬木和胡桃木贴面制成,是可延伸的产品,可移动的铅可倒塌时可容纳多达四人,并且在完全扩展时最多可容纳6人(因为它的尺寸为60英寸l x 42英寸W x 30英寸h)。基础和桌面颜色都是深色核桃的阴影,与简单但非常优雅的大圆餐桌相匹配的各种不同的房间装饰。


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如果您喜欢固体餐桌,您会喜欢Ian。这是另一个美丽的可扩展桌子,在倒塌时可以容纳四个人,并在扩展时最多可容纳六个人。它是由桦木和杨树的组合制成的,该过程通过一个有助于木材中的水分含量并防止分裂,破裂和翘曲。当完全扩展时,桌子的尺寸为66“ L x 48” w x 30英寸H。它具有漂亮的苦恼效果,并带有非常实心的木制制造和坚固的中腿,以增加稳定性。


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Simple, elegant, reliable. These are the three words we would use to describe this港口房屋餐桌。尺寸为52英寸l x 52英寸w x 30英寸h,有人会争论这张桌子太小,对于六个人来说太小了,但是我们可以向您保证,情况并非如此。该桌子由固体和制造的木材组合制成,可提供棕色和天然粉刷版本。总体设计是完美的农舍,融合了传统的木质元素,并设计了美丽的圆形餐桌的美丽曲线和边缘6。


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让我们欢迎另一大肾阳nd dining table for 6 people: the船只。这个婴儿的尺寸为60英寸l x 60英寸w x 30英寸h,这是现代餐桌外观和感觉的定义。考虑到简单性通常被视为优雅的标志,这张圆形餐桌确实是一个优雅的选择。它具有将金属和固体加硬木结合起来的基础结构,可增强坚固性,桌面由橡胶木制成,可提供精美的浓缩咖啡饰面。


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有一些非常浪漫的穆福德圆形餐桌。It combines a wide wooden base with a wooden mocha brown tabletop and has a very vintage-like feel to it. It is a country-style table designed with a plank-style top and an intricate solid base for added durability. Made from pine, this table measures 54” L x 54” W x 30” H overall and can comfortably seat six people.

8. Carnspindle可扩展的蝴蝶叶餐桌

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想象一个由法国小屋风格的装饰,在那里通过宽敞的窗户进入灯光,并带来了白色橱柜和柔软的花卉绘画。现在,在所有这些中间,想象一下Carnspindle圆形餐桌。这是一种美丽的产品,当完全扩展时,最多可容纳四个人,最多可容纳六个人。它是由固体和制造木材的组合构建的,尺寸为48“ l x 48” w x 30英寸小时。

9. Chalus可扩展的实木餐桌

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TheChalus餐桌是真正的杰作,并提供许多华丽的细节,使其适合特许权使用费。这是一张正式的餐桌,配有坚固且雕刻的基座,以及雕刻的叶子边缘,使这张桌子成为维多利亚时代风格的设置的合适部分。桌子是由樱桃和杨树木的组合制成的,并配有可移动的叶子。它可以坐起来以修复人员,因为它尺寸为76英寸l x 60英寸W x 30英寸H。


What does fiberboard mean for a dining table?

If you come across tables that have removable legs, they are most likely made from fiberboards. This is a material that’s obtained as a result of pressing wooden scraps, which makes it a less reliable option in the long run. However, this also depends on how often you move the table around or how often you use it. Fiberboard is not a durable option.


For the most part, they aren’t. That’s because thick veneers has a tendency of lifting away after a period of time. If you come across a table that has a plastic-like feel to it, it is surely made with thick veneer and it’s probably best to avoid buying it, just to be safe.




