

专为复杂的切割而设计scroll saw如果您喜欢木制品,或者您是DIY项目的粉丝,这是必不可少的切木。与常规锯相比,滚动锯可能是一种非常有用的木匠工具,尤其是在您喜欢木制品细节的情况下。

BUCKTOOL Variable Speed Scroll Saw Band 在画廊中查看

今天,我们将更深入地了解什么scroll saws可以做到并帮助您选择最适合您的需求的方法。


Best overall:Dewalt Scroll Saw

易于组装,提供惊人的速度多功能性,并具有坚实的铸铁结构,Dewalt Scroll Sawis a product that delivers more than buyers would expect.

最适合初学者:温3921 Variable Speed Scroll Saw

“Perfect scroll saw to learn on with very approachable speed and control. The saw directions are clear on how to get started.” (Customer review)

最超值:BUCKTOOL Variable Speed Scroll Saw

考虑到成本,Bucktool Scroll看到了出色的性能,提供了快速变化的刀片,LED工作灯,甚至是45度倾斜铸铁桌。


Since滚动锯的价格从200美元到1,000美元不等,you need to make sure you understand what you’re buying to avoid post-shopping frustrations. With scroll saws, the main shopping considerations include:


throat capacity of a scroll sawis the distance from the back frame of the saw to the saw blade. If you have a saw with a deep throat capacity, it means you can cut wider pieces of material. These capacities range from 12 to 30 inches (mostly found on commercial saws). The majority of woodworking tasks will require a throat capacity of 16 to 18 inches.


这是一个让您的设置increase or decrease the tension实际使用锯。如果没有足够的张力,薄刀片可能会捕捉。如果张力太松,您可能会扭曲刀片。Different saws将有不同的调节紧张局势的方式。其中一些具有张力控制旋钮,而另一些则要求您移动杠杆以调节张力。无论如何,请确保此设置位于锯的正面,因为它更容易触及。


scroll saw blades通常是平原或针端刀片。纯末端刀片是最常见的,大多数刀片很容易切割出不同类型的材料。这些刀片由刀片顶部和底部的颚固定。PIN-END刀片更容易更改,因为您不需要任何工具才能这样做。他们的最后有十字架,以帮助将它们适合到位。

Bevel cutting

You willfind plenty of scroll saws这带有倾斜桌,以一定角度切割材料。如果您需要建立斜面的边缘,则此功能很重要。如果您发现可以双向倾斜的锯,它可能会使您更容易切割材料。


speed of the saw以可以在一分钟内完成的垂直冲程数量进行测量。较低的图通常为400,但是高端锯可以达到每分钟1,800笔的速度。请注意,某些型号带有可调节速度选项。

Hold-down foot

整个美国,你要找到锯子that come with a hold-down foot. This safety measure is designed to keep the material in place as you’re cutting it. Some people don’t like this feature because it’s visually obtrusive as they’re cutting (it can be removed if you want).

Dust blower

This handy feature will blow away dust that accumulates as you’re cutting different types of material. There are certain models that even come with dust collection, making woodworking a lot cleaner.


知道如何安全地使用滚动锯,就像知道使用刀片或任何工具时要采取的安全预防措施一样重要电动工具that could end up injuring you when not handled properly. In order to use a scroll saw safely, make sure you:

  • Clamp the scroll saw to the workbench. If you opt for a model that comes with its own stand, make sure you place it on even ground to prevent it from wobbling.
  • 不要执行任何维护工作,也不要尝试更换刀片,而无需首先关闭和拔下锯。这两个事情都以100%的安全性。
  • 安装适合要切割的材料类型的刀片。
  • 安装刀片,齿向前。
  • 一个djust the tension after you’ve installed the blade.
  • 在打开机器之前,请确保将手柄到位。
  • 当您开始使用SAW时,桌子上没有任何东西,除了您尝试切割的材料。
  • 如果您要远离它,或者您必须抓住工作台下的东西,切勿让机器的力量打开。

Types of Scroll Saws


  • 平行的手臂锯, which are very commonly found on the market. They are characterized by two parallel arms attached to the motor, with a small blade connected to the ends, in a vertical position. This is one of the most commonly manufactured models because it doesn’t require fabricating that many parts.
  • C臂锯具有类似于字母的弯曲的手臂形状,与平行的手臂滚动锯相比,它们通常更小,但是它们可以更快地切割并具有更强的切割能力。问题在于,当您必须进行复杂或弯曲的切割时,它们的表现可能不佳。
  • Rigid arm scroll saws非常罕见,但仍然值得一提。它们通常是由单个金属件制成的,并将刀片夹在手臂上,使运动更容易。他们还有一个弹簧将刀片拉回。这些是您可能在网上某个地方找到的老式型号,但是制造商不再制造它们。
  • 双平行链接滚动锯非常复杂。他们的电动机位于锯子的背面,并附着在主摇杆上。与常规的平行手臂滚动锯相比,它们以较低的振动输出而闻名,但很难找到。

