
The reasons for building运输集装箱房屋beplay平台没信用多样化,包括这些容器在全球可用,负担得起,坚固,水密和通用性的情况下,更不用说它们可以轻松运输。




运输集装箱船持续了多长时间 在画廊中查看

A shipping container home has a lifespan which is highly variable and is mostly determined by where it is placed.

However, in general, a residence constructed from old shipping containers should在没有重大维护的情况下生存大约15年,而一个由new containers should last approximately 25 years

Shipping Container Costs

Although shipping container homes are not necessarily less expensive to construct than conventional stick-built homes, they can be. Numerous aspects affect the cost of a project, including its design, size, and finishes for the interior.

The cost of the容器从$ 1,400不等(如果您决定购买一个小容器)$ 6,000(if you are looking for a 40-foot container). Containers that are newer will cost more than containers that are older.


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Prior to beginning work on the shipping container, a permission should be secured. Thus, before the shipping container is erected or placed on the land, approval from the necessary authorities should be sought and granted.

在这种情况下,适当的权威可能是neighborhood homeowners’ organization,地方政府或市议会。即使在不总是需要许可证的偏远地区,在开始这种性质的项目之前,询问可能也不会有任何伤害。





The HO series by Honomobo

Honomobo是一家位于加拿大艾伯塔省的公司,专门建造现代房屋,办公室,住宅综合体和beplay平台没信用more out of shipping containers.The HO series includes prefabricated homes which range in size from a tiny 208 square foot studio to a three-bedroom house measuring 1,216 sq ft. The unit you see here is the HO2, the second smallest in the series. In has an open living area with a kitchen, a sleeping nook, a workspace and a bathroom.

大的full-height windowslet in an abundance of natural light and the actual shipping container volume is set on top of a precast concrete garage which is convenient, practical, safe and quite advantageous, ensuring that the living space at the top gets to enjoy panoramic views of the surroundings. The heating and cooling of the house is done with an efficient air source heat pump.

  • Price: $98,318 – $302,768
  • 尺寸: 208 sq ft- 1,216 sq ft

The HO series shipping container by Honomobo 在画廊中查看

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Rustic Retreat XL by Backcountry Containers


  • Price: from $40,000
  • 尺寸: 270 sq ft

Rustic Retreat XL by Backcountry Containers 在画廊中查看

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The Montainer backyard homes

登山者在规划和建造后院房屋或扩展的情况下,提供一个完整的包裹beplay平台没信用shipping containers。You place your order, you come up with a list of features and layout details that you’d like to include into your new container home then a design team helps you finalize your plan and also checks the property’s permitting requirements and offers a pricing estimate. If you’re happy with the process so far, the project moves forward and your new custom container home is built and then installed on your property. You can choose between several different configurations. The smallest option is a one-module structure and you can add as many modules as you want, as long as there’s enough space on the property for them.

  • Price: from $ 45,000
  • 尺寸:随模块的数量(1-3+)而变化

The Montainer backyard homes 在画廊中查看

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Custom Container Living专门从事20'和40'运输容器中的建筑结构,旨在提供各种目的。它们可以用作办公室,旅馆,宿舍或钓鱼和狩猎小屋。每个集装箱房屋是定制的beplay平台没信用特别适合每个客户的需求和要求。您可以在几个标准平面图之间进行选择,然后通过选择特定的颜色,污渍,窗户放置,地板,橱柜,台面和其他几个元素来个性化设计。价格取决于每个设计中包含的大小和功能。

  • Price: from $27,900
  • 尺寸: varies based on type

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Rhino Cubed是一家基于信念的公司,即在自然界中花费时间丰富了灵魂,现代人类需要一个小而小的和简单的住房解决方案旨在促进这一点。该解决方案是一系列由运输容器制成的小且坚固的结构。它们有多种尺寸,从160平方英尺到640平方英尺不等,并提供各种自定义设计和选项。

设备齐全的数据集包括所有基本的壮举ures such as insulated walls, fiberglass energy-efficient windows, roof and floor insulation plus electrical wiring, plumbing, lighting, a kitchen with a sink, stove, refrigerator and cabinets and a bathroom with a full-size shower, a toilet, sink and storage cabinetry.

