
Garden sheds are very common and that’s because of their multiple functionalities. They can be used for storage for all the items you no longer have room for in your house but mostly for garden supplies and tools. Also, they commonly used for hobbies. They’re like a mini-home for all your collection items and memorabilia, like a sanctuary for personal items. Moreover, garden sheds also make great workshop spaces. And since their functionality varies from person to person and from type to type, so does their design.

Easy garden shed


Easy garden shed

这是一个非常漂亮的棚子,它与最初由J. Merrill Brown在1887年设计的主房屋相匹配。实际上,这就像主要住宅的微型版本。为外部选择的颜色很简单,但是很漂亮,屋顶也很迷人。它的外观非常时尚,就像上面介绍的棚屋的更新,更优雅的版本。

Easy garden shed

When building a shed it’s important to be able to envision it two years later. That’s because garden sheds are truly beautiful and reach their full potential when they are surrounded by wonderful green vegetation. This storage shed is a perfect example. The colors chosen for its exterior also help it integrate into the surroundings.

Easy garden shed


Easy garden shed


Easy garden shed


Easy garden shed

This is another garden shed/ miniature house. It even has a door and windows just like a regular home. It was originally in bag condition but it has been restored and brought to its former beauty. Its original charm was also preserved and the shed currently serves as a tool shop with the potential of becoming a studio.

Easy garden shed

这个花园小屋非常重视它的名字。它’s placed in the middle of the garden and stands out with its cute white design. It’s a lovely addition to the landscape and it’s very functional as well. It’s great for storing all the garden tools and it also serves as a comfortable work space and a lovely area for relaxation and for entertaining friends.

Easy garden shed

This is a shed that integrates nicely into the landscape. It has a steeply pitched roofline and resembles the angles found in birdhouses, on a larger scape of course. Even though it’s small comparative to other garden sheds we’ve seen so far, it still provides space for relaxation and entertainment but this time in the form of a very lovely space with a white picket fence and a couple of comfortable chairs.

Easy garden shed

This structure is quite different from all the sheds presented so far. First of all, it’s not actually a shed but just a structure with a design similar to that of a shed but one that you can walk right through. Still, it’s perfect for storing garden tools in and it has a simple, rustic charm. The image is completed by the stone path leading to this pseudo-shed.

Easy garden shed


Easy garden shed


Easy garden shed


Easy garden shed


Easy garden shed
Easy garden shed

And since we started with a simple shed, we’re going to finish in the same tone. This cute garden shed has a very lovely, simple and clear look. It’s made with prefab wall panels and doors and windows that slip into precut openings, making the building process very quick and easy. Then all you have to go id decorate it with hanging baskets and boxes and add beautiful plants.

Picture sources: 1,2,,,,4,,,,5,,,,6,,,,and rest frombhg}。
