

羊毛纤维have a very distinct feel to them, with excellent qualities that make wool-based fabric top-notch ones. When it comes to选择羊毛地毯在花钱之前,有一些事情应该知道产品,我们将尝试并让您在实际购买前真正重要的信息覆盖,所以它会发生。




  • When it comes to lifespan,羊毛是纤维that can outlive almost every other natural fiber out there. It comes with highly elastic features and a natural crimp, both of each create a durable fiber that’s worth investing in if durability is something you’re after. This makes wool carpet capable of maintaining a fresh appearance even after many year of use, since it’s less prone to shading or tracking marks.
  • The level of comfort and warmth that a wool carpet can provide is almost unmatched. The soft feel of the wool fibers makes a carpet made from it feel like a luxurious choice. Not only does a wool carpet make your feet feel warm during the winter, but the fibers have really good insulation properties, so it can trap heat pretty well. Since it’s soft and made from pretty thick fibers, a wool carpet can also minimize injuries in case of a fall. More often than not, there wool carpets come with a quality backing that makes the carpet even thicker and provides more cushioning.
  • 羊毛地毯由于在这些纤维中发现的天然油,患有污垢和土壤时具有很强的抗性。Even if they do attract dirt, the opaque fiber makes it more difficult for you or others to see the stains, making it feel like the carpet is cleaner than it actually is (it’s true that, depending on your perspective, this can either be a good or a bad thing).
  • 羊毛也是一个漂亮的sustainable fiber,所以,如果您担心您在帮助保护环境方面的贡献,那么知道羊毛来自天然羊大衣,所以它基本上是可再生的供应。羊毛也被剪切而不会伤害动物,所以它是一种无残忍的纤维,你可以依靠安心。
  • Aside from being a sustainable material when you look back at its production process, it’s also a biodegradable one. When wool is absorbed by the soil, it produces carbon dioxide, sulphur, and nitrogen, and all of these are nutrients that growing plants could benefit from.


  • First of all, wool isn’t an option that’s as cheap as other natural or synthetic fibers, which makes wool carpets a tad more expensive than, let’s say, a polyester one. Furthermore, wool is also more expensive to clean, especially since it’s not the kind of product that you can easily clean by yourself at home and might sometimes have to turn to professional (and paid) cleaning services to have it fresh again.
  • 羊毛纤维are naturally moisture wicking. This is a good thing if you have high humidity levels in your home and can use whatever means you have at your disposal to deal with that problem, but it’s not that great if it’s regularly exposed to water or if you spill liquids on it that are not oil-based (like coffee or wine). When they absorb large volumes of water, wool fibers can get saturated over time, which creates a favorable environment for mildew to appear.

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  • 100%的羊毛地毯完全由羊毛编织。通常,这些利用串羊毛,常见于新西兰和英国绵羊,并且有来自这两种类型的羊毛的地毯同时。新西兰羊毛通常感到柔软到触摸,它通常用于较轻的遮阳面料,而英国羊毛是笨重的,拥有独特的质地。最高质量的羊毛被认为是新西兰美利奴,但这不会使其他类型的羊毛更不值得购买。此外,可用于从其他动物的羊毛制成的地毯是非常常见的,例如羊驼,骆驼,甚至山羊。
  • 80/20羊毛地毯由羊毛混合制成。As a general note, wool doesn’t need to be combined with other fibers and fabric in order to make good carpets, but some manufacturers choose to do so because they want to benefit from the properties of the synthetic materials added to the mix to create a certain type of product. For instance, when you add some other fibers to a carpet’s construction, you can make it more durable or increase the flexibility of the fibers. This makes 80/20 carpets a purchase worth consider because of the amazing properties of wool that are further enhanced thanks to the addition of other fibers to the mix.





羊毛地毯的好处将始终超过缺点(最大的下行是纤维的高价)。However, wool carpets are moisture-wicking, they provide amazing insulation and keep your feet warm during the colder seasons, it’s a hypo-allergenic fiber (although not always the case as there are people who have wool allergies), has a long lifespan, and it’s pretty resistant to all sorts of stains. It is also less prone to wear and tear, and taking good care of a wool carpet can make it last for decades.


Yes, wool is one of the most expensive natural fibers that are currently available in the market. Even when compared to high-end synthetic fibers, wool tests to cost more. The lowest price that you could get for a wool carpet is around $3 per square foot, but quality wool carpets can cost as much as $15 per square foot.

The Best Wool Carpet


Luciana手打结羊毛灰色区域地毯 View in gallery

这款美丽的手打结羊毛地毯有各种不同的颜色,适合您选择。有矩形地毯that range from 2′ x 3′ to 12′ x 18′, but you also have the options of choosing round carpets, runners, or oval ones. This rug is made entirely out of wool and comes with a cotton backing that further enhances the quality of the product and makes it even more comfortable and moisture-wicking.

Chevron Handmade Tufted Wool

雪佛龙手工簇绒羊毛海军 View in gallery



Paget几何手钩羊毛红色 View in gallery

如果你想留到假日精神,选择一个看起来欢乐的圣诞节主题地毯,并且在高质量的建筑中提供,你需要看看Paget地毯. With cotton and latex backing and a surface made entirely out of wool, this area carpet measures 0.25 inches in thickness and comes in a wide range of sizes for you to choose from. The carpets feature winter-themed decorations such a Christmas trees, snowmen, gingerbread houses, and even stockings filled with goodies.


Braelyn西南手工簇绒羊毛区 View in gallery

与A.Southwestern style and a design这使得这块地毯非常适合传统家园,Brailyn地毯是一种为您家带来一种颜色的产品。beplay平台没信用有多种颜色的组合可以选择,以及10种不同的尺寸,以覆盖家中的多个楼层。beplay平台没信用这是一个手工制作的羊毛地毯,带有帆布背衬和0.5英寸的桩高,使其成为低交通区的理想选择。

Philson Oriental Handmade Tufted Wool

Philson东方手工制造簇绒羊毛黑色 View in gallery



克拉洛雪茄烟花手工簇绒 View in gallery

有很多原因为什么羊毛地毯是一个很好的想法孩子的房间或托儿所, and it’s more than just the beautiful colors and playful patterns that accompany the克拉模型. From the moisture-wicking and the insulation properties of this rug to the different size availability, this is a product that we just have to recommend. This is an 80/20 wool carpet that combines the power of this fiber with that of cotton, and it’s enhanced by a cotton backing. It has a pile height of 0.63 inches and it’s the perfect additional to a play room.


呕吐物Hand Hooked Pink View in gallery


Zosia Oriental Handmade Tufted Wool

Zosia Oriental Handmade Tufted Wool Teal View in gallery

EasternZosia地毯融入复古装饰中的图案和印刷品是另一种基于羊毛的产品,它带来了饱和色调的金色,红色,蓝色和绿色。这块地毯制作的是,这块地毯完全脱离羊毛,并配有棉花和乳胶背衬,为您提供最佳的隔热,在室内唯一的产品中。您有四个尺寸的选项可供选择,包括2'3“x 7'6”赛跑者,这个0.5英寸桩高度地毯是乡村风格的家园的理想选择。beplay平台没信用

Bottom Line

选择羊毛地毯应该是relatively easy because of the benefits这种类型的光纤可以提供。毫无疑问,由于羊毛带到桌子的优势,这是值得投资的产品,但羊毛的产品初始成本可能是许多人的缺点。因此,在花钱在羊毛地毯上花钱之前,值得设定预算,然后找到您在您所需的预算范围内的产品。
