
大多数空间(客厅、卧室、餐饮区域,even hallways, kitchens and bathrooms) can benefit from a furniture piece such as an accent chest of drawers. This is the type of accessory that can complete a decor and make a space feel more comfortable by simply offering some extra storage and, in a lot of cases, by looking exquisite. It’s important to position the accent cabinet in a good spot so it can stand out without being overwhelmed by other furniture pieces or decorations. The role of accent cabinets is both a functional and a decorative one.

Bocadolobo口音柜的宫殿和D Manuel 在画廊中查看

In the recent years a lot of past trends and styles have become fashionable again. They are, of course, adapted and transformed to suit our modern needs, both stylistic and functional. Theaccent cabinet is the perfect example for this.

这里显示的另一个美丽的橱柜是D. Manueland was named after King Manuel I of Portugal. Its forms are inspired by the city skyline and allow the piece to look a lot like a modern sculpture.

来自Esential Home的Kahn餐具柜beplay平台没信用 在画廊中查看

卡恩餐具柜has a lot of potential. It’s a low piece of furniture which can be placed in a lot of settings such as in the living room below the TV, on the hallway as a console table alternative or in the dining room against a wall. The design is elegant and very practical with lots of drawers and storage compartments.

Uluru Womb Sideboard 在画廊中查看


Glencoe Accent Chest from Womb 在画廊中查看

Nature and its amazing beauty were also the source of inspiration for theGiencoeaccent cabinet. This time the design mimics the organic and sculptural character of the Giencoe baobab trees found deep in the heart of Africa. The trees are famous for being among the oldest in the world and they’re also known for their large dimensions.

Yellow Accent Chest Design 在画廊中查看

灰白色dolce vita胸部 在画廊中查看

Labarere提供的Dolce Vita系列是由非常特殊的风格定义的,具有强烈的老式影响力和一些工业魅力。这Chest 2 doors这里以美丽的黄色阴影在这里展出,具有不寻常的设计,足以适合各种样式和空间。

Brick accent grey chest 在画廊中查看

Paola Navone是Brick Collection背后的创意思维,这是一系列具有简单和多功能设计的存储单元。砖69is a cabinet with four modules. The frame is made of walnut and the doors are covered with buttoned fabric. The frame comes in a variety of finishes such as white, gray, blue, black and walnut.

意大利橱柜黑色 在画廊中查看

Revive the beauty and elegance of the 1950s with anItalian drinks cabinet这样的该设计很简单,并由光滑的线条和气势般的轮廓定义。橱柜是餐厅的完美补充。

zeloufandbell Accent Sideboard 在画廊中查看

家具制造商Zelouf + Bell邀请我们进入一个精致而迷人的世界beauty with sideboardsthat bring forth images and forms inspired by nature. This particular accent cabinet can easily serve as a piece of artwork for像客厅这样的空间or dining area.

弯曲的餐具柜设计 在画廊中查看

Coming from the same designers,credenzassuch as theCurved Briques作品设法坚固而又大,而实际上是那样的。这一切都与平滑的曲线以及软线结合了自然色的重音和水平条纹。

柜子的金色 在画廊中查看

法拉夫拉Womb Design 在画廊中查看


来自Esential Home的金色Accent Monocles橱柜beplay平台没信用 在画廊中查看


单片餐具柜 在画廊中查看

Monocles sideboard与上面的内阁非常相似。它们是同一系列的一部分,橱柜和餐具柜版本都引人注目,并意味着脱颖而出。金属方面和尖端以一种非常愉快的方式补充木头。木材的温暖与金属的凉爽性质接触,从而使餐具柜具有前卫的外观。

头骨胸部前图 在画廊中查看


Geometric pattern on sideboard 在画廊中查看

Some accent cabinets put a lot of emphasis on the aesthetic of the design. This, for example, is a piece with an intricate geometric pattern which plays with neutrals such as black, white and gray.

Accent purple zebra design 在画廊中查看


胸部粉红色和白色斑马图案 在画廊中查看


橱柜上的黑白图案 在画廊中查看

