
Covered porchesare a luxury for several reasons. One, if you have a covered porch, you likely live on a piece of land because a porch needs the space to accommodate it. Two, if you have a covered porch, you likely have even a small corner for a chair, perfect for morning coffee and evening reading. Three, if you have a covered porch, your decorating opportunity immediately extends超越前门

Covered Porch 在画廊中查看



小门廊改头换面 在画廊中查看

If you’re stuck on coming up with a plan to transform your porch, these makeovers should give you some ideas and put you on the right track. Start with something simple, a new color for the front door, one that complements the frame but still looks fresh. This for instance is a really nice dark gray with blue undertones and it changes nuance based on how the light hits it. The other elements that spruces up this porch featured onSatoridesignforliving是一个充满季节性精选的现代种植者。

春门廊色彩丰富 在画廊中查看

Sometimes a new color for the front door is not enough to really make a difference. It’s quite possible that the entire porch needs a makeover in order to look up to standard. Add some paneling to the walls, cover up the floor in tiles or some other material, redo the planters or get new ones and maybe add some furniture and decorations as well like a sconce for lighting, a small table with a couple of chairs and some pots and plants. Check outtatertotsandjello有关更多想法。

工匠门廊改头换面 在画廊中查看

另一个令人印象深刻的门廊转换在shadesofblueinteriors。Notice here a change in color for both the wall and the door as well as a new design for the flooring. The existing support columns look different as well. Initially they were just wooden posts wrapped in white metal and didn’t really look great. The wraps were removed and the wood was exposed, becoming the new material of choice.

简单的门廊改头换面DIY 在画廊中查看


Geometric Stencils Add Bold Style To A Concrete Porch 在画廊中查看

地板的风格和设计的变化确实可以使旧门廊再次看起来新鲜。如果您有一个混凝土地板,那么使用油漆和模具真的很容易做。您可以使您的门廊地板看起来像瓷砖或地毯,并完全改变其外观,而无需在项目中投入大量时间或金钱。查看切割的史料to see this idea put into practice.

Farmhouse porch makeover 在画廊中查看


德朗门廊装饰有弦灯 在画廊中查看


夏季门廊康复装饰 在画廊中查看


Porch renovation with lime green front door 在画廊中查看


DIYporch cover 在画廊中查看

In case you’re not yet sure what style to go for, we’d like to suggest a cottage-style porch design. It could end up looking super inviting and cozy and you can decorate it with things like rugs and cushions to give it character and color. This porch featured onrepurposeandupcyclealso has a swing seat which is always a cool thing to have outside.

Patio makeover 在画廊中查看

稍微舒适,旧门廊看起来很棒。它不必是一个漫长而昂贵的项目。您可以保留现有的家具并重新粉刷它,这可以触发该空间的整体调色板的变化。改变门廊的另一种非常有效的方法是简单地添加室外地毯,该地毯可以带来重点和有趣的混合图案。更多细节,例如一些口音枕头和一两个播种机,可以完成新的外观。前往Honeybearlanefor more ideas and inspiration.

Before and after backyard patio 在画廊中查看

Doing some landscaping around the porch would definitely be great too and it makes sense to focus on that if you’re redoing the entire space. Check out how awesome this whole transformation fromshadesofblueinteriors是。它包括清洗砖块和水沟,在地板上画画,在花坛中添加新植物,更换小树,增加种植者,建造凉棚并添加窗帘,建造板凳,安装杆子和悬挂的弦灯,最后添加一堆配件,例如枕头和一些家具。



White house facade with a small porch 在画廊中查看

当您考虑designing your small porch, you want to start at the base level. Before you pick a flower pot or a decorative garden gnome, it’s important to look at the porch’s details. How are the sconces? Does the ceiling have a coat of beadboard and does it need it? What color would look best on the front door? The bottom layer should be your first priority.

小门廊巨型数字 在画廊中查看


小门廊有趣的照明 在画廊中查看

Most porches have some kind of lighting because who wants to come home to a dark doorway? Nobody. Rather than living with the builder grade sconce that your porch probably had when you moved in, consider upgrading to something more stylish and unique. Even an inexpensive one will give your little covered porch a whole new look.

Small porch patterned railing 在画廊中查看

有些小门廊栏杆,通常在classic spindle style. But these days, railings can be anything but classic. Opt for a railing that is patterned and popping instead of basic and lined. No matter what you put on your porch after that, it will look amazing through that grid.

Small porch large ferns 在画廊中查看


小门廊桶树 在画廊中查看

Ferns aren’t the only bushy leafy greens that compliment a small porch. Galvanized buckets with trees planted in them will make your covered porch impossibly farmhouse looking. Hopefully you picked a good color for your front door because those trees are gonna make everybody look.

小门廊盒播种机 在画廊中查看


Small porch flower pots 在画廊中查看

Small porches don’t necessarily need large plants to match. A spattering of pots that show off colorful flowers can really brighten up a dark porch. You’ll want to spend all your evenings out on the front step watching the wind ruffle the petals.

小门廊墙饰 在画廊中查看

Do you have a blank flat wall on your small porch? Use that space to your advantage! Hang a sign on the wall to give anyone who approaches a good feel for your family. Whether you make it yourself or buy one, you will love seeing your favorite set of lyrics or house rules each time you get home from work.

Small porch shutter decor 在画廊中查看

Anyone who decorates small spaces will tell you, it’s all about the layering. Both in height and depth. Start at the back with tall shutters or rustic wood and layer on top with seasonal pieces and lanterns. You’ll create a mini vignette on your covered porch that will get all over Instagram.

Small porch front of door 在画廊中查看


小门廊小长椅 在画廊中查看

Wicker furniture has such a quaint English feel to it. If you’re trying to bring that same feeling to your front porch, consider filling the available space with a wicker seat. Add some cushions to make the most inviting spot in your home come to life.

