
Types of tables在房屋周围发现的似乎相当多余。beplay平台没信用但是,当您学习不同的术语时,购物就会变得更加有趣。到我们完成时,您家中的每个房间都会有一beplay平台没信用张桌子。

表的类型 View in gallery

It usually starts with large tables, such as adining table。但是,即使是小的重音表也可以为您的房屋的展示方式增添很多价值。beplay平台没信用今天,当涉及到不同类型的表格时,我们将不会留下任何桌子。


表的类型  View in gallery

There are so many different types of tables out there that it is unfair to simply call them all, “a table.” After all, you can’t simply search “table” when shopping and have the type of table you are looking for pop up.

This is the primary reason learning about the different types of tables and how they are categorized can benefit your life. So let’s break down the different types of tables you may want to add to your home.

表的类型In The Bedroom

Thebedroomis probably the second place that you will begin adding tables. The reason for this is most likely because your bedroom is your sanctuary and everything in it is simply to make you feel at peace.


床头柜桌  View in gallery


The nightstand table usually has a small drawer or two for personal belongings and nighttime things such as face masks or glasses cases. At least once nightstand is highly recommended in each bedroom.

Desk Table

Desk Tables View in gallery

Also simply called a desk, the desk table is a bedroom or office table which normally holds your computer. It is usually used in offices, both at home and at a place of work. However, they are common in bedrooms too.

这些日子,大多数人在他们的房间里有一张桌子for either writing or working on their PC. Even if there is an at-home office, it’s nice to have somewhere you can go that is near your bed and makes you feel like part of the family.

Vanity Table

A vanity is technically simply a dressing table. However, it is often used to describe a very specific type of bedroom table complete with at least one row of drawers and a mirror. This is the most common vanity.


Changing Table






表的类型:终结表 View in gallery

The thing about the end table is that oftentimes, the term is interchanged with the term床头柜在卧室。但是,在客厅里,您不会将末日称为床头柜。


Coffee Table

表的类型: Coffee Table View in gallery

The coffee table can be a confusing item because of the name. It was originally named Frank Stuart Foote of the Imperial Furniture Co. decided his wife’s friends needed a small table to enjoy their tea and coffee.

So he cut the legs off of a dining room table and presented it in the living room, or what would then be a parlor. Today, the term itself is lost and any small table in the center of a living room is considered a coffee table.

Entertainment Table

表的类型: Entertainment Table View in gallery

The entertainment table or TV table is a table that you can store your television on as well as the television accompaniments. This is a very old type of table that wasn’t originally made to store electronics.

While most TVs these days are also mounted or can be mounted, tables still need to hold remotes, cable systems, and Rokus. So an entertainment table graces the living room in most modern-day living rooms.


表的类型:重音表 View in gallery

What is so astounding about accent tables is that the exact definition and use aren’t set in stone. What they usually are though is small and artistic. So any small table that you use to decorate with in your living room.



The dining room and kitchen isn’t just a place for the dining room table. There are a few other types of tables that need to be distinguished so that you can shop for them specifically. Here’s what you need to know.

Dining Table

桌子的类型:餐桌 View in gallery



Refectory Table

表的类型: Refectory Table  View in gallery

The refectory table is much more common outside of the home than inside the home. But it can be found inside dining rooms in schools. If you’d like to add some to your home, you can always do that too.

Traditionally, refectory tables were large and wooden, used for dining rooms in themiddle ages.Today, they are normally plastic or some other cheaper material that doesn’t scratch as easily as wood does.


表的类型: Bar Table View in gallery


但它确实can add to any kitchen or dining room, even if you don’t have teens. Bar tables usually can fit multiple bar stools or chairs at it and is great for prepping food or drinks, as well as eating or drinking.



表的类型In The Family Room

The family room is a term that you may use when referring to the room where your family gathers to play. This isn’t the living room but it is more like a game room complete with games and an entertainment system.


台球桌  View in gallery

A pool table is one of the most common types of game tables in the family room. This is most likely due to the popularity of pool and how easy it is to play as a family. Or it could also be due to the draw of teens.

Billiards can be a competitive game. However, adults and children are easy to entertain with games. It is teens that can be difficult to draw into something with the family. But pool is a safe choice.

Table Tennis

Table tennis, or ping pong, is a popular game for kids and adults alike. There are even table tennis tournaments where top players can win big. But for the most part, it’s a casual game for families using a table tennis table.

The perk of a table tennis table is that it is much cheaper than most other family room game tables. You can also get a very affordable net to attach to almost any rectangular table and use it for ping pong.


桌上足球 View in gallery

桌上足球is a classic game for all families. This type of table isn’t exactly common but when you choose multiple game tables for your family room, this is always a solid choice. Almost everyone enjoys foosball.



Chess tables and checkers tables are often interchangeable. While you can get a chessboard or checkerboard and place it on any table, getting one that has a surface that isn’t removable can be a great investment.

These tables look high-end and offer a fun place to play games without risking any board flipping. Consider getting a table that doubles as a board like this for a very high-end and classy addition to any family room.


Now that you know all there is to know about tables in the primary rooms around the house, it’s time to make our way to the strange rooms that not everyone owns. Let’s take a look at some random yet useful tables.

Console Table

控制台表 View in gallery

A console table is primarily made forentryways.这是一种桌子的类型,您将在这里放置鲜花并欢迎迹象,以便客人在您进入您的家时就会感到宾至如归。beplay平台没信用他们也充满了存储。

Drink Table



嵌套表 View in gallery

Nesting tables are tables that slide into one another like Matryoshka dolls. One table will be about the side of a larger side table and each table beneath it will be just a bit smaller than the one above it.


