10 Tips for Incorporating Spring Pastels Into Your Home

Spring is on it’s way which means it’s time to put away the winter decor and bring out the spring pastels. If you were thinking that I was going to tell you to turn your living room into a pastel palace worthy of Marie Antoinette’s parlor, forget it. Too much of those light shades and you’ll have a room looking like it belongs to an old cat lady. But with theright amount of pastel popshere and there, you can bring the feel of spring into your home in a classy effortless way. Take a look at these 10 tips for bringing those spring shades out to play.

1. Bookshelf Baubles

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Bookshelves are a great place to start when it comes to decorating. Since they’re usually large, it’s an easy focal point for any room, so changing up your trinkets in between the books is a good idea. Trading out your navy blues for minty greens and bubble gum pinks will give it the feel of spring that such a large piece needs. (viaMy Attic)

2. Kitchen Linens

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If you use your kitchen at all, you probably have a large collection of dish towels and napkins and tablecloths. Spring is the perfect season to show off those pastel stripes and spots and plaids that you’ve been saving. It will当然提高看起来复活节的brunch. (viaDonkey and the Carrot)

3. Rugs

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Adding a rug to a room just pulls everything together and while the larger ones may be out of your price range, smaller sizes are much more affordable. For spring decorating, find a smaller rug that displays your favorite pastel colors and layer it on top of your every-day rug. You’ll be surprised at the difference it will make. (viaCupcakes and Cashmere)

4. Plant Pots

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Your greenery deserves a taste of spring too! Do a bit of online shopping forsome pastel pots或者一些油漆和油漆你的红土花盆yourself. Not only will it bring that spring pop into the room, it will make your plants look greener and healthier against such a pale color. (viaInstagram)

5. Dipped Chairs

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Dipped furniturehas been sweeping the nation so utilizing the trend for the spring season is a grand idea. You can dip backs or legs, use one color or several, however you want to impact your dining room. It will bring a sense of springtime fun to dinner. (via Hally’s)

6. Curtains

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Everyone can agree the curtains are ahugefocal point when it comes to interior decorating. A room just isn’t complete without them. So if they’re such a big deal, shouldn’t we be changing them out with the changing seasons? Hanging pastel drapes will make a huge spring impact in your home, not to mention giving a room a diffused pastel glow. (viaArt and Chic)

7. Office Storage

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Whether it’s yourhome officeor your cubicle at work, office storage is an absolute must for everyone. Trade out some of your plain colored boxes and trays for pastel tones that will brighten up your space and bring a springy feel to work. Plus it will make you smile on Mondays. Win win. (viaTwo Twenty One)

8. Craft Supplies

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If you’re a crafter, you probably already have lots of paper, washi tape, silk flowers and thread in pastel shades. That’s free decorating right there! Put them to use by displaying them in your crafting space, be that a craft room or the kitchen table. (viaTorie杰恩)

9. Throw Pillows

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I think every interior decorating enthusiast could argue that you can never have too many throw pillows. So you’re excused to replace yours with pastel shades. Whether you buy the pillows or just exchange pillow covers, it will bring spring to your living space or bedroom or wherever you keep them. (viaBright Bazaar)

10. Painted Furniture

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Some people are super pastel lovers and that’s okay. If you’re one of them, consider using pastel paint to transform a statement piece of furniture. A dining room table, a dresser, your living room side tables, if it can benefit from a new coat of paint then go mint. (viaFjeldborg)
