



当你买一个沙发,你必须考虑the comfort of every guest that’s bound to sit on it or, at least, at the comfort of all your family members. When you’re buying an armchair, you get to be a little selfish and pick something that offers comfort to you and you alone. You simply can’t miss out on the opportunity of learning more about what makes a good armchair, since it’s your chance to be in the center of attention and put your preferences above everyone else’s.




  • 具有纤细设计的扶手椅更适合较小的房间。这意味着您可以抛弃坚固的底座,然后选择具有可见腿的东西,因为这提供了更多房间空间的幻想。
  • 如果您想购买坐在客厅的扶手椅,则可以选择与沙发形成鲜明对比的室内装饰。这将创建一个令人叹为观止的作品,令人愉悦。
  • 不要害怕大胆。这意味着您可以选择混合颜色,纹理和图案,以在房间周围引起更多的兴趣。
  • 在选择扶手椅之前,请考虑一下房间中的其他家具,尤其是沙发,边桌和咖啡桌的外观。

#2: Price


  • 木制框架可能是最受欢迎的armchair construction,但是从一种木材到另一种木材的质量有很多差异,您可以期望一个木制框架扶手椅与另一个木制框架之间的价格差异相当一致。许多人选择具有金属框架的扶手椅,因为它们更坚固,更耐用。
  • Cushioning is another variable that drastically changes the end price of the armchair. You want to opt for models that have memory or high-resilience foam because it’s better compared to other缓冲的类型。如果说泡沫得到了弹簧的支持,那么您就有一个很好的组合来维持自己的身体舒适的位置几个小时就结束。
  • 皮革扶手椅很棒,但是当它们是由真实而不是人造皮革制成的时,它们也往往更昂贵。即使您认为价格差异不值得,也要知道,与人造皮革相比,真正的皮革持续时间更长,开裂/分裂的机会更少。



虽然乍一看似乎不是那么,但尺寸和舒适性是两个连接的方面,但是在某些时候,必须对其进行单独处理,以便您使最佳的购买决定成为可能。您不可能在对您来说太小的扶手椅上感到舒适,但您不能投资大扶手椅if you don’t have enough free space to place it. When it comes to size and comfort, here are some tips to remember:

  • When you place the armchair in a room, there needs to be enough space around it for everyone to move freely on all sides, especially if the armchair will go somewhere in the middle of a living room.
  • 测量可用的自由空间对于确保您选择一个适合您打算放置的扶手椅至关重要。如果您的心脏躺在特定的扶手椅上,并且不确定有可用的空间,请进行纸板切口并将其放在地板上,就在扶手椅上的位置。您可以轻松访问吗?它会阻碍您使用周围的家具吗?您可以轻松坐在扶手椅上(或站起来)吗?
  • When it comes to comfort, you need to consider what your favorite sitting position would be. Some people like to sit with their feet on the ground, while others prefer curling up on the armchair. Your personal preference will determine the size of the armchair that best suits your needs.



罗纳尔多扶手椅 在画廊中查看

这first armchair we wanted to show you today is a29英寸h x 27.5“ w x 32.75” d围绕橡皮木框架建造的家具。它被80%的聚酯层和20%的丙烯酸制成的室内装饰覆盖,并带有缓冲的背部和座椅,它们都充满了高密度泡沫。它可以支撑300磅的总重量,您有可能在两种内饰颜色之间进行选择:灰褐色和浅蓝色。这是一个本世纪中叶的现代扶手椅with visible wooden legs and armrests, plus comfortable cushioning and upholstery that requires spot cleaning.


德拉文木制扶手椅 在画廊中查看

与上述产品相对相似,但具有更痛苦的外观,德拉文armchair is more of a vintage-looking piece that fits perfectly in rustic-style decors and wooden cabins and vacation homes. Designed from oak, the frame is sturdy enough to support about 350 pounds in weight. You will be resting on a cushion that’s made with cotton blend upholstery and filled with spongy foam cushioning. The construction of the backrest is identical to that of the seating, even in terms of fill material. The cushions are removable and require spot cleaning. Overall, this wooden armchair measures 33.9” H x 34.4” W x 28.7” D.