  • Price:$ 33,600 - $ 79,000
  • 尺寸: 160 – 640 sq ft

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Off-the-grid container home

This one-of-a-kind container home was built by architect泰·凯利谁希望这是一个离网务虚会,拥有现代家庭的所有奢侈品,魅力或乡村住宅。beplay平台没信用该房屋的beplay平台没信用上市为$ 125,000。它的总表面为720平方英尺,包括卧室,浴室,厨房,洗衣区,一个工作区和时尚的起居区。建筑师使用了许多收回的材料,包括用于地板和柜台的木材。后面的侧面是釉面,设计用于将户外带入,木制甲板则延伸到外面的生活空间,并充当内部空间和房屋周围景观之间的连接器。

  • Price:$ 125,000
  • 尺寸: 720 sq ft

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Insta_house是一个预制家beplay平台没信用designed and built byMB架构。It’s made out of four 8 by 40 ft shipping containers and is organized on two floors. It’scompletely prefabricated它包括两间卧室,两个浴室,一个完整的厨房和一个客厅。

  • Price: $169,000
  • 尺寸: 960 sq ft

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The fabrication process is complete in only 8 weeks and the installation takes a day. The double height living space is the most impressive of all, offering a very airy and open feeling throughout this unconventional home. Large windows allow natural light to enter all the spaces and at the same time bring in views of the surroundings. The focus is on the views and the interior design is minimalist and centered on neutral colors and finishes.

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Gaia by Pin-Up Houses

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盖亚是一个非常酷的小结构录音室销子and what makes it stand out compared to other similar projects is the fact that it’s designed to be self-sufficient.

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没错,这是一个网格房屋,几乎可以放在任何位置,因为它不需要任何外部能源或水源。它是由20英寸x 6m的运输容器制成的,并且有这些非常漂亮的双玻璃门,白天散发出大量的阳光。它们可以完全隐藏在一个小的折叠露台后面,该露台可以在需要时完全关闭房屋。

  • 价格:$ 21.000
  • 尺寸: 20ft x 6m

Multipurpose container home in Chile

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这是not just another regular shipping container house mostly because it’s not as compact as expected. What makes this project by designerConstanza Dominguez C.和Studio Plannea arquitectura是将容器纳入现代时尚设计中的相当独特的方式。

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The house is located in Chile and was made out of two repurposed shipping containers. Rather than connecting the containers and creating one big space the designers chose to keep them separate. They were positioned parallel to one another with a big gap in between and a roof which extends over the entire area. This creates two separate spaces which can serve different purposes and a covered outdoor area in between them.

Container home with rooftop deck

Container home with rooftop deck 在画廊中查看

Most often than not shipping container homes are tiny. They have limited floor plans and they’re optimized to include as many useful features in as little space as possible. Quite rarely however is the space on top of the container used for something.

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This house designed by studio货运beplay平台没信用从这个意义上讲很特别。这对于一个由三个重新使用的模块制成的容器房屋非常宽敞。beplay平台没信用它还具有一个屋顶甲板,可在不扩展平面图的情况下创建一个非常凉爽的室外区域。这被称为“掌舵”,实际上是该公司提供的最大单元,也有几个较小的单元可供选择。

  • Price: available upon request
  • 尺寸:480平方英尺


度假租赁运输集装箱房屋模型 在画廊中查看

Getting to spend some timeliving in a shipping container home可能是一个有趣的经历,尤其是如果您正在考虑将来为自己构建类似的东西。

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有关的:An Amazing Split-Level Home With A Shipping Container Pool



运输树林中的集装箱舱房房屋 在画廊中查看

这是百合垫, a beautiful cabin situated in Logan, Ohio. It’s surrounded by a beautiful forest and it’s a really nice and cozy retreat.

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它有一个角度的屋顶延伸好open deck at the front of the cabin. You can rent this place if you’d like to check it out for yourself and to find inspiration in its beautiful design.
