Open Floor Plans: Pros of Cons and Tips for Decorating

在我们跳入谈论pros and cons of open floor plans, it might be a good idea to talk about what this means, or in other words to define open. Open, in this instance, describes the layout of a larger space that functions as multiple rooms or functionalities within that single (larger) living space. The most common form of open floor plan in today’s homes includes a combination of kitchen, dining room, and living room all open to each other within a single “great room”.

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Improved social interaction.

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More natural light.

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More opportunities for entertaining.

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当客人在您家时,与他们在一起并参与谈话要比自己在beplay平台没信用一个小小的热气腾腾的厨房中关闭要愉快得多。开放式平面图在提供主要娱乐能力方面表现出色 - 关于食物,准备和服务,您可以完成所有需要的一切,同时仍然是该小组的一部分(当您可能在附近的沙发上闲逛,也可能不会在附近的沙发上闲逛奴隶离开)。

Improved visibility for childcare.

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While this benefit doesn’t apply to every household, it is an important one for those homes with children. A parent who can get their own things accomplished (e.g., making dinner, cleaning, working, etc.) while still keeping an eye on their children is in a better situation, safety- and peace of mind-wise.

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Of course, the open floor plan doesn’t get its popularity due to the number of rooms but rather the way that those spaces function within the larger whole. If you’re one to prefer privacy and, perhaps, greater organization (e.g., more built-ins and storage), having fewer rooms with which to work could put your space at a disadvantage.


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While open floor layouts offer a variety of benefits, one drawback to this method of floor plan is the lack of wall space for artwork and other displays. (Although, if you find decorating walls troublesome, you might find this to be an advantage.)

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For those of us who love a good piece of wall art, the limited wall space is a decided disadvantage. Like this oversized woven “portrait” made out of recycled materials. Amazing.

Limited privacy.

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Change up the legs.

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Due to their, well, openness, open spaces thrive with the potential for horizontal surfaces. Work these horizontal planes (e.g., shelves) in wherever it makes sense and is useful. For example, the large “shelf” near the floor under this kitchen island work station is floating, which maintains an open feeling, but it also provides storage and decorative function within the space.

Let your “walls” resemble Swiss cheese.

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对于那些情况一个广泛开放的平面图just doesn’t make sense or look well, it’s certainly not a bad idea to incorporate some sort of design elements that will resemble walls for you. Just be sure that they lean more toward Swiss cheese (plenty of visual “holes” and gaps) than toward a thick slice of cheddar. Leaving the top third of the vertical plane empty also helps to maintain a feeling of openness while still defining the smaller spaces.

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This is another example of an open-aired “wall” – a geometric hex shape that provides subtle, if not outright, privacy to the bedroom that abuts the common living area. Notice the effectiveness of the trailing plant in providing definition amidst openness as well.

Think vertically rather than opaquely.

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Keep in mind that design elements with distinct verticality – whether or not they’re all that tall in reality – do a great deal to define the space surrounding them. These colorful,stackable drawersprovide verticality and the subsequent definition of space but, because of their cut-out design, they maintain a sense of openness.

Raise the height of standard items for more privacy.

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An alternative to trying to omit substantial visual barriers is to turn this around and use those barriers to your advantage. For the bed that happens to be part of the open floor plan, for example, a提高的床头板提供即时的隐私感……即使该隐私并不完全是现实。