3。Clora Armchair

Clora Armchair 在画廊中查看

Clora armchair是另一个可以描述为质朴的木制作品,但是它具有一定的老式优雅,这使我们觉得如果您知道如何混合和匹配围绕它的元素,它甚至可以与当代客厅相匹配。松木和胶合板木制框架可以支撑250磅的重量(您可以判断橡木强度之间的差异 - 用于建造Dravin扶手椅和松树的强度)。它带有聚酯内饰(可在灰褐色,Onyx和Slate上使用),靠垫和靠背充满泡沫。扶手椅的整体尺寸为34英寸H x 38英寸D,座位区域为20英寸h x 20” w x 20.5” D.


Aleksandra扶手椅 在画廊中查看

关于藤条,我们总是会爱上一些东西,这不仅仅是我们想购买露台家具时的爱。从乡村装饰到沿海主题,藤制可以覆盖多个室内设置,这就是为什么Aleksandra扶手椅是值得考虑的购买。这款扶手椅尺寸为31.7英寸H x 24.8“ W x 29.5” D,位于藤木框架的顶部,可以支撑300磅的重量,这令人印象深刻。缓冲用高密度泡沫制成,并用多种颜色可用的聚酯内饰覆盖:从蓝色到尘土飞扬的粉红色。


布兰斯福德扶手椅 在画廊中查看

If you’re looking for a more elegant wooden armchair, the elements found on the布兰斯福德肯定值得研究。这座路易斯XV风格的扶手椅配有弯腰腿和弯曲的木制框架,上面覆盖着美丽的灰褐色,浅蓝色和石板的美丽内饰。框架是由松木和胶合板的组合制成的,可以支撑300磅的总重量。垫子充满了网络悬架,并提供体面的轮廓,以便您可以舒适地坐在更长的时间内。钉头装饰是一个绝妙的细节,使扶手椅非常适合法国乡间别墅装饰。总体上尺寸为38英寸h x 29英寸w x 32英寸D,这肯定是一件家具,即使在较小的房间中也很容易找到它的方式。


阿迪琳扶手椅 在画廊中查看

具有更简约的设计和元素,使这款扶手椅适合于本世纪中叶的现代风格房屋,beplay平台没信用阿德琳带来出来的非常简单的元素聚集在一起,创造了一个相当吸引人的扶手椅。这张显然很小且脆弱的扶手椅真正有趣的是,即使它具有实木框架,它也可以支撑高达400磅的重量。内饰由聚酯混合物制成,并充满泡沫和合成纤维,分为三层环保材料。核桃饰面绝对华丽,易于与其他各种家具饰面搭配。可以肯定地说,这款27.55“ H x 26” W x 30英寸D椅子必须提供的东西给我们留下了深刻的印象。


比奇伍德扶手椅 在画廊中查看

For fans of vintage furniture and the unique appearance that the combination of wood and leather brings forth, we have theBeachwoodarmchair to talk about. The wooden frame is designed to support up to 200 pounds in weight, which isn’t a very high number considering the weight capacity of some of the other models we’ve looked at today. Measuring 33” H x 30.5” D x 25.375” W, the armchair comes with an open-framed arm design and cushioning provided by foam. The upholstery is made from microsuede with a leather-like appearance, offering you the beauty of leather at the price of microfiber. It’s a worthy purchase for budget-oriented shoppers.


福尔索姆扶手椅 在画廊中查看

我们在木制扶手椅方面的最后一个建议是这个美丽的作品Corrigan Studio。It’s the kind of retro piece of furniture that you’d probably expect to see on a sunny patio, but it’s also perfect for indoors use because of the comfortable cushioning and the design elements that make it easy to blend in with the rest of your indoor furniture. It measures 31” H x 26” W x 32” D overall and is built on top of a rubberwood frame that can support up to 300 pounds in weight. The upholstery is made from polyester blend and is available in colors such as white, gray, and sea foam. The removable cushioning and backrest are filled with comfortable foam, offering you support and comfort even if you plan on sitting down the entire day.


When you’re choosing a木制扶手椅,重要的是要考虑诸如木材的选择(有助于确定椅子的耐用性),内饰选项,以及尺寸的尺寸非常重要,这对于您坐在自己喜欢的位置时会感到舒适,这一点很重要。

It’s important to remember that not all wooden frames have the same level of strength. If you’ve read the article above, then you already saw how some wooden frames made from strong wood (such as oak) are capable of supporting more overall weight compared to woods such as pine. The style and design of the armchair aren’t to be neglected, because you want to be able to walk into a room and enjoy what you see.
