25 Tips for Creating an Entryway in an Entryway-Less Home


Tips for Creating an Entryway

不管喜欢与否,入口可以在您的家中创造或破坏客人的愉快经历,因为当没有专门的地方脱颖而出时,它会变得尴尬。beplay平台没信用但是当你的前部怎么办门直线通向客厅没有进入的入口?当然,您会变得有创造力并创造一个!看看这25entryway ideas for your entryway-less home


1. Grab a Corner

entry corner 在画廊中查看

An entryway doesn’t need to be a complicated affair. If you have a small corner close to your door, hijack it to work as a门厅空间for you! Even just a chair with a pillow on it invites guests to sit and slip off their shoes before they make themselves at home. (viaDesign Sponge


entry hooks 在画廊中查看

如果您进入客厅时,您在地板空间很短,那么coat rack可能是不可能的。但是您可以轻松地抬头看一些入口储存空间。提供一排钩子容纳夹克,帽子或钱包。一个好的规则是为每个家庭成员提供一个,再加上一个来宾。(通过卡米尔风格


进入地毯 在画廊中查看

您是否曾经注意到地毯如何将某个空间与其他空间分开?放一个小地毯或地板上的跑步者by the door and it will create the look of a separate entryway, without having an actual room. (viaDesign Sponge


Entryway shoe storage 在画廊中查看

当我年轻的时候,我被教导说,当我进入某人的家时,我脱鞋是良好的迹象。beplay平台没信用如果您在家中有相同的原则为您工作,则需要提供某种类型的beplay平台没信用shoe storage near the entry到你家。beplay平台没信用无论是托盘,垫子,甚至是篮子,您都应该有一个空间清楚地告诉您的客人将鞋子留在那里。(通过柯蒂斯卡萨


wallpapered space 在画廊中查看

Remember what I said about hijacking a corner for an entryway? Well if you’re going to go all out, don’t be afraid to put up some wallpaper to make the foyer space真的站出来。这是将入口与客厅区分开的必经之路,每次回家时都会让您微笑。beplay平台没信用(通过纳尔的房子


tiny shelf 在画廊中查看



creative storage 在画廊中查看

试图使小小的入口空间从人群中脱颖而出可能有些困难。在存储方面,尝试从框外面思考,以使其看起来确实是独一无二的。利用an antler或钩子的分支。尝试板条箱或手提箱固定鞋子。最后,您的外观会有些折衷,而且很有趣。(通过黛西最了解


入口镜 在画廊中查看

Are you afraid that adding an entryway space will make your living room seem smaller?添加镜子会消除这种恐惧。它不仅会反射到房间的光线,而且还会使空间看起来更大。另外,当您在走出门之前需要那些最后一刻的头发检查时,您会很高兴拥有它。(通过琥珀色内饰

9. Gallery Wall

入门库 在画廊中查看



进入植物 在画廊中查看

You were just waiting for this one, weren’t you… Greet your guests with a bit of green in your foyer space. Succulents will do great in low light or you can hang a vining plant if you don’t have the surface space for a pot. Either way, it will definitely liven up your entryway. (via海湾的SF女孩


入口处功能墙 在画廊中查看

创造性地生活shows us how to create thisDIYentryway功能墙项目为任何家庭带来欢迎的第一印象。beplay平台没信用正如您在项目中看到的那样,他们删除了先前的涂料的深色,在您首次进入走廊时为这个空间带来了轻巧通风的感觉。要为空间增加更多的光线,请在该区域中添加一个现代镜子和灯罩,这将为您的房屋带来热烈欢迎。这张紧凑型桌子还提供了足够的存储空间,可以防止任何东西进入地板上的道路并使您的房屋混乱。beplay平台没信用


A Hook Wall 在画廊中查看

For anyone who is sick and tired of their family members dropping coats on the floor or the furniture when they get home, you’ll love this DIY hook wall fromThe DIY Mommy。该板和板条墙非常适合进入您的房屋,并且比标准挂钩壁组织者更具空间的特征。beplay平台没信用这是一个简单的项目,但看起来绝对会在任何家庭中令人惊叹beplay平台没信用。Add hooks at different heights if you have younger children, so they’ll have a designated space to store their coats when they return home from school each day.


家庭组织者 在画廊中查看

If you have a large family, it’s so important to try and keep the entryway clean and tidy, so you aren’t tripping over items when you pass through the door. We love this family organizer from家庭杂工,它创建了功能性但时尚的储物柜系统。保持家庭整洁的最佳方法是为每个人分配自己的空间来放置beplay平台没信用自己的财产。这里有足够的空间来添加背包,而您每天上学或上班时可能需要迅速抓住您可能需要迅速抓住的一切。


储物篮 在画廊中查看

幸福的蜜蜂shares this entryway project which uses largestorage baskets保持垃圾和鞋子隐藏。我们喜欢这些篮子在桌子下方的容易,它们的材料和质地适合décor of this homeperfectly. As they are tucked away, you can’t see anything that’s inside the basket, so you can hide everything that would otherwise be left on the floor from view. They are perfect for kids who have backpacks and items for school, as they can just dump them inside the basket when they return home each afternoon.

