

质朴的架子 在画廊中查看

The list is a lot longer than that and these elements can be mixed and matched in endless ways. Right now we’re keep things simple and we’ll only focus on one thing:质朴的架子。They’re more versatile and powerful than you think and we’re ready to prove it.

如何悬挂浮动架子 - 可用于质朴风格

How to Hang Floating Shelves 在画廊中查看

悬挂浮动架子might sound intimidating because they are different from other types of shelves, but the process is actually very simple if you follow these easy steps.


  • 1个长木板
  • 3 smaller wooden board, identical dimensions
  • Screws
  • 螺丝刀
  • Stud Finder
  • 铅笔
  • 2 plywood pieces of identical size
  • 夹钳
  • Wood glue
  • Paint/stain
  • 前面的胶合板
  • 桑德
  • 木材填充剂

Step One: Constructing E Frame



这可以在构造“ E”之前或之后完成,尽管最简单地完成了“ E”。使用螺柱查找器是定位螺柱的最简单方法。

如果你没有一个,宁愿使用交易ditional knocking method, simply exercise caution if you are inexperienced, as it is entirely possible to confuse a hollow area for a stud. When this occurs, you risk creating unsightly holes in the wall, which must be repaired with a drywall repair kit.

Step Three: Attaching the E


After marking the locations, pre-drill the holes to simplify and level the process. After that, you can screw the E into the wall and check for levelness. If it is not, make appropriate adjustments while avoiding creating further holes.



确定它们会发生碰撞的位置后,您可以粘合该区域,然后将胶合板夹在已建立的E Shape的两侧。允许它坐在胶水瓶上指定的持续时间。


This is a rather straightforward procedure. It’s your choice whether you want to use a nail gun or screws here. However, avoid using a hammer and nails, since the pressure may compromise the stability of the partially constructed shelves. Begin with the top board you’ve selected.

Attach it using screws or a nail gun, followed by the two side pieces. Take care not to allow the nails or screws to collide, slightly modifying the locations of the screws as you move to the sides.



However, screws can be used in the same manner. If you do, consider smoothing out the ends using wood filler and sanding them after the wood filler dries. This is an excellent approach to achieve an even higher quality polish than nails leave.




Ingenious rustic shelves ideas

Live edge rustic shelves in the kitchen

Live edge rustic shelves in the kitchen 在画廊中查看



Open storage rustic shelves  for the office 在画廊中查看

关于质朴的货架的一件好事是,他们拥抱木材和设计中的瑕疵,这意味着您绝对可以尝试自己建造without fear of messing up. To get that rustic look, you could use reclaimed wood. It has a unique patina and sit really brings out the beauty in the shelves, even though they’re essentially very simple. Check outThewoodgraincottageto find the list of supplies you’ll need as well as instructions.


漂浮的乡村浴室架子 在画廊中查看

Shelves in general are very versatile and useful in every simple room or type of space. In the bathroom, a few wall-mounted shelves can add valuable storage and surfaces on which to display and organize extra towels, toiletries, maybe even some moisture-loving plants. The rustic nature of the shelves would offer another advantage: a soothing and comfortable ambiance and a warm and welcoming decor which is not often what bathrooms are associated with. If you like these rustic wood shelves, head over to工艺品看看它们是如何建造的。


浅架 在画廊中查看

The dining room is another space where some floating shelves could really be useful. While cabinets offer lots of storage for dishes, napkins, bottles and other things, floating shelves are better at displaying things so you could use them to showcase some nice decorations or to keep glasses nice and organized as well as close at hand. You can built the shelves yourself andheyletsmakestuff可以是您的灵感来源。


一个洗护用品的单一口音架子 在画廊中查看

乡村木头架子可以看起来很漂亮,bohemian even, especially when attached to crisp white walls which are very common in modern and contemporary interiors. Shelves made of live-edge wood are even more charming so consider adding one or two to the bedroom or bathroom and to keep your collection of perfumes on them or to somehow emphasize their delicate nature in other ways. {found ondiyinpdx}.


在厨房柜台上 在画廊中查看



任何类型空间的书架 在画廊中查看


Slender floating shelves with L brackets

Wooden shelf with industrial metalic brackets 在画廊中查看

Sometimes when you’re hanging floating shelves the anchors seem to ruin the whole design. You can be clever and solve this problem by using L brackets and hiding the exposed part (above the shelve) with decorations. You can mask them with vases, planters and other items and it would really help if the brackets were the same color as the wall they’re attached to. According to the info we found on杏仁饼,悬挂货架不应超过半小时。

An unusual display of geometric shelves

An unusual display of geometric shelves 在画廊中查看

Don’t only think of shelves as simple, rectangular boards. Those are definitely more common but there’s in fact a multitude of形式和设计从中选择。例如,查看这些三角形的架子。它们可以分组显示,并且可以形成模块化单元,并且非常适合展示种植者,花瓶和收藏品。您可以遵循由Poppytalk学习如何制作自己的。


厨房的乡村架子和衣架组合 在画廊中查看

While wall-mounted shelves are definitely very practical in the kitchen, be they rustic or not, so are hooks which are great for hanging kitchen utensils, cutting boards and mugs. You can combine the two in a hybrid piece, part shelf and part hook rack. It can even include a beautiful board sign which you can customize with your chosen template. The design you see here was featured onFunkyjunkinteriors而且,如果您想制作类似的东西,则需要再生的木材,管道配件,一些钩子,模板和油漆。

Wood slice shelves with bark

木片质朴的架子 在画廊中查看

Tree trunks and wood slices are timeless. In fact, they’ve recently made a great comeback and they started to pop in lots of modern and contemporary homes. Curious how you can make wood slice shelves? Have a look at the tutorial shown onGirllovesglam。这些质朴的架子实际上是现代装饰的理想重点。它们非常简单,可以适合这种样式,但同时它们总是独一无二的。