Best Scroll Saws For Intricate Wood Designs

Dewalt Scroll Saw

Dewalt Scroll Saw 在画廊中查看

德瓦特Scroll Saw是一种电动工具,对于所有工具处理专业知识水平的人来说都是惊人的。Known for making some of the best power tools on the market, DEWALT doesn’t disappoint in this case either, offering a scroll saw with a solid body that’s made from cast-iron, so you know durability won’t be an issue with this product.

它是由一个1.3安培电动机,deliv的能力ering speeds of up to 1,750 SPM. This parallel arm saw is designed to move back and forth, meaning you can operate it smoothly even if you don’t have that much experience working with a scroll saw. It has a 45-degree tilt, making it easy to cut angles on different types of materials. The saw is also pretty easy to assemble, as it doesn’t require any additional tools to install it.

温3921 Variable Speed Scroll Saw

温3921 Variable Speed Scroll Saw 在画廊中查看

Offering accessories designed for clean woodworking and capable of withstanding the test of time thanks to its cast-iron design, the可变速度滚动锯是一种专为初学者和主木工设计的产品。电动机具有可调节的速度设置,使其每分钟最多达到1,600杆。速度可以低至400 spm,因此,如果您只是掌握了这种类型的电动工具,那绝对是可用的。

WEN 3921的多功能性与固定和无钉叶片兼容,令人惊叹。它可以切成薄片薄的材料,并配有一堆配件,以使您的生活更轻松,例如用于在弱光条件下工作的集成LED灯,甚至是用于收集灰尘的锯尘端口。

商店Fox W1872滚动锯带脚开关

商店Fox W1872滚动锯带脚开关 在画廊中查看

具有人体工程学的设计,即使您从未真正处理过滚动锯,也很容易调整到Shop Fox W1872是具有坚实结构和易于使用的功能的模型。它带有一个防尘器,可以在您工作时保持该区域清洁,因此木屑永远不会妨碍您的精确切割。

它与普通和针端切割叶片相当,它使您可以将桌子倾斜到45度角。当您想调整角度时,其下面的比例将使您能够以迎接的准确性操作。由于HP电动机,刀片以550至1,600 SPM的速度运行。它还带有一只脚下的脚,以防止您从转移位置切割的木材或塑料碎片。

Ryobi 16英寸。

Ryobi 16英寸。 在画廊中查看

另一个卷轴看到您可以依靠的是Ryobi。It might not be as famous as some of the other models we’ve looked at today, but it surely manages to deliver quality results once you get the gist of it. It comes with a cast aluminum table that features a 45-degree tilt. You can cut through wider pieces of wood thanks to the 16-inch throat depth.


BUCKTOOL Variable Speed Scroll Saw Band

BUCKTOOL Variable Speed Scroll Saw Band 在画廊中查看

我们今天想谈论的最后一个产品是Buckrool scroll saw,这是一个非常实惠的模型,似乎可以为那些对所选择项目的复杂性过于自负的人提供准确的结果。它具有快速刀片更换的系统,可打开侧面面板,以便您可以选择并更换当前安装的刀片。

It comes with a cast iron table that bevels to a 45-degree angle, making bevel cuts a whole lot easier. The 16-inch throat depth allows you to make cuts that are up to two inches deep. It comes with a variable speed motor that seems to be rather quiet (at least compared to low-cost scroll saws). The pedal switch design allows hands free operation, so you can start and stop the saw with just a tap of the foot.


What is the best scroll saw for beginners?





这details on what scroll saw is best suitable for your needs depend on what exactly it is that you’re looking to cut. The models we’ve shown you today are reliable for all sorts of cutting projects, especially for making intricate cuts on wood and plastic pieces.


一个scroll saw旨在在树林和其他材料上进行复杂和弯曲的切割。Scroll saws与传统锯相比,通常被认为更容易使用,因为它们不是手持设备。取而代之的是,他们被固定在桌子上并固定在适当的位置,而您正在操纵要切割的木头。

Models range from low-speed units designed to cut through thin pieces of wood to重型型号that can cut even through metal. Designed for finesse cutting, a滚动锯非常适合创建精美的细节和木材材料完成, so make sure that you learn as much as you can about these products first in order to determine if you might get good use out of them.
