
Scandinavian interior designis one of the most popular home styles of the last decades. This home style, known for its neutral color palette, earthy decor, and simple style embodies ideas that go beyond an interior design aesthetic.

Scandinavian Interior Design
Jen Samson设计

According to the斯堪的纳维亚标准, Scandinavian interior design ideas are meant to “compliment the art of living well by a simple home environment”. This edited home environment allows one to embrace a life that is not weighed down by excess. This home style encourages a simple lifestyle in the present and contributes to a more sustainable future.

What is Scandinavian Interior Design?

斯堪的纳维亚室内设计风格来自共同被称为斯堪的纳维亚的国家。These countries includeSweden, Denmark, and Norway。有时包括芬兰和冰岛,但这些属于一个更广泛的北欧国家。

The history, culture, and geography of these countries bind them together. While the modern Scandinavian interior design is similar, they each have a style that is unique for each country.

Traditional Scandinavian interior design has a long history. It came to international attention in the 1950s. It emerged around the same time as the modern movement in Europe and North America. It was a design style with the core ideas of simplicity, minimalism, and functionality.

The designers that embodied the Scandinavian style wanted their style to be available to all people, not just the rich and powerful. Therefore, they utilized mechanisms that made the style available at a lower cost. These designers forged a unique blend between industrialization and craftsmanship. Some of the most famous Nordic designers wereHans Wegner,Arne Jacobsen,Verner Panton,Eero Aarnio, andEero Saarenin

Scandinavian Interior Design Basics

  • 简单– Scandinavian style interior design is known for its simple and uncluttered aesthetic. This mindset and lifestyle allow the people in the home to live an unencumbered existence free from both physical and mental distractions.
  • Nature– Scandinavians value their deep connections to nature, so you will see an abundance of natural materials in their interior designs. This keeps the connection to nature strong even when they are indoors and promotes a deep sense of peace and beauty.
  • Neutral Colors– One of the most important Scandinavian interior design characteristics is the use of a neutral and light color palette. In traditional Scandinavian interior design this was a way to brighten the indoors during the long gray winter days and dark nights.
  • Form Follows Function斯堪的纳维亚家具and decor have clean and simple lines and lack superfluous ornamentation. The interior design styles embrace open space and do not have every space filled with extra pieces.

Scandinavian Interior Design in Practice

So how do you put these Scandinavian interior design principles into practice? We have gathered some interior design examples to help flesh out these ideas. Through these examples, we can help you understand how to use these principles in your own home spaces.

Neutral Color Foundation

Neutral Color Foundation
Decorotation Interiors

Scandinavian countries are known for their gray skies and long dark winters. This geographic influence has led to the development of bright but calm interior spaces. These light interiors are the foundation of cozy Scandinavian interior design. This means light and neutral-colored walls and foundational furniture is the norm – think white, cream, beige, and gray.

If you don’t know where to start, check out theHygge Paint Colorsfrom Benjamin Moore. This palette focuses on warm and nuanced neutrals that blend together to create a seamless whole.

Earth Tone Accents

Earth Tone Accents
IDF Studio

Most Scandinavian interiors have a neutral foundation, but there are also decor accents with vivid earth tones. This means colors that reflect the outdoors including sky blue, burnt sienna, evergreen, deep ochre, midnight navy, sage green, and muddy brown. Accent with these colors on walls but also in accents like throw pillows, wall art, area rugs, and furniture.

Embrace Balance

Embrace Balance
Sarah & Friends Interiors

Scandinavian interior design does not contain superfluous items that sit around and collect dust. Instead, include just the items that you use or that you love. This does not mean that you are embracing minimalist Scandinavian interior design.

The Modern Danesuggests that those embracing Scandinavian design aim for拉戈姆。This is a Swedish word that means “just right”. In other words, strive for balance in your space between items that you want and need and those you don’t.

This is not just a one-time endeavor, but it is a lifestyle that you embrace and strive for through every purchase that you make for your home decor.

Add Natural Elements

Add Natural Elements
Vintage Elements

A deep connection to the natural world is one of the most grounding features of Scandinavian design interior spaces. Include elements in your designs that utilize materials like stone, wood, glass, wool, and cotton.


Open Concept Living Areas

Open Concept Living Areas
Regan Wood Photography

北欧室内设计倾向于一个简单的和unadorned style, so it is no wonder that Scandinavian architecture favors open floor plans. These floor plans maximize the light and minimize the visual separation and clutter that walls between rooms create.

If you are designing your Scandinavian home from scratch, utilize an open floor plan for the public areas like the kitchen, dining room, and living room.



This may seem an obvious guideline, but you can create the most authentic Scandinavian design interior style by using Scandinavian-style furniture. Focus both on style and on quality pieces as both are important.

Much of the Scandi furniture style is simple andmid-century modernlike the classic elbow chair design from Hans Wegner used in this Scandinavian modern interior design. If you buy classic-style furniture that is good quality, you will not need to replace these chairs often.

Focus on the Foundation

Focus on the Foundation

The most favored floor choice in Scandinavian interior design is wood.Wood flooring因其泥土质地,温暖和颜色而受到重视。如果您喜欢较软的表面,请不要考虑墙壁地毯。相反,请考虑大区域的地毯以定义房屋中的空间。beplay平台没信用地毯有助于定义开放的居住空间中的不同区域,并在设计中提供颜色溅出。

Consider Contrast

Consider Contrast
凯特琳·沃尔夫(Kaitlyn Wolfe)的标志性

高对比度是斯堪的纳维亚内饰的常见设计特征。使用浅色和深色最容易实现这一目标。凯特琳·沃尔夫(Kaitlyn Wolfe)创造了这个斯堪的纳维亚室内设计卧室by creating a dark wall as a focal point and placing a white bed against it.


Natural and Artificial Light

Natural and Artificial Light

Because of the long and dark winter season, the interior of Scandinavian homes are built to reflect as much light as possible. Keep the windows as open as you can. If you need to add windows for privacy, usecurtainsor shades that are light and natural in texture and color.

在设计中添加多层温暖的人造光也很重要。考虑这种现代质朴的斯堪的纳维亚室内设计。Swanson beplay平台没信用Homes将窗户固定不整整,并分层任务和环境光源,使业主可以根据需要整天和晚上调整光线。


Dichotomy Interiors

The Danish wordhygge, pronounced “hoo-gah”, is synonymous with warmth and comfort. It is an important concept in Scandinavian style. This does not contradict minimalist design as Scandinavian minimalist interior designs is a popular and well-beloved style. Rather, hygge softens all versions of Scandi style by bringing in plush textures, soft slippers, side tables for books and cups of tea, candles, and a fireplace.

Hygge also embraces the idea that your design doesn’t need to look perfect all the time, so the unmade bed and the draped throw blanket is right at home in Scandinavian style interior design.

What are the New Trends in Scandinavian Interior Design Style?

What are the New Trends in Scandinavian Interior Design Style
Tamara Magel Studio

Scandinavian interior design is a style that has a timeless quality to it, but all styles change in some fashion with the passage of time. Look for a use of brighter colors in Scandi interiors as well as throwback designs to retro style that were popular in the 80s and 90s. Also, look for broader use of patterns and use of luxurious materials in Scandinavian design.

How Can I Add Scandinavian Interior Design Style to My Home?


Add in natural decor like plants, wood furniture, leather, and stone accents. Change your window coverings to make them more minimal and pare down all the furniture and decor in your home.

Scandinavian interior design is one of the most popular and the most enduring interior design styles of our time. It has remained popular since the 1950s because of the gorgeous look of the style and because of the ideas that undergird the style.