15. An All-in-One Storage Device

一个在一个存储设备中 在画廊中查看

For anyone who is short of space in their entryway, we recommend creating an all-in-one storage solution in your home.周末乡村女孩向我们展示了如何制作这个独特的项目,该项目使用旧的梳妆台并将其转换为存储区域和入口座位。这件家具将是您家的独特添加,并且对您的入口也非常有用。beplay平台没信用我们喜欢这个项目绘制的淡色,因为即使是最小的入口也不会太矮胖。


储物箱 在画廊中查看

The Verden为入口分享这个有趣的存储想法。这是最大程度地减少所使用的地板空间并可以制作的好方法到您家的入口处有色和大胆的声明beplay平台没信用。家庭可以将家庭的每个成员指定为存放行李,鞋子和书籍的空间。您可以为每个板条涂上不同的颜色,以使其具有某种变化和个性化,或者使它们都具有更中性的阴影,可以与墙壁融合在一起。板条箱come in all shapes and sizes, so this project is suitable for any home.


引导托盘 在画廊中查看

喜欢在户外度过时光的家庭知道,当您回到家中时,要处理泥泞的靴子会多么棘手。beplay平台没信用如果您有浅色地毯或地毯,则冒着染色材料的风险,去除泥污渍可能非常具有挑战性。这个靴子托盘是存放脏或湿靴子和鞋子的理想方式,不会在入口处占用太多空间。南部复兴向我们展示如何从头做一个引导盘this simple DIY project for your home.


使用附近的壁橱 在画廊中查看

beplay平台没信用在他们的入口处有一个壁橱的房屋可以利用此空间创建一个隐藏的存储区域。艾比·劳森(Abby Lawson)已将壁橱改建为她的房屋的完整存储解决方案,这些清晰的抽屉使存储较小的物品变得更加容易。beplay平台没信用即使是一个小壁橱,也可以为储藏室提供足够的空间,孩子们可以为他们的学书或固定的抽屉提供抽屉。在冬季,您还将很高兴有一个可以放上手套,帽子和围巾的地方,如果它们被排在入口处,它们通常会迷路。

19. Storage for Bags and Backpacks

Storage for Bags and Backpacks 在画廊中查看


20. Hanging Bike Storage

Hanging Bike Storage 在画廊中查看

For anyone who loves to cycle but struggles to find space in their apartment or home to keep their bike, consider hanging自行车存储。Your bike will not only have a place in your home when not in use but also will look like a funky piece of modern art on your wall.宜家黑客shows you how to create the mounts for your bike, and this project will barely take any time for you to complete this weekend.


小控制台桌 在画廊中查看

当我们返回家园时,我们所有人都需要一个空间来放下钥匙和较小的物品。beplay平台没信用但是,在许多房屋和公寓中,我们在入beplay平台没信用口处的全桌子或机柜的空间限制。嘿,让我们做东西shares thisconsole tablewhich barely sticks out from the wall yet is big enough to put your keys, phone, and mail on. The best thing about this idea for your entryway is that it only costs $22 to make, so it is a solution to fit anyone’s budget when redecorating this year.

22. A Genius Shelving Unit

A Genius Shelving Unit 在画廊中查看

有时,在充分利用入口时,您需要在盒子外面思考。我们喜欢这个项目笨蛋that combines two shelves to give you somewhere to hang keys and important items. However, you’ll also enjoy a beautiful mood board where you can add plants, notes, or any other accessories you like to brighten up a modern entryway.

23. Organize Your Mail

Organize Your Mail 在画廊中查看

Mail and important documents can easily get scattered all over an entryway. This idea from宜家黑客uses a napkin holder to make a hanging mail organizer for your home’s entrance. You won’t have a stack of mail on your side table anymore, and you can literally put this on any墙上的小空间。It’s perfect for entryways of any size or shape, and you can always add one per person in your family if you have a lot of mail or paper floating around.

24. Narrow Family Command Center

狭窄的家庭指挥中心 在画廊中查看

Many homes lack the width that’s needed for a family command center with seating in their home.创造力交流shares thisDIY项目这几乎没有从墙上伸出来,但为整个家庭提供了您所需的悬挂空间。每个人都有一个hook for their coat和袋子,您也可以在冬天添加帽子和围巾。我们喜欢在下面增加篮子,将学校物品和配件远离地板,并隐藏起来。

25. A Simple Bench

一个简单的长凳 在画廊中查看



All of these ideas can be combined to createthe perfect entryway for your home。即使您在家中的空间有限,您也会在这里找到一些独特的想法,可以为您提供整个家庭的存储beplay平台没信用空间。充分利用您的墙壁,壁橱和桌子,以使衣服和鞋子远离地板,并藏起来以避免任何游客绊倒。您无需花钱就可以改变房屋的这一区域。beplay平台没信用有了一点想象力,您可以为步行进入您的房屋或公寓的任何人创造出奇妙的第一印象。