小门廊和长凳 在画廊中查看

Sometimes the small front porch is long and narrow rather than short and squat and a bulky wicker seat would render the whole space unusable. Find yourself a simple长木板对于空间。它不仅是坐着和舔冰淇淋的好座椅,而且还可以将花盆在边缘周围放置,使其看起来像是家常的。beplay平台没信用

Fall porch decor 在画廊中查看


小门廊角装饰 在画廊中查看

You can’t forget Christmas decor! Being the season of coming and going for you and all your family and friends, you’ll want to dress up your tiny porch to fit the feeling. Use some vintage pieces you already have around the house and supplement with mini trees, red berries and a绿色花圈,似乎是为您的小门廊而制造的。

Large Porches

大门廊编织摇杆 在画廊中查看

Oh if everyone had a large covered porch. It can be such a sweet space for sipping and chatting and cooling off in the hot summertime. Line your large porch with rockers for a classic southern porch look. Flowers become accessories after that.

大门廊休息室 在画廊中查看

当您有盖的门廊有视图时,您绝对想为延长坐姿创造一个舒适的空间。而不是直接落后的摇杆,请放一些缓冲休息室椅子on your porch. You won’t mind sitting there evening after evening while the weather is good and the sky is beautiful.

White porch design with swing chair 在画廊中查看

Every porch sitter loves agood swing。You can find them in so many shapes and sizes that a little research will lead you to the perfect choice for your porch. Whether you go classic white or woven bohemian, you’ll love the relaxing opportunity a swing brings to your porch.

Large porch with hanging chair 在画廊中查看

您有一个非常深的门廊吗?在炎热的阳光下园艺之后,这种感觉像是凉爽且洞穴的。而不是挥杆悬挂一个沙发床在你深门廊打盹的快乐。Now everyone will know where to find you on those lazy Sunday afternoons.

Large porch hammock 在画廊中查看


Large porch church pew 在画廊中查看

A long deep porch can be quite a conundrum for some stylists. Once you’ve created your little seating area and在门周围装饰, what do you do with all the empty space in between? Enter the church pew. Such a long seat can be left to it’s wooden beauty or painted a bright color but either way, it fills the space and provides opportunity for seating and styling.

Porch seating areas 在画廊中查看

Another great option for long porches is the same concept you use in your home. Rather than trying to make one large space all connected, create smaller spaces for conversation and coffee sipping. A swing on one end, some rockers on the other. It will make the whole porch feel full and finished when you’re done.

Large porch striped pad 在画廊中查看

一个大门廊比小门廊为您提供更多的细节机会。就像您曾经想过要画廊地板吗?你可以做一个bold striped pattern,小而蕾丝甚至是彩绘地毯。这肯定会给您带来的门廊更多个性。

Large porch hanging planters 在画廊中查看

让我们谈话植物, 我们可以?有了更大的门廊,在您记得包括绿色植物之前,很容易用家具和座位填充空间。如果您在平方英尺上感到绝望,请深呼吸并抬头。挂一些种植者从天花板从天花板上吸引眼睛,创造了一个圆润的娱乐空间。

用大植物装饰门廊 在画廊中查看

When your porch is so large, you are certainly not limited to outdoor plants. If they can take the light, consider bringing some of yourlarger leafy friendsfrom indoors onto the porch. They’ll create a vintage porch feel no matter what else you include in the space.

大门廊储物柜 在画廊中查看


Large porch ceiling fans 在画廊中查看


Large porch antique decor 在画廊中查看

如果您担心将家具放在门廊上,请减轻压力并在盒子外面思考。而不是将室内家具放在外面或定居大。box outdoor furniture,用节俭的复古碎片填充门廊。已经旧的东西已经被碎裂了,因此您不在乎他们是否在那张桌子上放了一个镀层柠檬水玻璃。

大门廊波西米亚装饰 在画廊中查看


Large porch step decor 在画廊中查看


Back Porch

后廊客厅 在画廊中查看

Many home layouts have formal living rooms in the front of the house and casual family rooms at the back. Porches kind of work the same way. The front porch is usually comfortable but definitely more formal. If you have a back porch, it is likely become an extension on your livable space. An室外客厅is a great way to bring the whole family outdoors together.

后廊砖壁炉 在画廊中查看

您今年夏天要翻新室外空间吗?放fireplaceon your back porch. From spring through fall, your family can enjoy cozy nights by an outdoor fire and even mild winter days can result in marshmallow roasting. Plus it’s a little more luxurious than a fire pit.

Back porch dining area 在画廊中查看

When you have a covered porch right off the kitchen, it makes sense that you would put a nice long dining table out there. Not only will it give your family a sweet spot for summer pizza nights, it makes hosting large parties a breeze.

后廊室外厨房 在画廊中查看

您真的想带盖的后门廊吗?给自己一个mini outdoor kitchenfor entertaining. A stationary grill flanked by countertop will be a real treat for the griller in the house. Add a mini fridge for drinks and you’re all set to host the best barbecue in the neighborhood.

Back porch design with wood rack 在画廊中查看


Back porch with rope swing bench 在画廊中查看

一些家庭正在摇摆家庭。他们坐着放松时只需要摇滚即可。将两个摇摆悬挂在您的后廊上,彼此面对,您将创建一个孩子不会的空间脑子挂out in with you.

后廊隐私窗帘 在画廊中查看


后廊室内口音 在画廊中查看


Back porch screened in 1 在画廊中查看

也许您根本不是户外风扇,但您仍然想要一个空间来在肺中获得新鲜空气。考虑带遮盖的后门廊和筛选它。Suddenly your not so great outdoor space becomes an inviting living area, bug free and beautiful.

Back porch design decorated 在画廊中查看

