DIY Hanging Planter From Brass Pipes

This simplemodern hanging planteris the perfect addition to your boring corner or window area. Using brass piping and twine with a few easy steps, hang any bowl or planter to spruce up a bare space. Make a few in different colors and sizes to hang together, or give a few away to friends and family. These make a great unique gift!

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  • metal tubing (brass used here)
  • 切管机
  • tape measure
  • twine, string or thin wire for connecting tubing
  • bowl or planter
  • plants

Step by step instructions to build a hanging planter:

geometric hanging planter supplies View in gallery

Step 1: Cutting the pipes

Start by cutting your metal pipe with a pipe cutter. Here we used brass pipe, a harder material that won’t bend or break too easily like copper or aluminum. Measurearound the planterthat you want to hang to customize to your size. Here we used a small bowl. Cut 5 equal sized shorter pieces for the bottom (ours were 2.5 inches each, 5 equal sized longer pieces for the middle portion (ours were 3 inches each), and 5 more equal sized long pieces for the top portion (ours were 6 inches each).

geometric metal tubing hanging planter tutorial View in gallery

Step 2: Prepare twine

Cut 5 very long equal sized pieces of twine (or whatever material you are using to thread the metal tubes).

Step 3: Threading process

Start building your base by threading through one of the small pieces on 2 pieces of twine.

DIY geometric metal tubing hanging planter View in gallery

Step 4: Building the base

Continue building your base by taking one of the strands that you threaded through the first metal piece, and thread that along with a new piece of twine through the second metal piece. Continue doing this until you have threaded all 5 pieces. For the very last piece instead of threading on a new piece of twine it will thread back through the original first piece of string (see top 2 photos above).

Step 5: Tight knot

Pull everything tight and even out each piece of twine so that all the pieces left are even (each of the 2 pieces at the points of the pentagon).

Step 6: Thread the pentagon

At each point of the pentagon, thread the 2 pieces up through the 1 of the medium and 1 of the large sized metal pieces. Continue this for each point of the pentagon.

DIY geometric hanging planter View in gallery

geometric hanging planter DIY View in gallery

Step 7: Hanging

Once all of the pieces are threaded through, tie all the pieces together in a knot and use another piece of twine to hang the whole planter. Plant a few plants in the bowl and place inside the hanger. Find the perfect corner or hook to hang your new planter!

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