Odd-shaped live edge shelves

核桃活边缘架子 在画廊中查看



现代梳妆台中的木架 在画廊中查看



活边墙架 在画廊中查看


Floating shelves of different shapes and sizes

Floating shelves of different shapes and sizes 在画廊中查看

质朴的浮动架子 在画廊中查看



带有质朴设计的木墙架 在画廊中查看



工具的托盘架 在画廊中查看



木制箱子变成货架 在画廊中查看


Driftwood shelves

Driftwood shelves 在画廊中查看

Driftwood is fascinating and in some ways irresistible. It tells stories, it has history and every piece is unique. That’s why we often try to find ways in which to incorporate pieces of driftwood into various home projects. One of the easiest options is to make driftwood shelves. Head over tosustainmycrafthabitto learn more about this.

Simple barn wood coat rack

Simple barn wood coat rack 在画廊中查看



多功能独立架子 在画廊中查看

当涉及货架时,想到的第一件事是壁挂式的。但这还不是全部。如果您正在考虑为自己的房屋制作某些东西,则可以考虑各种各样的变体和替代模型和设计。beplay平台没信用一个独立的架子,您可以将其放在桌子上以抬高显示器或在柜台上增加一些额外的存储空间的附件呢?它甚至可以用作电话站。查看funkyjunkinteriorsfor more details.


DIY质朴的架子用醋制成自己的污渍 在画廊中查看

To either emphasize a rustic shelf or make it look more rustic in the first place, try applying a distressed finish. One method that works here involves using vinegar and fine steel wool to string the paint off the wood without getting rid of it completely or make it look too intentional. You can find more tips onthewhimsicalwife


DIY染色的搁架 在画廊中查看


Wooden shelves with decorative corbels

Wooden shelves with decorative corbels 在画廊中查看


Honeycomb shelves

Honeycomb shelves 在画廊中查看

由于形状,蜂窝货架可以非常容易地适合现代或现代室内设计。同时,如果它们是用木头制成的,他们可以在装饰中添加微妙的质朴氛围,而不会望而却步。您可以找到一个很棒的教程abeautifulmesswhich explains how honeycomb shelves are made.


DIY梯子架 在画廊中查看

The ladder shelf design featured onMakeitinthemountains非常非典型,但与此同时,它采用标志性的质朴设计,这使该项目非常有趣。托盘状的架子在底部较大,并且逐渐变小,您可以使用每个货架来存储和显示不同的东西,例如书籍,播种机等。


内置浴室架子 在画廊中查看



DIY厨房开放式货架 在画廊中查看

It’s nice have some variety when it comes to storage especially in a room like the kitchen. Cabinets are nice for storing and organizing lots of things like dishes, pots and pans and so on while open shelves are great for things that you want to keep accessible like your usual spices and what not. The nice thing about shelves is that you can add them at any time and even build some yourself. Check out this super simple rustic shelf design from查菲尔德库尔特有一些灵感。


质朴的木材和绳子架 在画廊中查看


Farmhouse kitchen shelves

Farmhouse kitchen shelves 在画廊中查看

找到一个悬挂架子的好地方可能与架子本身一样重要。在厨房的情况下,这可能非常棘手,因为您通常想用有效的存储空间包装这个空间。仍然有一些负面space or some open shelves在其中可以使空间具有平衡和诱人的外观有益。这是一些灵感来自theturquoisehomethat you might like.



Yes, but this is something based on a variety of factors, from the number of screws used, the material used to make the shelf, and what exactly it is that you have to place on top of it.


  • 通常,架子越深,负载容量就越大,但是只要架子和杆子适当地支撑架子,这是正确的。
  • 架子上的杆数越大,它的杆数就越大。确保您选择带有支撑括号的架子,然后选择一个具有适当数量的杆的架子,这些架子可以容纳所需的重量。
  • In the end, a floating shelf is only as robust as its wall attachments, thus this is an important factor to consider. Take the time to secure each bracket with a sufficient number of screws that are fastened to wall studs.

How Do You Secure Hanging Shelves?


How Much Weight Can a Hanging Shelf Hold?

浮动架子的最大重量容量是多少?答案是很大的重量 - 如果做得正确。如在25至300磅之间。这是一个很大的范围。



Floating shelves are usually not harder to hang compared to other types of shelves. There are even multiple ways to hang them. You mostly have to locate the studs, drill the holes needed for the mounting brackets, and mount the shelves based on the manufacturer’s instructions.

How Do You Hang a Shelf Without Nails?

If you live in a dorm, a rental apartment, or another similar location, you’ve almost certainly encountered the dreaded “no modifications” regulation, which prohibits you from nailing anything to your wall. Never fear, since there is a simple way to hang items such as shelves without forfeiting your security deposit: using adhesive strips.

To attach your shelf, you’ll need strong adhesive mounting strips made for heavy objects such as large paintings. Before purchasing a set of strips, ensure that they have the weight capacity necessary to support your shelf and all the items you intend to place on it.

Can You Hang Shelves on Drywall?


未得到适当支撑的货架可能会失败。石膏板,尤其是常用的半英寸厚的变体 - 在正确放置时能够支撑重量。通过使用括号,您可以保证它们将保持坚固和安全。

Can You Hang Shelves on Drywall Without Studs?

Wall studs, or the wood support beams that run through a wall, are excellent locations for anchoring anything you wish to hang. However, these studs may not match up with the location of the shelf. Fortunately, there are a variety of alternative ways to support a shelf.


