20 Modern Living Rooms That Will Make You Instantly Drool

家不beplay平台没信用一定是现代感觉独特的一个d beautiful. But some homes and decors are just too amazing not to be beautiful and not to make you daydream about them. If you’re not convinced, just take a look at these stunning modern living rooms.

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This cabin is breathtaking. It features stunning views and, in order to take advantage of them, a huge window that tilts open was built. It reveals the true beauty of the landscape.

Bench sofa living room

Modern doesn’t always mean opulence and eye-catching features. This modern living room is very simple and it feels very inviting but it also has a stylish luxury design.

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This living room impresses both with its size and its exquisite décor details. The high ceiling and the exposed beams create a contrasting atmosphere as they are both dramatic and cozy.

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This cliffside villa is absolutely spectacular. The living room is spacious is open and features a huge floor-to-ceiling window and a terrace with breathtaking views.

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Sometimes the size does matter, like in the case of this amazing Oceanside villa. The living room is huge and has high ceiling. The limit between indoor and outdoor is almost inexistent.

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Bu small and cozy living rooms can also be amazing. This one might not impress with its size but its simplicity and tranquil beauty makes it unique.

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This living room is a central space and has double-height ceilings with floor-to-ceiling windows. The décor is simple and elegant, with dark shades of brown and blue that contrast with the beige background.

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High ceilings seem to be a recurrent element is most luxury homes. They make the living room seem more impressive and dramatic and they are also perfect for hanging chandeliers and pendant lamps.

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Simplicity is often the key to a luxurious décor. This living room features a crisp white background with just a few touches of color. The focal point is the mosaic accent wall.

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The architecture of a building can often dictate the décor. This living room features has stunning arched windows which give it dramatic and very beautiful look.

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The style or type of décor is not particularly relevant in the case of a truly luxurious home. This one has a huge living room that features an industrial décor.

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For this living room, luxury is synonym with simplicity and elegance. The slanted wood-paneled ceiling is a very beautiful features and the colored furniture provides a chic focal point.

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Sometimes the views are all a home needs in order to be amazing. This living room is nothing but a box with wooden floors and wood-paneled walls and ceiling. But the views are absolutely wonderful.

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For this living room, the key element that makes it stand out is represented by the skylights. They shed light into the space and are the perfect design detail to complement the minimalist décor.

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This living room also features skylights and they’re a great addition to a space with small windows but with a bright and airy décor.

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What could be more beautiful than having a stunning contemporary home with panoramic views of the ocean? This image just answered the question.

Bench sofa living room

This is the living room of a modern beach house. It has a bright, calm and serene décor and the views only make the whole décor look even more amazing.

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This living room has a contemporary interior but there is also a very chic influence that is highlighted through subtle focal points, interesting patterns or designs.

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In the case of this open living room, the décor is casual and inviting. The rug has a very nice texture that instantly makes the atmosphere feel cozy and comfortable.

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A similar design can be seen in this living room. The wooden floors add warmth and texture while the color palette is focused on neutrals and dark accents.

Picture sources: 1,2,3,4,5, 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15and16.
